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Posted by deja vu (Member # 7656) on :
Hello everyone....I am a long term lyme/babesia patient (10 years)who had a "remission" for about 2 years due to long term IV (primaxin). Although I never was functioning at 100%, I really felt that lyme was behind me.

As of last November I tested postive again for lyme (put back on oral zithro), negative for babesia altho my RBC was low. Long story short, I really started a bad decline this past April. Zithro was stopped due to complete numbness in both arms for 3 weeks and since then i have been trying to get candida under control (thinking that may be the cause of my symptoms as i had neglected my yeast free diet after feeling well again). I am presently seeing a DO who is doing a whole work up on me (vit/mineral deficiences, hormones, allergies, glucose, etc) but really feel it is still the lyme and not sure which way to go for treatment after doing antibiotics on/off for past 10 years. My lyme doc is now away for the next few months and i am basically home bound and stressed about each day feeling worse. Has anyone had any luck with natural therapies or do i need to start up a different antibiotic again? Is there a best antibiotic out there to take now. I never tried doxy/or minocycline but just about every other one.

Ugh this is really tough as i have not been able to work and am dependent on my elderly parents who now have to drive me around again to appts. They have been through too much with this already 10 years (and my divorce). I am not sure I can handle going through this again and feel really alone. Aside from the financial factor after 10 years of doctors and treatment. This is like a nightmare all over again. Sorry to make this so long just hoping to figure out the right thing to do.


Posted by Beverly (Member # 1271) on :
Hi deja vu,

I am sorry to hear you have had a relapse.

Were you treated for the Babesia? Babs can be hard to get rid of and sometimes people need to be re-treated.

Good luck to you and God Bless.

[This message has been edited by Beverly (edited 21 July 2005).]

Posted by PeakdeSoul (Member # 7619) on :
When antibiotics fail...

Worked for me.


Posted by trails (Member # 1620) on :
Have you tried Mepron and Zithromax for babesia? It the "latest" treatment reg. that is being used. It is pretty intense though.

Also Artimisin. That is a chinese herb.

Do a search on this site for past posts about these treatments. Many many people here are using or have used these.

Sorry about the relapse, but good news is that you HAD remission so that means you can get back there again. Many have, you will too.


Posted by deja vu (Member # 7656) on :
Thanks for your support...I was treated for babesia (mepron for 2 years)while doing IV Primaxin. It was the worst time for me - so weak and major herxing. I am not so sure the babesia is still a factor or just the lyme. I don't think I can take Zithro anymore as it was the one oral drug that I could tolerate, but have taken it for literally over 5 years.

How would i know i have babesia still? My latest CBC showed normal RBC, while it was low last November. The babesia test and bartonella (both at Igenex) were neg last November. I am awaiting my lyme western blot right now but feel sure it will be positive. I am not sure what to do then - this DO is not a lyme doc, can prescribe an antibiotic and give support treatments (ie. vit c drips, diet, etc) but as far as his knowledge of treatment of long term lyme is not his specialty. I think i need another lyme doc preferably closer to home since i am not driving again. Does anyone have a recommendation somewhere close to Bergen County? Last i checked (years ago) there still were no competent lyme docs in my area.

Posted by trails (Member # 1620) on :
How about the artimisin? Many who cant tolerate mepron/zith do the art.


Posted by Corgilla (Member # 4066) on :
Hi deja vu,

Deja vu was my horse's name years ago. We called him DJ for short.

To find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor, go to the Seeking a doctor forum on here. You will need to post you email address if it isn't already in your setup. There are people who have compiled databases of doctors around the country (and probably even the world) who will respond to you by email with doctors' names.

Also, you've been through this before but it never hurts to brush up on the latest knowledge. Find the link for new members (it should be on the first or second page) and see all the info that treepatrol has put together there. There are a whole bunch of natural support info links there too.

Best of Luck,


Posted by ICEiam (Member # 7519) on :
Please what is Artimisim and where do you get it????? Does it attack all TBD or just Lyme or Babs?

Thank you


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