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Posted by deja vu (Member # 7656) on :
Hello. I posted over a month ago regarding problems I was having with minocycline. I originally was supposed to take 200mg/daily but was completely knocked off my feet after taking it for 2 days at that dosage. After speaking with my doctor, he had me re-start with 50mg/daily and build up. Long story short, I did the 50mg for about a month and have tried to take it twice daily this past week and feel pretty bad (esp. dizzy and nauseous). My question is this - I am not sure what is causing me extra dizziness, nausea, etc. - side effects of drug or lyme?? Is 50 mg of minocycline even effective or 100mg for that matter? I am supposed to be adding Ketek as well but have not been able to. I plan on calling my doc this week, but thought I would check in with any others with possibly similar experiences.

Thanks for any input!
Posted by Beverly (Member # 1271) on :
Hi deja vu,

I don't know if your having a side effect or herxing.

My personal experiance is: I herxed from smaller dosages and members in my family have also. We are all different, there is no way I could take 200mg of Mino a day.

One doctor in MI has told me that Mino is a chelator of Mercury and that is why I herxed so bad...I am still not sure about it, but it is one explanation?

Good luck.
Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
Some people cannot take Mino. In my case I could take probably more than 500 mg per day and be fine, but some people develop headeaches or dizziness with doses 100-200 mg/day.
Posted by chainsaw joseph (Member # 6611) on :
I can relate,I could only work up to 150mg.Strongest feeling atbx ive taken.I took it for about 4 months,didnt help but I am really bed neurologically.
Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
Mino has really helped me with everything. I started at 50mg a week, and I herxed on that dose. I am up to 200mg a week now almost a year later. The low doses have helped me alot.

My mothers LLMD wanted to start her at 100mg a day. She couldn't do that kinda of a dosage. She did one 50mg dose and almost went to the hospital. She is now on 25mg a WEEK, that is all she can tolerate, and it is helping.

Posted by deja vu (Member # 7656) on :
Thanks everyone for your replies and sharing your experiences. I think mino is definitely a harder drug for me to take, but if the results are there than I will tough it out. I'll see what the good doc has to say. Thanks again!

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