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Posted by morningnewsman (Member # 5987) on :
Hello. Has anyone had experience using Glutathione? I was on oral ABX for 13 months and am about 90% Now I am completely off ABX and on a regimen to "clean out the toxins". I am set to start Glutathione suppositories. Does anyone have experience using these, or any other form of Glutathione? Does it help clear up some lingering problems?
Posted by David95928 (Member # 3521) on :
A number of people who post here have reported using glutathione either IV or IM. It seems that results have been mixed. It will be interesting to see what people have to say as I have thought about looking into it.
Posted by morningnewsman (Member # 5987) on :
Thanks. I'm told it will help clear up the toxins. Anyone have that experience?
Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Do a search here. Lots of feedback to peruse.
Posted by LabRat (Member # 78) on :
I used it with atp, whatever that is and used it im and iv. It'll make you feel like getting up and doing dishes, and last about 1 1/2 days then back to the lazy boy with both eyes in the same socket. It really makes you feel better but the reason I was taking it escapes me. Just guessing but would think the suppositories would last longer than a shot. I'm suspicious of everything and just my thoughts, your being fished. Your gonna feel great and think this doc is the worlds greatest healer, for awhile! They did a study on it around 95 and I was for sure gonna get in on that till I found out I was already taking 2-3 times the amount to be used in the study. To me, ``detox'' is another word for sucker. Having said that, I just had a major colonoscopesic (Spelling) and the doc for normal reasons wanted to ``detox'' me. I had to drink a gallon of laxative the day before, talk about cleaned out! Anyway, interestingly, I felt extra good for at least a week or two after that! I couldn't and can't explain that but there seems to be something of interest happening. Never worked for me with a simple enema now that I think about it.

You can hear anything, someone cured it with grape juice etc. I've been fighting Lyme since around 94-95 and due to genetics, I've given up on curing and now just try and contain it. You have to use abx all the time. You don't have to use a lot if your just doing a holding action. I use 100mg of doxy once a day. Any doctor that takes you off abx is, ``winging it''. Just my thoughts, I'm not a doctor. Good luck!
Posted by morningnewsman (Member # 5987) on :
I did have one day of the IV Glutathione and it did make me feel pretty good for the week. Now I'll start the suppositories.
Any other stories from people who've used it?
Posted by mjbucuk (Member # 843) on :
I've been fighting Lyme since around 94-95 and due to genetics, I've given up on curing and now just try and contain it.
Does this mean you are something like HLA-DR4+...?
Posted by LabRat (Member # 78) on :
Yes, afraid I do.
Posted by morningnewsman (Member # 5987) on :
Anyone with experience with the suppositories?
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I get it IV and find it very helpful and if you start looking at the sci. literature, glutathione is very impt. in chronic infection, affects all the cells including immune cells and their function.

You can liposomal form from Wellness Pharmacy (haven't tried it).

You can nebulize (tried it and didn't like it).
Posted by LabRat (Member # 78) on :
I must confess it's the only thing I've taken that really made me feel like I was getting well, gaining ground, gonna make it, till two or three days later and I was back in the bilge (bottom of the boat). I remember there was high hopes for it and it was to do marvelous things, and maybe it did for some people. I remember there was a great sales pitch which is why I tried it and I have no regrets at all but after a year or so it's time to try something else. If your going to use it check into ATP being mixed in.

Since you've used this stuff IV, do let us know how the suppository compare. Also, let me say again just in case you missed it the first time, if your doc is trying to cure you without abx, I have never heard of a single success story, not one, nada, nyet, nit, nine...... Anyone else ever hear one?
Posted by morningnewsman (Member # 5987) on :
I was on the ABX for 13 months, and now the Glutathione, etc., which hopefully will clean the toxins out. I'll let you know how it works.
Posted by winsomme (Member # 5623) on :
this topic is heavily discussed for people with CFS over on this yahoo board:

there is a guy named Rich who researches Glutathione (GSH), is believes that low levels of GSH is the key to CFS.

there are many ways to build GSH, IV is not necessarily consdiered the best. it doesn't last in the body very long and through the IV it has a hard getting inside the cells which is where it is needed.

although i have seen many people who have said they feel better with them so if you feel better that might really be all you need to know.

the other main ways are to give your body the building blocks of GSH - cysteine, glitamine and glycine.

the other i see alot now is something called Lipoceutical GSH which is a liquid GSH that is prepared in way that it gets to the liver - supposedly one of the places that the body needs high levels of GSH and can efectively utilize it.

one product people use alot is ImmunoPro Rx which is an undenatured whey product which is high in the building blocks of GSH.

if i can give any more info let me know. i have not yet tried any of these treatments, but if you post a question directed to Rich at the yahoo site i would bet you will get a good answer. also do searches on tis site because there is already a ton of info on this.

Posted by Christine202 (Member # 6158) on :
Is there a specific brand that can be used orallu with good reults if I wanted to give it a try?
Posted by LabRat (Member # 78) on :
Very good post winsome, eh, is that short for win some, loose some? I do need to revisit info on Glutathione, anything that can make you feel that good without addiction needs to be explored. Diet was discussed years ago but being a good southern boy I'm just naturally suspicious of anything that ain't fried!

News, hope this detox thing works for you, I'd make sure they don't detox your wallet! All along the border in old Mexico they have these ``ho-zay's clinics'', where all sorts of amazing cures await the unwary. You can go in a wheel chair and drink a ``secret'' elixir and ten minuets later, they're prying you off the walls. You're on the road to recovery, till the money runs out, then it's back to the wheel chair. Ah well, that's life I guess.
Posted by morningnewsman (Member # 5987) on :
I believe it is important to clean out the waste after killing the spirochetes.

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