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Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
I would like to ask these who experience problems with their hands similar to carpal tunnel but caused unquestionably by LD (and not by for example intensive typing). Here, I mean symptoms such as numbness of hands that would wake you up during nights, some transient sensory problems from hands and some pain)

Have you been tested or diagnosed for any co infections that could be causing you this symptom?
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
My LLMD first suspected strep, which I tested negative for.

I did test positive for Salmonella, which she feels was the main cause of the symptoms.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Yes, I have carpal tunnel & have for 20 years+.

But get this, earlier this year I had neuropathy nerve muscle testing done, and spec. said I had NO carpal tunnel based upon the numbers when he shocked me!

Tested lately for co-infections...NONE!

My entire right arm goes NUMB and dead weight every night when I try to sleep. Pain is unreal. During the day, I use frozen ice packs to numb the area which helps a little.

Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
Yes I have had ongoing carpal tunnel like symptoms ever since I got lyme...

no co-infections that I know of....

I had two emg tests and they are both painful and useless where lyme is concerned...

Anyone who has lyme and a duck wants you to undergo this test should smack the guy/girl and get on with something else....

Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
No coinfections? Hm

I have never tested myself for co infections. I have never suspected I had any.

But all my other symptoms have either greatly improved or disapeared completely. Even my dreaded burn skin symptom has been reduced by large amount and improved almost weekly.

But this Lyme 'carpal tunnel' is all the time the same. One thing I figured was that the night attacks are definitely evoked by sleep apnea spells. I had sleep study to clarify that and each time there was problems with my hands during sleep a had at least a few minutes of hypoxia just a few minutes earlier and it was usually in REM.

I assume that my symptoms with hands would improve if i treat well my sleep apnea but it is not that easy. Anyway, sleep apnea just contributes to the symptom but not causing it.
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :

Althouh we believe the salmonella caused the carpal tunnel type symptoms, it wasn't a direct cause. Over years of inflammation in my muscles, my thoracic outlet (shoulder) are was so tight that it caused the carpal tunnel symptoms.

I don't think that the treatment alone would have reversed this symptom. I think it needed help to reverse the symptoms. I was on Flexeril, a muscle relaxer, for 18 months. I also received myofascial trigger point release therapy. The two combined is what actually reduced my symptoms to the point that I could start stretchig and then strengthening on my own.

I just recently stopped the Flexeril. I'm doing pretty good. I find my muscles hurt more when I over-exert (I'm having a heck of a week after pushing too much in yoga Wed night). But the wrist symptoms remain minimal.
Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
On the other hand, I assume you have received a treatment for Salmonella, right?

So this treatment should have cured your 'carpal tunnel' but didn't
Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :
I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome by EMG. Antibiotics resolved all of the symptoms. Mycoplasma is my co-infection.
Posted by lyme_suz (Member # 7628) on :

Interesting that you brought up salmonella.
I had it last spring.

Do you think that my tingly cold hand could be
Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
May I ask what ABXs helped you most for 'carpal tunnel'?
Posted by seibertneurolyme (Member # 6416) on :
This is a symptom that fortunately my hubby does not have -- but previously he was an accountant in a textile manufacturing facility. A lot of ladies who were seamstresses developed this from repetitive motion. However there are other causes. The most common finding is a deficiency in Vitamin B6. That is why sometimes pregnant ladies develop this -- the B6 deficiency causes fluid retention which presses on the nerve.

If you supplement B6 you also need to take a B complex supplement as well. The other good thing for Lymies is that the B6 should help you utilize magnesium better.

To read more see
Select Health Concern -- click on carpal tunnel. To view the entire article click on the printer icon in the brown box on the right.

Bea Seibert
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
Originally posted by Areneli:
On the other hand, I assume you have received a treatment for Salmonella, right?

So this treatment should have cured your 'carpal tunnel' but didn't

The salmonella caused inflammation in my muscles which caused the 'carpal tunnel' type symptoms.
Treating the salmonella alone, which was with a variety of abx over time, would not have "cured" the 'carpal tunnel' symptoms.

This is because the symptoms were a direct cause of years (14+) of muscle inflammation caused by the salmonella. I needed to relearn how to use those muscles.

I also had severe muscle atrophy because of a tendinitis misdiagnosis and a doctor telling me to where wrist braces for months. So, many of the symptoms were worsened by the weakness. Abx can't strengthen muscle.

My 'carpal tunnel' symptoms are now 97% gone, and I'm off muscle relaxers. I believe most of the remaining is still relearning how to use my body and strengthening.
Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
It was only ten days since I have started this Thread and my signs of lyme 'carpal tunnel' are gone. I no longer have it - nihl, zero symptoms from hands. They don't get numb during sleep and don't hurt during days.

So at present I have only one remaining symptom of Lyme that is skin hypersensitivity and have to admit that it is still guite unpleasent although not as bad as it used to be.

I hope that this public confession will also remove this symptom. [Smile]
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
Congratulations! [woohoo]

If you aren't already, I'd suggest trying to get on an exercise routine of stretching and strengthening your arms, wrists and upper back to help prevent the symptoms from returning. Nothing major, just keeping things loose and stabl.e

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