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Posted by groovy2 (Member # 6304) on :
Hi all

Tonite I went ot the annual
Austin Film Society party

It was jamed packed with about
5000 cool people--

The new Dv cameras and computer
editing have really opened up
making movies to the masses--

I go every year but this is the
First time I felt Good--

Last year at the party I was
super sick and had to keep
from barfing ect.
Was not a pretty picture--

After one year of Good treatment
I am starting to feel perty good--

Looking back I am amazied how
much better I feel now --

I had a good time at the party
tonight --there was lots of
good food -beer and stuff --

One funny thing --with all the
film makers there the only video
cameras there was the TV crews--
Im glad too--

Now that I am feeling better
I can start working on films
I live close to a airport
that closed a few years ago --
The movie industry moved into
a big chunk of it--

I live so close to the studios
if the trees were not in the
way I think I could see them --

I sure am lucky to be so close--

I have been very sick with
lyme and babs for 20 years
almost died once--

The hole time I was
almost bed ridden--

I thought about doing
myself in many times--

The main thing I learned
is you have to take control
of the situation--
Do what you have to-
to get better--

Edgecate your self-
Read a bunch-

Dont be scaired of ABX--
no reason-

Im feeling Perty Good
You will too--Jay--
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Good to hear you are doing well, Jay! Best wishes on furthering your film career.
Thanks for a very uplifting post!
Ann - OH
Posted by hopeful123 (Member # 3244) on :
glad to hear one year has made such a difference in your life.

just keep on going!!!!!!!!!
Posted by lymeinhell (Member # 4622) on :
Good for you!!! [woohoo]

Sometimes it pays to take a step back and compare where you are now to some distant point in the past - makes you realize that while today may not be perfect, it sure beats where you were.

Maybe next year you'll be a member of the abx-free club.

Keep on keepin' on!!
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Just the other day when I was walking to the entrance of the libary I realized just how far I've come from just a year ago.

I used to struggle to put one foot in front of the other. I made myself do things like this just to get out of my home. I would have such brain fog, finding some books of interest would wipe me out. I would hope that I would be able to follow along because reading is one of my favorite pastimes.

I think it's important to remember where we've been and take the time to appreciate how far we've come.

Take care, Pam
Posted by char (Member # 8315) on :

Hope you hang around to continuing with the comic relief!

Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
Jay, great news!

This is a LONNNGGG process. The other night, I had decided that, at 7 months into treatment, things had mostly hit a plateau.

Then I got out the detailed symptom charts I've been keeping each month since May. I stretched them out, and it was very clear from the graphics that I have actually gotten much better.

I have read a lot of people's success stories here, and it seems as if many chronic Lyme patients (I'm in that category) begin to feel better at about the one-year mark. I know there are variables, but that makes me hopeful.

I'm always glad to read stories like yours, Jay!
Great news!

Posted by liz28 (Member # 4946) on :
Sounds fabulous! Get out there and get into some trouble--and there's no need to wait until next year.

Also, aren't there some terrific blues clubs down there? No need to feel well for that, you can just hide in the back, and if you look hangdog, you'll fit right in.
Posted by David95928 (Member # 3521) on :
It's so good to read that you are feeling so much better. Keep on keeping on.
Posted by surfbabe (Member # 8157) on :
hey that's great to hear Jay! [hi]

can you tell us what treatmemt you've had to make such good progress?
Posted by lymster (Member # 5964) on :
Hey Jay!

Sooooooooooo happy you are feeling better and can't agree more with you about your statement:

"The main thing I learned
is you have to take control
of the situation--
Do what you have to-
to get better--"


Lymster in WA
Posted by DolphinLady (Member # 6275) on :
Wishing you continued success!
Posted by psano (Member # 7785) on :
Happy for you, Jay! I can't imagine having this for 20yrs.
Posted by groovy2 (Member # 6304) on :
Up --Jay--
Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
Good news indeed.

If you find that you want to try something else for the babesia later, maybe consider Riamet on your next trip down south.
Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Hey Jay!

I've hit my one year mark also and have come a long way.

Chears! Hip hip horray!

Was sick 7 years before 1 year on antibiotics.

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