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Posted by Bothrops (Member # 7393) on :
For the last five days I have been burning, freezing, buzzing like never befor. The muscles in my legs hurt and burn so bad that I am having probs sleeping. It feel like my calve, ankles knees and thighs are being wrung out like a wet towel. My back, shoulders and arms feel weak, heavy, sweaty and on fire. Is there anything I can do to relieve the pain? Even though I am burning and sweating there is no temperature.

I have been on IV abx for two months with very little change in symptoms until know. I would like to think this is a herx but I had this feeling before I started abx when I quit Tramadol, tizidine and gabapintin for fybromyalgia. At the moment I am on IV zith, IV clindo, oral mepron and flagyl.

Thanks for any help and has anyone here had similer problems?

Posted by Red Deer (Member # 8006) on :

I have had these exact same symptoms both on and off antibiotics and I have just begun treatment. I am not a doc so I can not speak to the specifics of your treatment plan. I know that the hot cold thing is horrible and very stressfull on the body. I been in drenching sweats, thinking I had a fever only to find my temp at 94.6!!! The pain is terrible.

Try some hot baths with epsom salt or Bath Therapy Salts(this product has lithium salts helps even more to relax)as hot as you can stand and stay in till the water cools down. This has helped me with muscle spasm etc. and help with circulation. Remeber to drink plenty of water to help your body eliminate toxins and replenish what you loose during the sweats. These are the old fashioned holistic approaches, but it really does help. However, if you haven't yet you may want to talk to your Dr. about pain management while your being treated. All the current literature in medicine is about the relationship between pain and compromised immume function. The higher the pain the more compromised your immune system, which we need to fight infections.

Do not suffer needlessly. This disease is bad enough. The PAIN IS REAL, and needs to be treated with REAL medicine so you can rest, key factor in restoring your immune system to fight this disease. Combining holisic and Western approaches gives you the best of both worlds.

Hope this helps, and, you feel better soon. Hang in there these episodes seem to run in cycles. You also may want to keep a diary of when these events occur and what you think may trigger them, like foods, stressors, activities, antibiotics and how long they last. It will help you understand how your body is working and will help your doctor with your treatment program.

[bonk] I am not a doc, and this is not medical advice, just sharin what's worked for me.

Peace and Blessings to You
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Bothrops:
At the moment I am on IV zith, IV clindo, oral mepron and flagyl.

That would make ANYONE burn! YIKES!! Personally, I would back off the meds and see if it lets up a little. [you would only have to back off a few days before you would know one way or the other]
Posted by achey (Member # 6284) on :
sounds like you are on a pretty intense rx protocal. You may want to contact your LLMD and let them know how you are doing. This sounds like a mega herx.

Strong herxing that doesn't allow you to rest and heal may not be in your best interest...Pleas check in with your LLMD and let them help you get to a blance point or give you some advise to get through.

I hope you are feeling some releif soon! [Smile]
Posted by Nal (Member # 6801) on :
I couldn't agree more with everyone here. You are on quite a medication protocol there. It could be a herx but its definately worth putting a phone call into your LLMD and getting his/her input on it as well.


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