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Posted by kimoo1 (Member # 7107) on :
Can you herx from an infared sauna?
Posted by cleo (Member # 6646) on :
I would like to know the same . So I am bringing it up.
Posted by wrotek (Member # 5354) on :
Marshall Protocol says that infrared cause excerbation of symptoms due production of 1,25-D in keratinocytes of the skin and renin-angiotensin system in the eye due infrared radiation also. Feeling Herx and excerbation of the symptoms is the same. The only difference is that 1,25-D from light comes from synthesis and 1,25-D comes in Herx from dead cells wile MP kills intracellular bacteria inside fagocytes and destroying fagocytes with them.

Infrared sauna makes u sick more, makes ur disease spread easier [Wink]

BTW WHAt a beautifull new look this forum has now
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Interesting question. I will be interested in the responses to this as well. I use one and have not noticed much, if any, herxing. So my response based on personal experience would be to say no but I don't know definitively.
Posted by riversinger (Member # 4851) on :
Since technically to herx means that you have a large enough die off of bacteria that it causes a symptom increase, my guess is that it is unlikely that an infrared sauna will cause a herx.

You may, however, have a reaction to the sauna that doesn't feel good. I have used a good FIR sauna quite a bit, and found that you have to build up very slowly. I started with only 4 minutes at under 100 degrees.

It takes time for your body to acclimate. I was able to build up to 30 minutes and longer at 125 degrees (I never go higher) and I do just fine, with no negative reactions.But if you start to detox too fast, or cannot tolerate the heat, or get imbalanced in your electrolytes, you could have all kinds of negative symptoms.

I don't think the sauna itself kills spirochetes, but I do think it is very helpful at clearing toxins, and at getting any microbials into deep tissues of the body. Plus, it feels fantastic! It is excellent for shifting the sympathetic nervous system into parasympathetic mode, which allows the body to relax more fully.

Just go slow. Drink lots of water.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Peer reviewed literature shows that sweating during sauna therapy eliminates high levels of toxic metals, organic compounds, dioxin, and other toxins. Sauna therapy is ideal to mobilize toxins from its hiding places. However, during a sauna, toxic metals can also be displaced from one body compartment into another. This means mercury can be shifted from the connective tissue into the brain. (This effect can be prevented when you are on chlorella, cilantro and garlic.)

I want to add here, however, that my doctor did not recommend the sauna to us until the latter part of heavy metal detox. That means we detoxed metals for about two years and then we got our sauna and used it.

Today we use it practically every day, first thing in the morning, for 15 minutes, at 130, with no problems, thereby removing any newly acquired toxins almost daily.

If you do not think you are heavy metal toxic, think again. I haven't met any Lyme Disease patient (have met hundreds of them) that was not heavy metal toxic. Heavy metal toxicity is just part of our life today - sadly. But it can be prevented.

I have also met a patient who did sauna too early in the detox phase and turned up later with MS symptoms. Just make sure before you use a sauna.

Be careful with sauna if you still have amalgam fillings in your mouth. Knowing what I know today, I would not do it.

Also do not share a sauna with anyone, except your closest partner. If you are detoxing mercury, you are also detoxing via breath, and more.

Sauna overdone is a stress to the whole body. Do only what feels comfortable.

To answer your question whether you could herx due to sauna, people may describe it as a herx which in reality is a mobilization of heavy metals and redistributing them elsewhere in the body if you are not prepared for it/ or if done too early in the detox process.

We love our sauna and it was one of the best investments we made.

Take care.

P.S. All this is from our own experience.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Here is a recent link to the sauna that I purchased about 5 weeks ago.

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