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Posted by pattiecake (Member # 6424) on :
Im SOOOOOO tired all the time. I have no ambition. I have to drag myself to take care of our animals and my 2 kids. I find myself laying down constantly and then my kids are watching endless tv while I nap.

I HATE THAT! its been a lousey summer for them because I cant do much. I feel bad about it and Im depressed.

Iv also gained about 20 pounds since getting sick even tho Im pretty active around the farm. No one understand tho because im technically not overweight but for me I feel terrible.

I feel like Im very old. I hurt all over when I get up from any laying down or sitting, especially my knees and the bottoms of my feet. My r elbow hurts so bad I cant even lift a glass of water.

just needed to whine sorry

Posted by lyme_suz on :
Hi Pattiecake,

I am sorry that the summer has been a bummer.
I think that feeling like I'm not able to do the best for my kids is the thing that hurts the most. Drives me nuts when they are on the computer and TV-screens endlessly and I don't have the energy to redirect them. Ya know I watched TV and played outside on our farm summers as a kid. My mom was busy canning and all and didn't entertain us. I think that so far I have turned out all right. I bet they are learning important life lessons from all you're going's so hard at the time.
I hope that you feel better soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
How old are those kiddos?

Posted by pattiecake (Member # 6424) on :
Thanks Suz that was sweet. Im glad the farm life was good for you.

My kids are 6 and 11. (they both have lyme and co. too but are doing ok)

Luckily they have a great time with the animals. My mom never entertained me either, i think this is a modern mom guilt. :0)


Posted by liz28 on :
I just started the great rifampin herx, mostly because you told me to--so it's all your fault, Pattiecake.

Anyway, I started CoQ10 two days ago, at 12 hour intervals from mepron. It's already shaved one minute off my mile (jogging) and given me lots more energy. Also, it always seems helpful to take an anti-inflammatory that you feel comfortable with.

Posted by pattiecake (Member # 6424) on :
Liz sorry about the herx from rifampin but I DO HOPE it helps you, it really really helped kick butt in my son. I may end up trying it. Not sure if the levaquin is cutting it for me.

You are jogging????? WOW! im envious! I used to run 5K's (8 minute miles) when I was 35.

Now Im 40 and feeling like crapola. I wanted to be my ultimate best when turning 40 and instead I have THIS!!!

Keep me posted on the rifampin progress.

Posted by mik (Member # 7261) on :
pattie cake, do you mind my asking what your story is? I'm intrigued being a mother of a son with lyme and a runner myself. Just reading your post makes my heart ache for you. You've got enough to deal with without adding guilt to the list. I used the T.V. to get me through horrendous pregnancies. I look back on that and realize now how useless my guilt was over the issue. Sometimes you have to do what's necessary to survive. I agree, my mom was awesome and I don't remember her ever playing with me. You're right, the guilt is definately a modern notion.
Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :

I think coq10 is totally contraindicated with mepron..even 12 hours apart from it..they both fight for the same receptor site and both use the red blood cells for oxygen...

check dr. b's guidelines..just be careful..k?

I know it's a big no no...


Posted by auntybiotic1499 (Member # 2998) on :
I agree, COQ10 interacts with both Mepron and Rifampin thru the P 450 Cytochrome system, Can be very dangerous to take these medications together. Please be careful.
Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Hi Pattiecake,

Hope you catch a brake.

You only gained 20lbs???!!!!! Try lugging around and extra 50lbs. And I'm only 5'4" - 37 years old.

5 years ago I was still doing backbends. Now I'm lucky if I can work 3 days a week.

Kids!!!???? You must be exhausted. Everyone loves thier kids but it's work work work.

Hope you and your babies feel better,

Posted by ivebinlymed2 (Member # 7330) on :
Hey patticake,

I learned some of lifes best lessons on Sesame Street, Romper Room and Captain Kangaroo. I know that you want to run and play with those kids, but they will be fine.

I had an upbringing like Lyme Suz. I watched a lot of tv, rode my bike, played with friends outside. My mother had five kids. Need I say more?

It sounds like your kids have a good life with lots of animals to love on and take care of. Those are good life lessons, learning to care of others.

I am sure they love you very much and know if you had your rathers, you would be frolicking around the yard with them.

Taking good care of you is most important right now, so those days will return when you can play and they will!

Please take care and don't beat yourself up anymore! You are entitled to whine, just no more guilt, okay?

Posted by mimi (Member # 6680) on :
PC, sorry you have had a rough summer. I hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine having to take care of kids and deal with work and this. I can relate though our summers are the same except i don't have kids to worry about and i have gained 70 lbs. now and i'm 4'11" so i do understand. I will keep you in my thoughts and please hang in there and know you are not alone my hope is that someday SOON we will all be well. Good luck and God bless
Posted by liz28 on :
Yikes, sorry to possibly give you wrong info, Pattiecake. It sounds like you've gotten some great advice, though. By the way, when you do have the opportunity to exercise again, which you will, it all seems to melt away pretty quickly except for (drumroll) the abs, of course. So don't worry, you'll get rid of the weight.

Another useful supplement for energy might be cordyceps. You don't have to get pricey stuff, the regular vitamin companies sell it.

Also, if you can stand a Lymenet analysis, would you consider listing what you are taking, and have been treated for? You've done a lot of abx already, and you always sounded very energetic and hopeful. It's surprising to hear your health has been acting up like this. We aren't docs, but who knows, maybe something will leap out as unusual from your description?

Posted by liz28 on :
PC--Just reread your post and saw you're on levaquin. Jeez, can that stuff be nasty. Some people have great luck with it, but you aren't alone in the negative effects you have experienced. That could very well be part of the problem.

Also, some people seem to prefer cipro, even though it is in the same drug class.


Posted by 1tick3victims (Member # 7445) on :
hi pattiecake,
i'm sorry to hear you aer feeling so cruddy. just wanted you to know someone is thinking of you and hoping you'll catch a few good days soon.

i'm in the same boat.

my mom took my 2 kids for a few days, so I could try to get some stuff done around here (mostly bills unpaid) and all I can do is sleep. everytime my mom calls I feel like I want to lie and tell her I'm busy because that's why she took the kids, but I can't bare to lie, and must confess that I have no problems sleeping until 2-3pm. I barely get up to take care of the dog myself.

i'm too out of it to offer you any really uplifting advice. wish i could help out more. i'll be thinking of yoou. take care,

Posted by pattiecake (Member # 6424) on :
yu know that is why I love this place! You guys are always here when needed. Thank you!! I always try to glean the positive out of the negative and you people here are definately the positive.

Mik, I have always been active and miss running a lot. I used to run with my daughter in one of those awesome jogging strollers when she was a baby.

I had lyme for the first time 8 years ago and think my son may have gotten it in utero as I got pregnant 3 months after finishing my ABX.

I did not feel sick however for the 6 years inbetween getting bitten again. I do think I was fine. I had been on meds the first time for 9 months and that was within 2 weeks of being bitten the first time!

My son had many problems early on from being born full term @ 8'11oz to failure to thrive at 3 months, leaky gut, vaccine damage, systemic candida etc. He was a mess for a long long time.

I did not know when he was a baby that lyme could have been an issue but I knew that when he got a round of boosters he got worse and worse. So we found out he had high heavy metals from the vaccines by testing and then we did chelation, yeast fighting, gluten free diet, and suppliments and he got much better but still had a HORRIBLE temper and NEVER seemed happy.

He had been bitten by a tick so we took him to Dr. J as he was not feeling well and Dr. J suspected bartonella based on his horrible rages and treated him for it. FOr the first time in his life he seems happy now. sweet and content not angry and nasty. (he is only 6)He also had vocal tics that disappeared.

We decided 2 years ago to move to a "gentlemen farm" so we could offer something different for our kids and get horses, goats a few banty chickens (and now I just got guinea chicks). Well right off the bat I got bitten many times the first spring and immediately got sick. It took me 2 years to get proper treatment.

I kept trying to work within the insurance system because I have to pay out of pocket for my children and could not afford it. Well 2 wasted years and guess what? Im PAYING anyway in more ways then one. MY doctor is a really good LLMD and I should have tried to scrape up the $$$ a long time ago. MY OWN FAULT. It is very tough all our bills.

Well My story is long and tedious and I wont bore you with anymore details except that my kids are recovering nicely (so far) and my hope is that I will too. I need a normal life. I know everyone here deserves the same.

THank you all ((hugs))

Posted by mik (Member # 7261) on :
Thank you, Pattiecake. It seems like the tedious details of everyone else's stories is the most helpful information for us yet. I've started praying for you, will continue.

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