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Posted by lisag (Member # 6798) on :

I'm still sooooo sick despite my months of iv abx, mepron and various supplements.

My main complaint is DEBILITATING fatigue...closely followed by pain and insomnia.

Does anyone have any tips for treating adrenal exhaustion?

Also...can't wait to see the summaries from the Klinghardt conference : )

Posted by Dalphia (Member # 8305) on :
Lisa, I don't have much to offer in the way of helping but I wanted to let you know that I have exactly the same symptons. Two doctors have told me that I'm in Adrenal Exhaustion. And, my fatigue is overwhelming along with leg and back pain, plus insomina.

Also, have you been tested for coinfections along with Lyme which might be what is keeping you in Adrenal Dysfunction.

Nutritional i.v.s, supplements, try to control stressors are some things I'm doing to build my Adrenals up to normal.

Hope you can get this turned around.

Good Luck,
Posted by micul (Member # 6314) on :
Your adrenals need a rest. The only eay to do that is to take a low dose steroid like Cortef to make up for the cortisol that your adrenals are too weak to make. I think that the lyme and coinfections damage the adrenals also, because almost all lymies have this problem whether they know it or not (at least to some degree). DHEA suplementation is a good idea also. Of course all of this should be done under a Dr's guidance. He needs to determine how much you need, and monitor your results for adjustments.

Small doses of cortisol are not only safe, they are required for you to get better. They are called physiological instead of pharmacological (higher) doses because they are only taken in high enough doses to replace the cortisol that your body needs and isn't able to make.

Some Dr's might tell you that you only need to take specific supplements that will help to repair your adrenals and make them stronger, but that's like whipping a dead horse. Your adrenals NEED a rest in order to get better. I hope that you can find the right Dr to help you.
Posted by lisag (Member # 6798) on :

thanks for the responses.

is cortef the same as florinef? my llmd put me on it...but then 2 more alternative llmd's told me it was bad to take....confusing?!?!?!

anyway if i get it worked out with the docs should i take the cortef and dhea in the morn or eve...does it pump you up or wind you down.

of course in the evening i have loads more energy and can't fall asleep...what's up with that.

talk about a world turned upside down...that's my lyme world.

oh yeah...i have tested positive for ALLLLLLLL the nasty co-infections plus mycoplasma, strep pnuemonia, h pylori...etc, etc. you name it i got it : )

thanks, lisa
Posted by micul (Member # 6314) on :
Florinef is a steroid like Cortef is, but I'm not sure how they differ. They do give you more energy, and can wind you up if you take them toom late in the day. They are usually taken 2 or 3 x's a day. First thing in the morning, noon, and usually no later than 2 PM. Taking them too late in the afternoon can make it hard to get to sleep.

Cortef or Florinef can be bad for lyme patients if they are given in too great a quantity. They are not only safe, but needed in adrenal deficiency to replace the cortisol that your adrenals are not producing. Large doses of steroids that are given for pain management are what is to be avoided for lyme patients. I suppose that Dr's differ on this point just like they do concerning vitamin supplementation. I look at it like a thyroid problem. Should you take synthroid to help with an underactive thyroid? Darn right you should. The body is not functioning properly when the thyroid and adrenal glands are in trouble, thereby making recovery more difficult.

You should have a test done to see what your cortisol levels are to make sure that this is really your problem. Diagnos Techs has a saliva cortisol test that is good...very easy to take.

[ 15. January 2006, 12:49 AM: Message edited by: micul ]
Posted by AlisonP (Member # 7771) on :
Hey Lisa,

I have been up nights for the past couple of weeks researching leptin, the master hormone that controls both cortisol and insulin. I'm only posting this because even though it's been a short while that I've been experimenting I am amazed at the results.

I won't go into all the stuff here, and I'll also say that I know nothing about the prescription meds for cortisol regulation, but certain foods seem to really influence its balance in a *positive* way.

Basically by balancing leptin you balance insulin and cortisol. And also the diet is waaaaay more fun and I felt better after only one day of just changing my eating and adding some superfoods.

Okay, so you may want to check out

and check out the superfoods listed on the website and the articles...I know it seems weird that food can help but I have been so surprised that certain foods seem to help a lot.



P.S. I am not specifically doing this diet, I'm doing an amalgam of this one plus a couple other leptin ones. But I give you this website because it lists the superfoods. [Smile]
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :

Thanks for the website. I have book marked it as one to refer back to again and again.

I was raised to believe we are what we eat and what we eat can make us healthy or make us sick. We ate balanced meals made of whole foods and cooked from scratch. When I hit my teens, I would eat a lot of fast food, but after so many days, I would practically crawl home begging for a home cooked meal. Then I would spend an hour in the bathroom with the most awful intestinal cramps while my body eliminated all the toxic junk I had been consuming.

I really believe a healthy body can fight off disease much better than a weakened body.
Posted by fatigued15 (Member # 6437) on :
My son had adrenal testing done at

It was a 6 hour saliva test. It showed his levels are all at the low level. He is on 3 different supplement s fro this suggested by his llmd. He just staretd these so time will tell if it helps with the fatigue issues.
Posted by surfbabe (Member # 8157) on :
Hi Lisa,

i had adrenal exhaustion too, so know how you feel. i tried cortef - only low dose but reacted badly to it. so go careful if you try this.

i then took adrenalaide - a natural adrenal extract (taken from bovine adrenals). it worked great & got me out the exhaustion stage. i took it full dose for 2 mths then a lower dose for 2 mths & now no longer need it. it comes in liquid form & full dose you take 6 drops 3xday under tongue.

i'll PM you the website where you can buy it from
Posted by mtnwoman (Member # 8385) on :
re Florinef vs Cortef, there is a big difference. Florinef is a synthetic corticosteroid whereas Cortef is bio-identical cortisol. Milligram for milligram, florinef is much stronger than Cortef.

Cortef is what integrative practitioners prescribe if they are addressing a low cortisol problem. They usu. don't prescribe more than 20mg total/day. The idea with the Cortef is to support the adrenal with physiological doses.
Posted by Boomerang (Member # 7979) on :
hey lisa.....if you're seeing an LLMD, then why do you deal with alternative LLD's? I don't quite follow this....?

Please enlighten me.... Do you not follow up on treatment with your LLMD?

Posted by lisag (Member # 6798) on :
hi everyone:

thanks for the advice. i'll be following up on these suggestions w/my docs.


my llmd is pretty much an abx only type of treater.

i haven't had much success with this type of treatment so have seen some docs who use abx but also incororate more alternative type things into the treatment plan...supplements, homeopathy...etc.

so there you have it : )
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
I suffered with adrenal fatigue for 5 yrs until it disappeared 6 months ago. I took Systemic Formulas Bio Function Ga Adrental support for about 3 months. My chiro also works on my pressure points for all my glands and hormones.
He's a muscle testing doc.

I did the Cortif and all the other hormones with Dr C for about 9 months and had no improvement. I always felt uneasy about all those hormones & steriods. That's just how I felt for me.

Take care, Pam

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