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Posted by Rubicon (Member # 7919) on :
anyone heard of this? was surfing the net checking out lyme, as usual, and came across this website...
Posted by Lymester (Member # 5848) on :
I read through it and am still waiting for the punch line, but too afraid of clicking into the link suggested.

Disclosure is very important to all of us. If we're paying for something or going to try something at least be up front about what IT IS!

poo poo

Posted by robi (Member # 5547) on :
Yeah this guy also has a get rid of gallstones and get rid of kidney stones web site ........ if it smells like it, looks like it, tastes like it, then ............

Posted by Rubicon (Member # 7919) on :
i feel the same way...someone who really wants to help people would come right out and say it...
Posted by arg82 (Member # 161) on :
Looks highly suspicious to me. As others said, if he's not going to tell us what's IN the supposed "miracle cure", I would NEVER go ahead and buy it, believing that what he says is true. It's annoying how many scams there are out there.

Posted by pq (Member # 6886) on :
A SHARK! who is playing the odds with a world-wide audience on the WWW. Operating just inside the bounds of some law?

the two-time nobel laureate is Linus Pauling. he is the only one that i know of to have won the prize twice--unshared. so ya know what vitamin he means.

when he mentions fish oil, he means the omega 3 fatty acids--DHA, and EPA.

He is going with the Homeopathics, probably on the basis that they contain nothing, except the " resonant vibrations" of the putative treatment agent(s) that are "imparted" to the carrier(water, oil, a powder(filler material)), and hopefully to "thee" and me; for then we will go weeeeeeeeeeeee! We're freeeeeeeee!
No harm from a product that has nothing in it, except perhaps a few molecules of the putative treatment agent(s) = law enforcement won't bother to come after him.......offshore.

if he lowered the price, he'd probably get more "suckers."

If your really considering this investment, then
have your local handwriting analyst, or questioned document examiner examine his signature, and render a short characterization, or;

If you have any books on graphology(handwriting analysis) study his signature,
go to sites on handwriting analysis, where the sites publish the handwritings of the famous and infamous, and render characterizations.

off the top, the letter 'J' in his first name looks like a money bag.

you can find an example of this 'money-bag' formation in the handwriting of the late mafia don, john gotti(jr.?); a copy of a specimen of gotti's handwriting with this letter formation is actually published in the new york times, c. 2001 to 2003. i'm not sure of the date, but its in there. his handwriting is replete with this 'money-bag' formation, throughout a letter to a girl friend. copy of late gotti's handwriting showed numerous, VERY LARGE 'money bag' formations.

this formation does NOT necessarily, automatically mean that one is a criminal if they make these letter formations, albeit in the context of other markers in the handwriting connoting criminality this formation will corroborate this impression.

one interpretation is that the person simply has money on their mind, perhaps bags full of it.(duh)
Posted by wrotek (Member # 5354) on :
I would like to try it , if it won`t work than we should put book it on scanner and send in the internet to everybody/.
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Looks like a scam to me. A dangerous one! He has "reports" like this on lots of stuff. Here is one.

He is in Minnesota, publishes his own "books".
Do any of our Minnesotans know more about him?

Ann - OH
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
If this worked, I think we would know about it. I have never heard anybody say they cured Lyme in 72 hours.

Also, he lists the bull's eye rash under the symptoms of "progressive lyme disease" rather than "early lime disease." I assume by progressive he means late state. Well, yes, some people get repeated rashes. But they are more common soon after the bite, in the early stages.
Posted by wrotek (Member # 5354) on :
I think propably he writes there that vitamin D is a cure,
it can give temporarily relief but making worse worse .

He is talking about symptoms relief, not cure. Corticosterids can give symptoms relief that can be interpreted as a cure also.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I bit. I purchased the report and found it to be nothing new. I would argue that most people on this board know most of the information in the report already.
Posted by wrotek (Member # 5354) on :
SO will You try 72 days of this "cure" ?
do u think it can help?
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
I read the info at the site.
He mentioned a "silver bullet." I wonder if you're paying to find out about colloidal silver.

Posted by going_crazy79 (Member # 7887) on :
I thought the same thing when I saw the word "silver". I am with you Carol.

Unfortunately, if it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true!

Don't we all wish it was that simple?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That guy is betting on the universal truth that "a sucker is born every minute."
Posted by Cap (Member # 57) on :
What a crock, I read the headlines and closed the browser window. I did not even read the sub-text.

This is a total lie because Bb will hide in deep tissues, and since your blood has a life cycle of three months, it will take a while before your liver and spleen can filter out toxic blood from the die off.

And that's just your blood, forget about bone marrow and deep fat tissues.

Even if you are able to kill all of the Bb in a late stage Lymie in 72 hours, the die off of that much bactera would probably kill the patient.

The only way you can kill all of the Bb at one time and NOT kill the patient is if the infection is caught early.

SNAKE OIL. [tsk]
Posted by 24bit (Member # 6531) on :
Wow, I wonder of he's related to the Canadian vibrations woman that just needed an email with your name, birthdate, and credit card number to diagnose and heal you via vibrations that are coming from thousands of miles away. It would be cheaper to just buy an old Beach Boys records and get Good Vibrations that way. LOL.
Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
I think the silver bullet might be the one that you can shoot at yourself to stop the Lyme and for buying onto the scam. That would probably work permanently and in less than 72 hours. [bonk]
Posted by lymex5&counting (Member # 7202) on :
Sounds like Salt and C to me
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by 24bit:
Wow, I wonder of he's related to the Canadian vibrations woman that just needed an email with your name, birthdate, and credit card number to diagnose and heal you via vibrations that are coming from thousands of miles away. It would be cheaper to just buy an old Beach Boys records and get Good Vibrations that way. LOL.

Posted by Tj33 (Member # 7214) on :
Pure Snake Oil... At least the old peddlers had a dude on a banjo singing "Camptown Races" that was entertaining for a farm kid like me...

Grandma's Snake oil remedy contained 200% alcohol, cocaine, and morphine. So she felt no pain.... She loved it..

Natural cure for Cancer.. What a Crock! A friend bought into that nonsense and now his cancer is so far advanced that it looks like he won't make it...
Unfortuntely, by the time sick person finds out the remedy doesn't work they are too far gone for medical help.

Eat natural fats and good veggies. Stay away from manmade garbage foods and chemicals (especially diet crap), to stregthen your immune system...

My favorite snack is a boiled egg with high grain bread toast painted with real butter and coconut oil.... (put a cheese slice on it for an extra treat)

God Bless

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