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Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
Did anybody have success with extractions and cavitation treatment? Anybody do extreme surgery and not see positive effect on immune system?

Thanks. I did a search and read mixed results.

Also, is anybody considering this?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Both my husband and I had extensive surgical interventions. We are well today. I do not think either of us would be. My husband literally left the wheelchair and started back into a normal life seven months after the dental surgeries. I know many people that had to go this route in order to improve or get well.

If you think you have a problem along these lines, you need to discuss it with an oral surgeon who mainly does this work only. Most regular dentists do not do that type of work and most don't know how. It really takes an expert.
The only doctor I know is Dr. H. in Reno. I have posted one of his articles here several times and you might want to search for it.

If the jawbone is infected, which is often the case, the Lyme bacteria and other microorganisms set up housekeeping there. If it is not a drastic infection, sometimes ozone injections into the jawbone help.

Often Lyme or any other chronically ill patient are advised by my doctor to look and handle the dental situation first because treatment otherwise is not successful. Mine was not successful until I addressed the dental situation. My husband put off the dental stuff for several years and it took him that much longer to get well. I could recite many such cases, but they are private.

I know this is a miserable answer. But I have never found it to be any different. A good oral surgeon will be able to advise you. E-mail me if you want.

Internet: You can also do a search on Cavitational Osteo-Necrosis, J. Bouquot; or Alveolar Cavitational Osteopathosis - Manifestations of an Infectious Process and its Implications in the Causation of Chronic Pain.

Take care.

Good luck and take care.
Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
Is any of the work you talked about covered under regular BS/BC-type medical plans or is it all out of pocket?

It sounds really expensive.

Thanks for your post and for your experience!

Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
I consulted with dr K in NY and he referred me to Dr H. He was supposed to send me my X-ray, but hasn't.

What is it like logistically to go to Reno? Does Dr H do ART? Does he do topas testing?

How long do you have to wait to get partials? Do they have to be biologically compatible? Is there a place in Reno where you can do it all? How long do you have to wait for the swelling to go down?

I work on Mondays and Tuesdays. Don't know how to work it out logistically.

In your opinion, how much do you think this would cost approximately? Thanks.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Andie --

"Is any of the work you talked about covered under regular BS/BC-type medical plans or is it all out of pocket?"

As far as I know, it is not covered. Neither the American Dental Association nor the American Medical Association admit there is such a thing as NICO lesions. They also do not admit that mercury is a toxin to our body. Same for root canals. They don't tell the truth; we pay.

"It sounds really expensive."

Yes, it is a surgery that you don't want to have done by a novice. If it's not done right, it has to be done again. They surgeon has to know what needs to come out and what can stay. I would not have the doorman make that decision. For some people, it is not an extensive surgery. For some, it is.

Alijalex --

"I consulted with dr K in NY and he referred me to Dr H. He was supposed to send me my X-ray, but hasn't."

The x-ray should not be more than six months old.
Ask him again.

"What is it like logistically to go to Reno? Does Dr H do ART? Does he do topas testing?"

You will need to stay a few days, depending on the work you need done. Ask them.

Dr. H. does muscle testing, but not the advanced ART. What he does is enough to tell which meds are suitable for you - he has diagnosed Lyme in umpteen people years ago, before many people had ever heard of it.

You can have the TOPAS testing at a dentist close to home who knows about it. Takes some looking. You do not need to use Dr. H. for that. It costs little and tells you much before you ever have your x-ray looked at. I assume you know already the extent of what you need or don't need via Dr. K. in NY. Dr. H. comes very close to reading the x-ray correctly; but a surgeon still has to know what to do when he does the work. Not all is visible; not via CAVITAT either.

"How long do you have to wait to get partials? Do they have to be biologically compatible?"

Once healed and stitches are out. Yes, I would have the material for the partials tested before they are made.

Is there a place in Reno where you can do it all? How long do you have to wait for the swelling to go down?

If you have a partial made before the swelling goes down, which is very brief with the work Dr. H. does, it of course would not fit any longer afterward. You should have it done close to home, because it often takes adjustments.

"I work on Mondays and Tuesdays. Don't know how to work it out logistically."

Dr. H's schedule is very tight. So you take what you get or find someone else. You have to decide your priorities.

"In your opinion, how much do you think this would cost approximately? Thanks."

This totally depends on what you have to have done; whether it takes an hour or four hours.
Mine took 4 hours on the first visit and 4 hours several weeks later for the other half. Usually there is some treatment and IV's following the day or two after the procedure, depending on the situation.
It's best to ask the office. My work was done already nearly eight years ago and prices have changed - I had all my root canals removed which were all connected to crowns and bridges - which meant all my teeth. It was the best decision I made and/or my doctor made for me. Most people have just wisdom teeth cavitations or a couple of root canals.

I firmly believe, without a doubt whatsoever, that the health of your dental mouth, including an overall heavy metal detox of the rest of your body, determines to a large degree your chance of getting totally well. Need to add here that the detox of dental toxins (thioethers/mercaptans)produced by the root canals as well as the mercury can take and usually takes several years. They have penetrated into many areas/cells anywhere, often the brain, and it takes time to dislodge them all and for the body to be able to move them out. You need a doctor who knows how. If you do not do the detox of these very toxins as some people have done here on this board, total health is not reached.

All this sounds tough; yes, it is. I will not deny this. But it's worth everything, the time and effort, the cost, if you want to get your health back. The next thought: being sick costs time and energy and money.

Think about it and take care.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
So, after the surgery, who does the detox and what does it consist of? Chelation?

I have an alternative doc here who does chelation and phoschol IVs. I know my heavy metals are not high, but I have one amalgum left and SEVEN root canals.

Do you have a link for any article Dr K (your doc) has written on mouth toxicity?

"Dr. H. comes very close to reading the x-ray correctly; but a surgeon still has to know what to do when he does the work. Not all is visible; not via CAVITAT either. "

Are you saying that you need to go to a surgeon in adddition to Dr H,or is Dr H a surgeon? I am confused.

Thanks GiGi.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Will happily respond when our turkey company has departed. Soon.

Take care.
Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
I have a question for you about a homeopathic dentist in Yardley, PA. Dr. S.

Any information or knowledge about him?

Thanks; hope your Thanksgiving was good!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Aliyalex, If you have an alternative doc, he can test you for the thioethers and mercaptans that are caused by the root canals. You probably at one time before you had the root canals had mercury/amalgams in there. So the mercury most likely is hiding somewhere in your body even though the fillings are long gone. Possibly your doctor does ART and can determine where the toxins are located, in which body parts, and can then treat you accordingly. Not all agents work in every body part and it is a good idea to have some neural therapy alongside; to get the heavy metals out of the brain and facial area, it is almost a must. It is not easy to mobilize the metals from certain areas and it takes a variety of agents to do it. Hopefully your doctor knows. Dentists do not do the detox part as a rule.

Many of the agents are listed on Dr. K's website, as are numerous articles about neurotoxicity which includes heavy metals. All my posts over the years talk about this subject mainly. It is one of the most important phases of clearing a chronic disease. You might want to read the articles on

I heard today from a good friend who used to post here that after she finally is done with her dental work by Dr. H. and being treated by Dr. K. (cavitations, etc.) for the first time in ten years she is painfree. That really made my day. I urged her about two years ago to follow that route. She had Lyme and Cancer. We know it's a major issue that has to be addressed.

Dr. H. does surgical procedures only. He does not do any regular dentistry (fillings, crowns, etc.).

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"I have a question for you about a homeopathic dentist in Yardley, PA. Dr. S.

Any information or knowledge about him?"

No, Andie, I do not know anything about Dr. S.

Please remember that homeopathics work on the energetic level only. If you have a heavy metal toxicity issue or dental toxin issue, it usually takes more than homeopathics. Since I don't know what you are concerned about, it's difficult to respond.

Take care.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :

Thanks for the info. Does it make sense that my heavy metal testing registers pretty low? The alt doc saw maybe elevated lead, but merc, etc is in "normal" range.

I had a mouthful of amalgams removed about 14 years ago. No detoxing afterward. And the protocol was primitive in removing the material. This process also probably led to more root canals, totalling 7. And another tooth is tender, so I know I need to do something soon.

There is a doc listed in my area from the neuraltherapy site, but I don't know anything about him, except a woman I know who has lyme went to him and she felt he was not helpful. I don't know if he does ART.

There is also a dds in Houston who does cavitations, Topaz testing, etc. How would you discern between Dr H and another DDS
Posted by Neil M Martin (Member # 2357) on :
Dr. H surgerized my left mandible 6/05 in Reno.

My friend G went w/ me. He drove after I came out of sedation and helped with my post Op recovery. We stayed at Atlantis (~$55 a day). The surg was needed, helped my health & saved me from possible death due to osteonecrosis. (See autop photos of infected jaws on Bouquot web site.)

I paid Dr. H for the surgery before he operated. But HealthNet Medicare HMO reimbursed me all but $30 copay. Before paying HN sent form for Dr. H and I to complete. The form ran us ragged. That red tape ordeal was worse than the operation.

Extensive jawbone surgery such as MD or D.O. physicians perform is covered by Medicare even if performed by qualified DDS. (42 C.F.R. 410.24)

AMA & ADA politics hush-hush alveolar pathosis.

GiGi gave good advice. Get good quality X ray to Dr. H w/out undue delay. It is good to ask about osteomyelitis but take care you don't earn a Ph.D in alveolar pathosis before you get properly diagnosed and (if necessary) treated. For me, the pre Op gitters were worse than the op or recover.

Most oral surgeons are ignorant or misinformed about this. Three tooth ducks yelled me out of their offices but choked on biopsy reports that I later offered them to show their misdiagnoses.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Aliyalex, heavy metal testing is about as conclusive as the Lyme testing. i.e. it does tell sometimes and it often doesn't give the true picture. If the test was not done with the greatest precautions, such as closing the collection retainer right away, shaking it well before filling a vial, etc., the mercury escapes and never reaches the lab for proper testing. Mercury evaporates so quickly and and/or clings to the wall of the collection vessel.
Many mercury toxic people are unable, for a variety of reasons, to release the metals for testing -- the body lacks certain conditions for that to happen. It is tricky.. Often other metals show up first. If mercury does not show for you now, it doesn't mean it is not somewhere in the body.

If you do it with a challenge test (taking DMPS or DMSA or whatever your doctor recommends), it may bring forth some metals or it may not. If you had a mouthful of fillings and have been trying to get well for 14 years, my guess is that you are toxic and need to address this. Sometimes it takes several challenge tests before anything shows. I posted recently about doing a hair analysis and the reasons for it. Maybe you can pull that post.

I am not familiar with the dentist in Houston - I wish there were others that do it as well as Dr. H. I knew of one in NY, but he apparently is no longer doing it. So far I have not heard of any that I would choose. I think one fact that would help me to decide is that the person does only oral surgeries, is properly equipped for the before and after treatment, has a longtime capable assistant and has done cavitation surgeries for years and has been very successful at it overall. I attended the surgery of my husband - it was enough to convince me that not many dentists I have met over time could do this work.

You have a wonderful dental/metal and lyme literate MD in Fort Worth, Dr. L.C. Maybe you can check with them. But I imagine patients from there also go to Reno. Dr. L.C. does very similar work as (our) Dr. K.

Take care.

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