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Posted by D.J. LYME (Member # 8384) on :
i was just trying to get some feedback from anyone sick for under a year that caught it early. From my time on this site it appears that many have been sick for a long time, and many a long time before being dx.
i pulled a tick off in june, nine days later started treating and i am still treating.
anyone else in this situation, i know we all are different in how this affects us but i am open to feedback.
Posted by Flyfisherman1 (Member # 8564) on :
SOUNDS LIKE ME ... i NEVER HAD RASH OR ACTUAL DATE i WAS "Bitten" between Aug. 05 and Oct 15... Symto when I stareted dating a Lyme "Victim" SHJE saw this as "All the symtoms to me8 out of the 20 symtoms. I was treated the end of OCT by "The BEST" but I was still "New" and didn't have enought to tell himt a month on Doxi and then some other stuff. I got taken off the RX and one weekn ago CRASHED BAD!!!!
I a little less each day. I'm having a BAD week. Till I talk to my doctor. I'm ALSO seeking help from ANYONE onmanaging the panic attack and anxiety attacks... Help ME too guyn advange.
Posted by Cinder Binder (Member # 8225) on :
I think that I was infected in July or August 2005. Never saw a tick or the bullseye rash. However, I was bitten on the foot by a green fly in July.

My two Elisa tests were negative. Had a Western Blot by Quest - positive on bands 39 & 41. Had 3 weeks of Doxy (100 mg 2X day). Right after that, I got strep throat and was put on Amoxocillin (875 mg 2x day for 10 days). I think the Amoxocillin worked better than the Doxy.

I have my first appointment with an LLMD on February 14, 2006. I know - it took that long to see one.

I felt like I was dying in August. But, now, I feel great. I still have some slight buzzing/vibration sensations and the muscle twitching.

I just want to see the LLMD to make sure everything will be okay and to get the Western Blot done at Igenex. I know that if Lyme goes untreated, it can get very, very BAD!!! Just read people's posts!

Cinder [Smile]

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