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Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I never kept book except keeping the sheet of paper we were handed every time we saw our doctor describing the steps to take for the next few weeks (months sometimes when he was out of the country). They are well filed away and this is from memory:

This a list of drugs and supplements I took and the various therapies that accompanied them.

All were tested with ART (muscle tested) before I took any. If a remedy did not test well for me with ART, no matter how well it may have worked on other patients, I would not take them (including antibiotics). It takes a good ART practitioner a few minutes to test this.

It happened several times that antibiotics did not test positive for me - so I would not take them, but just wait a few weeks or months. Most of them, except as noted, I took for a month or less, repeating as needed.

I n e v e r never took anything constantly/every day, thereby avoiding becoming incompatible or allergic to a medicine or remedy. My total length of consuming abx was approx. 6-8 months (2.5 months of it IV Rocephin) distributed over approx. five years.

My regimen changed every few weeks or few months. What tested with ART as the dominant problem in my body, that is what was treated. If I tested positive for metals, metal treatment was done. If I tested positive for viruses, that was addressed. If I tested positive for parasites with ART, that problem was addressed. I never suffered a ``herxheimer'' I am sure for this very reason. I may have had a better or not-so-good a day. But usually, remedial action in form of colonics, lymphactic drainage, neural therapy would take care of that. If the organs are blocked or overloaded, no use adding more burden. That's my doctor's philosophy.

Rocephin IV 2-1/2 months
Hyaluronic Acid
Mepron - didn't work
Artemesia (Zhang) - worked partially
Artemesinin by Holley Pharm accompanied by Microcurrent KMT22
Riamet (husband)

I took a total of 6-8 months antibiotics spread over five years - overall.

Garlic Freeze Dried - more like pounds of it
Ecomer Shark Liver Oil (antiviral) - 2 months
Seacure (antiviral) - 2 months
Pesticide and Chemical Protocol (proprietory) - 48 day program of Dr. K.
Essential Fatty Acids/fish oil / lots - for brain recovery Heavy metal detox -
DMPS (total of three injections over several months, IV and IM only when ART tested ), Cilantro tincture (lots), Chlorella pyrenoidosa (lots), PCA, NDF - only after removal of all amalgams. I will always take chlorella for maintenance.

Mineral IV's
Vitamin C plus mineral IV's
Colloidal silver - 30 days
Silver and hydrogen peroxide protocol - would not ever touch it again
Aurosol (gold)
Probiotics (Pharmax) lots
Liver Support
Lymphomiosot (creme and pills for drainage
Horsetail tea and other detox teas
Cholestyramine (little)
Betasitosterol (lots)
Olive Leaf Extract / early/lots/disappointing

B Complex- one month IM - never orally
B12 - 2 months
MSM - tons of it - still every day
Wobenzyme - lots until better products came on market such as Rechtsregulat
Multi Mins from Biotics - lots
Natural Salt (Hunza Salt and Real Salt - all the time)- avoid sea salt
Hormone homeopathics
Antiviral herbal treatments - six weeks
Hepa Merz (L-Ornithine) IV's)
Glutathione IV's) various combinations
SpiroNil / teasel
Lyme nosodes
Parasite cleanse: Arise and Shine; Sputnik, Albendazole, Cesol

Sanum Remedies Lyme Protocol
Goat Whey
Trace Minerals
Enderlein homeopathics
Electrolites - always
Lyme Transfer Factor - one bottle - too expensive and doubtful
Folic Acid - briefly
Occasionally a vitamin and/or mineral that tested deficient with ART or it became obvious that I should have it
Magnesium and calcium - daily/changing types

Below are most of the therapies that I received over a 5-6 year period which played major role in my recovery:

Neural Therapy (often) with procaine and/or DMPS to detox
Cranial-sacral treatments (lots)
Lymph drainage (lots)
Colonics (often)
Coffee enemas (few)
Bee Venom injections/pricks (a few months)
microcurrent-rife/ with most updated frequencies as in S21, KMT22 or KMT240 (not Rife/RF, etc., but microcurrent which is a current in a biological range that is healing).
CD's with microbial inhibition frequencies/sound (bacteria, viruses, parasiates, fungi, etc.)

Psychokinesiology, i.e. removing unresolved emotional conflicts, takes minutes with a good ART practitioner - few minutes at a time(moderate)
Hyperbaric Oxygen (12 dives I didn't like one bit - set me back)

MOST IMPORTANT - The most important part of for both me and my husband were:

Removal of all metal fillings, crowns, root canals, cavitations/infections from teeth/jaws/wisdome teeth areas - (major impact regaining health) followed by a lengthy heavy metal detox program (at least 3 years) as outlined above, with neural therapy combined with DMPS, etc.

Tens unit (often)
Real-Time Digital EEG Neurofeedback/EEG Imaging (a few weeks, daily)
Electro Bloc (often)
Intracranial Dean Howell Balloon therapy (eight sessions) - hated them, but the method is different now and very easy to take and results great for cranium

Infrared Sauna (lots)
Red Laser/face (lots after metal removal)
Music therapy (lots)
Hemotherapy (one seven day course)
Ozone injections (moderate)
Photron Light therapy (moderate)
Prolo-therapy (two sessions - alleviated all back pain to this day)
Microcurrent/ with S21, now KMT22 or KT240 - 3-4 times weekly and more

Avoidance of Microwave, Electrosmog from TV, computer, shutdown fuses into sleeping areas during nights; all chemicals (house and garden) preservatives/food coloring, etc., cosmetics (major role). Control of geopathic stress exposure. With neurological damage, these are the most important issues, even more so when heavy metal toxic. Electromagnetism and geopathic stress are intolerable when heavy metal toxic. They become a killer to the brain.
We eat all foods avoiding processed, preservatives and artifical anything.
Everything in moderation, including coffee, sugar, etc.


No, we are not wealthy. I worked all my life for over forty years. We raised children, and prepared for old age. My husband retired at age 70 when he contracted Lyme from me. We used our savings because Medicare neither pays for ART or anything else. We just did it and learned to do with less otherwise. We learned.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Take care.

[This message has been edited by GiGi (edited 13 August 2005).]

Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
Thank you GiGi for continuing to offer the benefit of your rich exoerience.
Posted by JesusisLord (Member # 5776) on :
I have learned many things from your posts. Thank you GiGi.
Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Right on Gigi!
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
gigi where can I find a good art practitioner.

Is kinesiology the same thing?????

Thanks in advance

Posted by ibrakeforticks (Member # 6785) on :
Thank you for your post.

Why do you say no sea salt? Did you ever do the salt/C protocol with the Hunza or Real salt?

Were the HBOT treatments that you didn't find helpful full depth (2.4 ATA) HBOT, or mild HBOT? I think I've read that Dr. K doesn't advocate HBOT, but is that not correct?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
gigi where can I find a good art practitioner.
Is kinesiology the same thing?????

Hi, go to and see if you find anyone near you on the referral list.
They are all over the country, all over the world, but most of them I am afraid to not advertise because ---- well, just think of the stink I have had to put up on this board for the last five years!

ART has evolved from kinesiology but is vastly different than what most people are familiar with. Go to An ART practitioner fellow from England described ART there quite well.

Your best bet is to explore all the complementary medical practices and clinics. You might not find that person living next door and you might have to travel a distance to see one. But it is well worth the effort.

Thanks in advance

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Posts: 120
Registered: Jan 2005
posted 14 August 2005 03:01
Thank you for your post.
Why do you say no sea salt? Did you ever do the salt/C protocol with the Hunza or Real salt?

Hi, I would not touch sea salt because the oceans are no longer clean and neither is the salt harvested from some of these areas.
How many tanker spills on the northern coast of France??

I prefer salt that is mined deep within mountains where it has been for a few million years, such as Real Salt, Himalajan salt, etc. The oceans are contaminated and the fish is contaminated. I do not think I want that kind of salt. We have enough mercury exposure from other sources such as food and air, aside from amalgams.

The Salt & C came along after I was already well - but I know that my doctor recommends the regimen to certain patients at certain times in certain ways. And it does work, no doubt. All other conditions of a patient have to be considered. If you have a mouthful of amalgam fillings and root canals and bridges, and have Lyme with co-infections, it takes a lot more than Salt & C to get well. My doctor uses it mainly to address the parasite problems that most of us have.

Were the HBOT treatments that you didn't find helpful full depth (2.4 ATA) HBOT, or mild HBOT? I think I've read that Dr. K doesn't advocate HBOT, but is that not correct?

Yes, they were full depth 2.4 ATA BOT.
I must add here that Dr. K.'s recommendation is always directed at the individual patient. What's good for one patient, maybe poison for the next one. Normally, no patient that sees him has only Lyme Disease and co-infections. A heavy metal toxic patient's problems will not be solved with HBOT, and sadly, most patients are heavy metal toxic - hard to believe! I have not met a Lyme patient with a chronic condition that is not heavy metal toxic.

All Lyme patients or patients with any chronic disease are treated differently.
So I would never say he advocates this or that. I have not heard him talking about HBOT in years in general at any of the many seminars I have attended over the last eight years. I will make it a point to ask him directly when I have an opportunity.

Take care.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
H, you might want to contact the clinic and ask the various hourly charges by the MD's and by the naturopaths there. They do the same type of treatment; at least 3 do ART and all are in close contact with each other.

Recently I was surprised when reading a thread here where people posted the various hourly fees charged by their various LLMD's - I must say what we paid is a lot more decent. I am not going to discuss this here. If you want the info call there direct or e-mail me.

We got 30 hours worth of info, diagnosis and directives from my doctor within the first hour exam, and we were off and running. Or you can go to a regular doctor that does not practice ART, NT, etc. and do lab tests and more lab tests and then still not know with any certainty what your problem is and what to do and what to take for it.

Don't know where you are located, so can't help there. There is a good MD in Washington DC that is doing ART, etc.

Take care.

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Hi Gigi,

Can you elaborate on Rechtsregulat ? I am taking Wobenzym but open to other options if there is a better product.


Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Hey GiGi did you ever here you are what you eat phraze hahahahehe

Now Iam just jokin Feelin goofy today iam

Posted by liz28 on :
Thanks, Gigi. It's been a while since you posted this.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Scott, this is from "A look Beyond Antibiotics" published by my doctor earlier this year.

Component #3:
The immune reactions provoked by the presence of both toxins and microbes (there are 3 sub-possibilities, which have to be recognized and addressed)
The immune reactions are largely depending on host factors, such as genetics, prior illnesses, mental-emotional baggage, early childhood traumatization, current exposure to electromagnetic fields (sleeping location, use of cell phones, poor wiring in car or home, etc), food allergies and diet, socio-economic background, marital stress etc.
1: Anergy - the absence of reaction due to the successful evasion of the host-defenses . One of the more known mechanisms the microbes use to create anergy is hypercoagulation. The microbes tend to live in the endothelium, where the food is most abundant. They trigger the host's coagulation mechanism to lay down a layer of fibrin on top of them to evade recognition by the immune system. etc. For this aspect we use 3 techniques: a) the KMT-microcurrent technology and homeopathics to wake up and entrain the immune system
b) Rechtsregulat (``right rotatory fluid'') which is an enzyme rich extract of fermented fruits and vegetables (14). It has outperformed the s.c. injection of heparin in our own trials. Lumbrokinase is far more effective then Nattokinase. Both appear weak when compared to Rechtsregulat. We also client's system (geopathic stress, EM stress, food allergies, emotional factors, interference fields such as scars and disturbed ganglia and we substitute vitamins and minerals based on ART testing).
c) the Enderlein remedies (especially the haptens) from Pleomorphic-Sanum

We still take Rechtsregulat frequently and I order it from a pharmacy in Germany as juice.
I have no problem getting it whenever I need it. It is sold through all pharmacies at a standard price of 39. Euros for a 350 ml bottle.


Tree, yes, I eat everything that comes my way except manmade additives, preservatives, colorings; and if the label is in Latin and II don't understand it, it stays in the store. I worked hard to clean up my body and it pays off.


Liz, yes I know I have posted this several times and long before you were on this board. But so many are new readers and the search doesn't work. And I do have a message and intend to keep putting it out where someone hears me! Thanks for putting up with the repeats.

Take care.

Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
i'm so grateful that you continue to post, GiGi. if it wasn't for you, i would never have known where to turn.

thank you again.


Posted by lisag (Member # 6798) on :
Serendipity....does exist. My appt after a 4+ month wait is this week. Gigi the planets were aligned when you posted your history. It completely remotivated me about my trip to see Dr. K this week. Hopefully I'll have some exciting, well laid out plans inplace to fight this life encompassing soul detroying disease.

Keep your fingers crossed for me and my husband as we enter the next stage in the this fight. We know it'll be a long journey, but for the first time we are looking forward to the process.

We're feeling super excited to see Dr. K. All of his treatment approaches really resonate with our instincts....expecially the jaw and teeth aspect of healing!!!!

We'll keep you posted on our progress.

Gigi, if you're around we're in with DR. K on Thurs afternoon.

Take Care, Lisa

[This message has been edited by lisag (edited 16 August 2005).]

Posted by johnnyb (Member # 7645) on :

I have no more mercury in my mouth, but I do have a single gold/platinum inlay, which was used to replace a mercury filling, once I tested OK with this material with the Clifford test.

In your experience, do you think the cilantro extract (or ALA, for that matter) would chelate the gold/platinum, and if so, cause any problems for me?

I got the "Amalgam illness" book and actually asked the author about chelating while on ABX - others responded, but he basically told me to wait and be patient. He could have just responded to my email, rather than make me join the discussion group and ignore me....

No one responded about the possible effects of ALA (or cilantro) on my inlay.

- JB


Posted by snowboarder (Member # 6346) on :
Thank you GiGi!

I appreciate your posts. A lot of what you've written is right on!

Thank you!


Posted by johnnyb (Member # 7645) on :
Up for Gigi....

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Johnnyb, I am sorry I missed your question.
I am not certain about your gold inlay. I am surprised that you had a gold inlay done because it is the #2 allergic metal according to MELISA research and others. You might want to read there. I am also surprised that a person that puts out a book on this subject is not answering. There is a huge difference if a semi-dead patient sits in front of you, seizuring, and giving directions from the ivory tower where no patient ever goes! They often know it all, but never look a patient in the face month after month.

Cilantro is a great agent, once you have lightened the load of mercury in your extracellular spaces. It can detox the brain - make yourself a cup of tea with ten drops and drink it nightly before going to bed. Be sure you have enough chlorella and mopping-up agents on board. You never want to mobilize and set the mercury free without having these other agents in the right place.
Read the article I have posted on chlorella a number of times.

Cilantro, goat whey, and chlorella are my doctor's favorites; all naturals. He has often said the website www.DMPSbackfire. should be called www.DMSAbackfire. DMSA is in his repertoire when he teaches, but he doesn't use it and if, only under special circumstances. The side effects can be bad and he is trying to undo some of the problems that patients who had been treated with it by other doctors brought to him to solve. Everything he uses, however, is first tested with ART. So that avoids many a problem. Wish everybody could do that.

I will try to find out about your gold inlay, etc. and chelating when I have an opportunity.

Take care.

Posted by johnnyb (Member # 7645) on :
Much appreciated, Gigi!

- JB


Posted by June Bug (Member # 2813) on :

Thanks for the information!

Can you tell me how to get an appointment with Dr. K? Please e-mail me with the info...if you can give me an idea of cost that would be great also!

Thanks again!

June Bug

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
My e-mail is right above. Glad to help.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Thanks for the response Gigi. This one got lost and I didn't see it again until today. Appreciate your response as always.
Posted by lymex5&counting (Member # 7202) on :
Gigi it is great that you are continuing to do

well. And still coming back to give those of us

that have a long way to go HOPE. And for that I

am grateful. I know I have spoke to you in the

past about Geopathic Stress. My Naturopath does

EDS not ART but follows much of Dr K's work and I

trust him. My question is if you have had any

experience with the Green 8's or if you used any?

I still have not had anyone out to test my land.

Although it along with us shows every symptom of

GS. Thanks for your input.

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