This is topic Pulse too HIGH -- T3 DANGEROUSLY HIGH -- Looking for Sympathy -- got any? in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by DR. Wiseass (Member # 6777) on :
Well - my resting pulse is that of a rabbit -- anywhere from 105 - 120+ -- my LLMD says: "go to bed". OK, no problem, even though the in-laws will be at my house in 2 days.

Then LLMD calls last nite & says: T3 (thyroid) is in DANGEROUS levels around 800 this time (normal range 200-400) -- and that my heart could just STOP. He says for me to stop my T3 med and...stay in bed.

OK -- no problem. I'm used to filth. Maybe mom-in-law will clean house.

So I'm writing this from the comfort of my bed....trying to slow my breathing, and as soon as my 75 year old Granmother (who's in better health than me) gets back from the pharamacy -- I think I shall sedate myself for a nice little nap.

Anyone else experience this? If so, please make me feel better -- tell me your experience. Since you're still alive - I know it will cheer me.

Also - my 11 yr old was tested for Bb -- waiting for WB to come back from Igenex -- meanwhile, doc says she has a low ANA positive - which is quite common for we lymies.

So doc wants me to stay CALM - but then drops that little bomb that my daughter may have gotten lyme from me?!? What is wrong with him???

I haven't told my daughter yet & am trying not to worry about it as my resting heart rate is that of someone actively SPRINTING down the d*mn street!

OK -- I'm ready - pour on the sympathy.


Blessings to you and ME,

DR. Wiseass - not a real doc - just a real wise ass.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Well, you're in luck, Dr!! All my poor little body can muster is sympathy right now!!

I hear ya on the resting heart rate. When mine hit 140 last week, I felt like I was going to die. Aren't I comforting now??!

Gee...I can do better than this!!

I sincerely hope your daughter is Lyme-free. Does she have any symptoms? What a nightmare.

Yeah, your grandmother is most likely in much better health than you are! [OK, there I go being comforting again!]

I'm glad your LLMD checked your T3 level. Smart man. Sure hope things level out once your body adjusts to not having too much T3! did I do overall on the sympathy factor?? Can't blame a gal for trying!

Do not take anything I say as medical advice. I am not a doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express!

Posted by DR. Wiseass (Member # 6777) on :
Hey Tuti-Fruiti --

I was just thinking about you - as I know you have had pulse problems too. But just as I started thinking: "Where did I put her phone number..." I thought;

Geez - I don't really have the spare breath to talk on the phone.

I've been tachycardic for well over 2 years...I guess it's the T3 crap that's disturbing me the most.

Fortunately, my pain meds & muscle relaxers are starting to kick in and hopefully that will slow me way down and I will sleep peacefully ....and then WAKE UP later.

Thanks for your attempts at sympathy, Tu-Tu. How are YOU feeling, my dear? I think it was mighty gracious of you - who have been going through so much here lately to take time out of your day to spread the love this way.

I like you Tuti-Fruiti!

Hugs & Kisses, (OK - so maybe that's the meds talking..)

DR. Wiseass - not a real doc - just a real wise ass.

Posted by bg (Member # 46416) on :
sorry to read you are down & out plus your daughter may have lyme too; when it pours.

Forget about the inlaws coming, and take care of yourself.

hang in there...


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I just called you. Your lovely daughter said you were indisposed, or overexposed, or something like that!

Hope you're resting well. I didn't think to leave my if you need it, check your caller ID {?}...or call Ms Beverly!

Do not take anything I say as medical advice. I am not a doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express!

Posted by pattiecake (Member # 6424) on :
Hey doc,
u still manage to make me laugh even when you are down and out! NOT that Im making light of your situation but the way you wright makes me laugh.

I do know how scarey racing heart can be because I had a reaction to meds combined with otc cold medicine and my heartrate jumped to 156 beats a minute and my neck started to twist around on its own and wouldnt go back.

Had to go to the hospital 3 times for that one! I was only 22 and didnt know any better than to combine meds LOL.

I sincerely hope you rested well and things start to improve. Please keep us posted as Ill be worried!

Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Hi Dr W,

Please rest up and feel better. Sorry you are having a rough time.

I hope your daughter doesn't have or get Lyme.

Always here for you,

Posted by ellenluba (Member # 1707) on :
I keep going from hyper thyroid to hypothyroid and back again. so I'm familiar with the pulse thing. I'm hyper right now and my resting pulse is just over a hundred. But not that long ago it was about 70. My pulse has been the way I know what my thyroid is doing before I get the test results.

Getting off the T3 meds should really help your pulse go down pretty soon. Hang in there. I know it's a scary symptom , and it doesn't help for your doctor to say your T3 is "dangerously" high. Really must have helped you calm right down.

QUOTE]Originally posted by HEATHERKISS:
Hi Dr W,

Please rest up and feel better. Sorry you are having a rough time.

I hope your daughter doesn't have or get Lyme.

Always here for you,


Posted by mbroderick (Member # 5220) on :
Jordan (my 19-yr-old) had a resting heartrate of 120 for the first year after being diagnosed. The LLMD put him on Toprol XL (a beta blocker). He's now taking only 1/4 of a tablet instead of the whole one that he had to take a year-and-a-half ago. Brought the heartrate back to 70.
Posted by lifeline (Member # 3445) on :
Hi Wise,

My thyroid fluctuates terribly since Lyme, and my cardio doc took me completely off Cytomel 50 mcg qd due to a rapid heart beat after doing a treadmill stress test.

So, after being off your T3 med (which one do you take?), it should help considerably.

After being completely off the meds, I got so sluggish, fatigued, etc, and I'm back on, but only 5 mcg which will be increased about another 1/2 in about a week. Also on 75 mcg of Synthroid.

Thyroid has been one of my major problems that can't seem to be regulated.

I hope your daughter is Lyme free. I hope your heart rate stabilizes, and I wish we all didn't have these problems!

Hang in there,


Posted by 8man12 (Member # 7664) on :
Been there done that.Sinus Tachycardia,,see if your llmd will call in some klonopin.It stops spasms,etc.It is great for lyme because lyme is so multisystemic.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Lifeline and might research MCT or fractionated coconut oil. You can get it at GNC. It's supposed to help regulate the thyroid.

So after getting off the T-3, this may help even things out.

Be sure to get the kind that is pure coconut other "stuff" added to it.

Do not take anything I say as medical advice. I am not a doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express!

Posted by Michelle M (Member # 7200) on :
Goodness. You are NOT having fun. Just a few sessions of that heartbeat-in-the-mouth thing while having a bad herx convinced me I wouldn't want to do it a lot!

Are you on Armour?

Going off that should fix you right up in the hyper department pretty quick. That stuff has a pretty short half-life, I'm thinkin. Some people split their doses throughout the day.

I'm the opposite... Lyme made me HYPOthyroid. I take Synthroid. In the hospital, I frighten nurses because the little monitors go off constantly because my heart rate is so low (usually in the 40's) that people mistake me for an athlete. Or either expiring. One or the other.

About your daughter. How is she feeling? My daughter was recently diagnosed as a Lymie. Her symptoms are very mild, though she's CDC positive. We're trying to treat it like the serious business it IS, but NOT let it overwhelm her. She's playing soccer. Acting like any reg'lar 13-year-old know-it-all.

We're lucky, I know.

I hope it's no worse for your daughter... if in fact she tests positive.

Now. Let your grandmother tend you and rest up.

Things ALWAYS look better in the morning. 'Specially with a slower heart rate!!




Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
Hi WA,
I hope the reason you haven't posted again is that you're getting some good quality sleep.

Your grandmother sounds like a honey. I hope she can make you behave.

Take care, and I hope you feel better soon!

Posted by DR. Wiseass (Member # 6777) on :
Well Sports-Fans...

My heart is still racing...but it's more of a faint racing -- doesn't feel like its gonna beat out of my chest -- so I don't know if that's good or bad.

For the record, I take Synthroid AND Cytomel. I have stopped the Cytomel (T3) and hope it is now out of my system.

I have been doing my best to keep myself calm and pretty much sedated - hoping the sedation might slow my heart rate down a bit. (This is called self-medicating for those of you interested in the big medical terminology...and I don't necessarily recommend it to others...but since I have a DR in my name I allow it for myself.)

I thank those of you that have taken the time out of your busy, miserable lives to throw some sympathy/empathy my direction...and even a couple of identical beautiful floral arrangements.

Of course both floral arrangements came with the sentiment of: "YOU BIG WHINY BABY" which meant so very much to me. I'm touched...almost weeping in fact.

OK - well I've got some drama that has suddenly 'sprung' up -- just what a person with a rapid heart rate needs -- more d*mned drama!

Blessings to you; Peace for me...please!?

DR. Wiseass - not a real doc - just a real wise ass.

Posted by aiden424 (Member # 7633) on :
I'm on Synthroid too, have thyroid problems and Hashimoto's. I also take Atenolol which dropped my heart rate down into the 60's. Hope you get feeling better, and I sure hope your daughter doesn't have this!!

Originally posted by DR. Wiseass:
Well Sports-Fans...

My heart is still racing...but it's more of a faint racing -- doesn't feel like its gonna beat out of my chest -- so I don't know if that's good or bad.

For the record, I take Synthroid AND Cytomel. I have stopped the Cytomel (T3) and hope it is now out of my system.

I have been doing my best to keep myself calm and pretty much sedated - hoping the sedation might slow my heart rate down a bit. (This is called self-medicating for those of you interested in the big medical terminology...and I don't necessarily recommend it to others...but since I have a DR in my name I allow it for myself.)

I thank those of you that have taken the time out of your busy, miserable lives to throw some sympathy/empathy my direction...and even a couple of identical beautiful floral arrangements.

Of course both floral arrangements came with the sentiment of: "YOU BIG WHINY BABY" which meant so very much to me. I'm touched...almost weeping in fact.

OK - well I've got some drama that has suddenly 'sprung' up -- just what a person with a rapid heart rate needs -- more d*mned drama!

Blessings to you; Peace for me...please!?


Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
i figure i'll just add onto this topic, because my problem is pretty much in the same vein:

i also have some pretty serious tachycardia; my resting pulse is always, always above 100, and i've got a hefty dose of anxiety to go along with it (which makes it race even higher, of course). whenever i see doctors they're always alarmed at my pulserate, and never fail to doublecheck my wrist pulse.

anyway, i've had tachycardia for years, before any other lyme symptom presented itself. i'm just wondering, do you think it's dangerous? i've had a bunch of EKG's, all of which come out normal. fast, but normal. still, it freaks me out. i'm so afraid i'm gonna have a heart attack or something.

thanks everyone.

Posted by DR. Wiseass (Member # 6777) on :
Heiwalove -

Hey there - welcome to the Racing Pulse Club.

I think a lot of us Lymies probably have it -- but another doc told me it would not get resolved until my adrenal issues are resolved.

My response to that is: "Well, get moving, doc, cause this crap is wearing me out!"

I just talked to this doc's nurse a few minutes ago and I told her about my tachycardia and my fears. She said she used to work in the ER for many years and that if my heart rate was to ever get in the 150 - 170 range -- to bear down like I'm trying to have a bowel movement and that usually will get it to readjust.


She then said that if that doesn't work to go to the ER. Nice to know.

If Heather happens by here....I need to know how you put all those graphics in your posts - as I sure could have used a couple of great graphics fror this one! hahaha

Hope that helps Heiwalove. I think the key to getting any issue resolved is to keep pestering the h*ll out of your doc! At least that's MY method of choice!


DR. Wiseass - not a real doc - just a real wise ass.

Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by DR. Wiseass:
(This is called self-medicating for those of you interested in the big medical terminology...and I don't necessarily recommend it to others...but since I have a DR in my name I allow it for myself.)

Of course both floral arrangements came with the sentiment of: "YOU BIG WHINY BABY" which meant so very much to me. I'm touched...almost weeping in fact.

heehehehe!! You crack me up!

heiwa...I don't understand why your dr won't put you on beta blockers for the tachycardia? Have you had an echo done?

I would say it's the very least from the standpoint that your heart is beating twice as fast as it should.

When mine is above 95 I feel like pulling my hair out. It still gets high even with the atenolol.

Do not take anything I say as medical advice. I am not a doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express!

Posted by tabbytamer (Member # 3159) on :
Dear Dr.:

Are you feeling any better yet?

How much T3 have you been taking?

I'm on the Synthroid/Cytomel routine also. And adjust the Cytomel dose depending on how I feel.

When I start getting bursts of panic sensations for apparently no reason, that's my clue to stop the T3 for a while.

But, here's the kicker, if I stop it for too long my TSH levels skyrocket. And I feel beyond my typical exhaustion.

It would be nice to find a happy medium in there somewhere, wouldn't it?

Sending happy thoughts your way:



Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
i haven't had an echo done yet. i will definitely ask my doctor about that. i have a question, though, which may sound rather stupid; but i'll ask it anyway:

would anxiety alter the results of the echo? because i can tell you for sure that the test would freak me out; anything involving my heart sends my anxiety into a tailspin. or could they somehow differentiate between anxiety and an actual structural impairment?


Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
Posted by lemonhead (Member # 6267) on :
Well Dr. Wiseass,
It is really hard for me to throw you this sympahthy thing when you call yourself wiseass but i guess you know who you are. I call myself pointless. Maybe i will change my handle on the discussion forum.

Sympathy, heartrate got up to 160 today after doing a 3 minute step test for workers comp. The tech. says, "Are you nervous,", I told him no not necessarily. I should have said, yes i am nervous, you are going to be writing test results for OWCP that may chane my husbands and my life.

He said, your heart rate shouldnt be up to 160 after 3 minutes of step testing. I told him there are a lot things that aretn quite right when you have Lyme.

I will quit on the me getting sympathy and work on you. My favorite to feel better when feeling like i need sympathy or helping someone else is....

Go and look into a mirror where you can see half your body at least. Now stop laughing at what you look like in the mirror, this wont work if you do.

Wrap your arms around your back as far back as you can.

Turn around and look at your back then, and look, that will be me, hugging you.

Take care



Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
up again
Posted by DR. Wiseass (Member # 6777) on :
Hey all -

Thanks for the continued 'sympathy/empathy' as I still feel like hammered dog @#$% ! (Don't you ever wonder who comse up with such a saying?)

Heiwalove - I don't know the answewr to your question. I'm miserable AND clueless.

It just keeps gettin' better & better.

Up again for Heiwalove's question. Any smart people awake out there?

DR. Wiseass - not a real doc - just a real wise ass.

Posted by tabbytamer (Member # 3159) on :
Well, I'm up--don't know about the smart part.

But I wouldn't think that anxiety would alter any structural function of the heart. Just maybe increase the heart rate.

Anyone else?



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