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Posted by StuckonLyme (Member # 8196) on :
I am jus curious if anyone with an number of co-infections has gotten better, it seems like the people who have co-infections become alot sicker, and have alot harder time getting well.

Is it just that it takes longer or do co-infections make lyme harder to get rid of.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I had all seven infections - the seven my doctor finds in most (99%) Lyme patients. These are all in his ART test kit. Not all of them showed up at once, but sooner or later, the all were a part of me:

Borrelia, Ehrlichiosa,Bartonella, Rickettsia, Babesia, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia.

I also had to treat parasites, heavy metals, chemicals, and mercaptans and thioethers from dental infections. Nothing seemed to improve until these were addressed.

Yes, it takes a while and a lot of different approaches over time. But I got well, superbly well, and so will you as long as you do what is necessary. It took me almost five years. The first three were sort of miserable - from thereon it was very tolerable and just required patience.
I had no more than 6-8 months of antibiotics spread over the five years.

Read, and I have posted here since the year 2000.

Best wishes to you. Take care.
Posted by StuckonLyme (Member # 8196) on :
Hi GiGi,

I was just curious if did a round of antibiotics for you babesia, i have heard that useing Artemesian along can cause antibiotic resistance.

I am also into the alternative approach and have already done a month of cats claw. I was just wondering how much alternative therapys you used.
Posted by Dalphia (Member # 8305) on :
Hi Gigi, yes, please, if you will tell us what all you did over the course of the 5 year healing process. Your approx. 4 - 5 months of antiboditics spread out over the 5 years doesn't sound like a lot of antiboditic treatment as compared to some of the folks posting of taking them for a number of years. I'm almost at a place to where I'm beginning to wonder if the Lyme and 4 other coinfections within my body will ever be brought into a controllable state.

It would be nice to hear if you did alternative therapies in conjunction to antiboditics........I'm looking for anything which could possibly help me in this miserable state right now...........I'm currently on Famvir for Epstein Barr and Doxycycline for Lyme..........herxing is terrible with overwhelming itchy, painful nerve endings in my skin all over my body...........any positive feedback is certainly encouraging.
Thank you and I'm happy you are well...........what a Blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
GiGi's previous post:;f=1;t=036819
Posted by riversinger (Member # 4851) on :
Even by standard testing, not ART, I have Lyme, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, multiple mold infections, and a multiply antibiotic resistent Staph (MARCoNS), as well as neurotoxic reactions to some of these.

I've been in treatment over two years, and am doing very well. Not 100% yet, but am continuing to improve daily. It has been important to identify the infections, not all of which showed up in the beginning. Because I am extremely mold sensitive, I also have had to move to get out of an environment that couldn't be cleaned.

And no Scott, I didn't do it on abx alone. [Big Grin]

A clean diet is very important, though I'm no longer vegetarian, like I was for 25 years. I'm primarily eating an organic low carb diet for the past two years. At various times I have taken supplements for different reasons, sometimes even by IV or IM. I take bioidentical hormones to correct imbalances.

I did eight solid months of antifungals to deal with fungal infections in my lungs.

I've used a FIR sauna to help with my MCS, and pain, and like it a lot. I do yoga regularly, mostly restorative for the worst part of my illness. I keep my home environment as clean and free of chemical contaminants and mold as is possible, as these depress the immune system.

I've used Dr. S's neurotoxin protocol, including CSM, treatment of MARCoNS, and will be doing a treatment to rebalance my innate immune system, which is hyper reactive.

And I've done a LOT of antibiotics. I would have liked to be able to do less, and would still like to, but so far that hasn't worked for me. I thought for a while that abx itself was being hard on me, but found that for me, at least, it was the neurotoxins from the die off, that my body was unable to process.

Once I started the CSM, I started to improve again.

I think part of the reason people have a harder time getting better when they have coinfections, is that they don't always know they have coinfections. Plus, the doctors are still learning how best to treat them.

Lots of people have gotten better, even with coinfections. They use all kinds of protocols to do so. Keep reading, there is lots to learn.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
When tested and treated with ART, often, sometimes a lot for some people, sometimes little for other people, psycho-emotional conflicts or trauma surface, most of which we are not aware of.

ART addresses all levels of healing (Dr. K. refers to them as "The Five Levels of Healing" and his approach is based on the finding that "for each unresolved psycho-emotional conflict or trauma there is an equivalent of stored toxins and an equivalent of pathogenic microorganisms. To successfully detoxify the body, the three issues have to be addressed sumultaneously".

The Immune system in a patient with unresolved psychoemotional material and compartmentalized toxins is unable to recognize and eliminate the microorganisms present in the toxic areas of the body. Those areas serve as hiding and breeding places for these organisms. Unfortunately, they have been termed "stealth organisms" implying that they behave in secret unpredictable ways; that they have learned to evade a perfectly evolved and functional immune system. There is a fear that they are slowlyg gaining control over us and that there is really nothing we can do about it. We can, if we understand the triad of detoxification.

The triad of Detoxification:

Detoxification of the physical body -
Treatment of latent microorganisms and parasites -
Treatment of unresolved psycho-emotional issues -

To understand the "Five Levels of Healing", read carefully the explanation of ART and the why's.

If you have dealt with everything and still are lingering and limping along, but have not dealt with the m a j o r problem of parasites, that may be your stumbling block. If you live in the Western world, if you live on this earth, you have parasites and probably a few that you need to eliminate. I will try to post about this later.

Take care.
Posted by NP40 (Member # 6711) on :
For the newbies out there, GiGi has done extensive research on lyme/co-infections and her postings are always worthwhile reads as are the links she provides.

Just pounding away at the Bb with abx is not the answer in some cases. You need to supplement, repair the immune system, detoxify, all are very important.

If caught early, it's possible a short course of 6-8 weeks will do the trick, however, when there's CNS involvement or a chance for the Bb to spread a much more aggresive and encompassing approach is needed.
Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Yes, but it took switching LLMDs. My 1st LLMD didn't believe Babs turns chronic and wouldn't treat me with Mepron even though my sxs were all classic babs. Same LLMD told me Bart would be treated with Tetracycline and cyst form bb couln't be verified thus didn't need treatment with Flagyl.

I needed to treat each co-infection with separate treatments and Flagyl for the Cyst form. I also have metals problems and beeded to find a LLMD to address this. Improvement is possible, but I had to switch LLMDs and try a number of treatments to make progress. I'm convinced that there is no one regimen treats all when it comes to Lyme and Co-infections.

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