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Posted by geniveve (Member # 8646) on :
i will not go into details but has lyme affected any of your marriages?

mine has definitely taken a turn for the worse. no sympathy at all.

i've tried everything and it ain't workin..........
Posted by lymex5&counting (Member # 7202) on :

Here's a few links

Dr Bleiweiss in "When To Suspect Lyme" states "Fatal attractions are consistent with the Lyme Disease style."
Posted by Jillybean (Member # 8071) on :
You are definately not alone here. It makes it
harder because my husband and I also work together.

Even though I was diagnosed only months ago, I have been sick for several years. And everytime
the duck would say I was fine, must be too much stress, my husband got more frustrated with me.
He has NO tolerance or sympathy for me when I am feeling sick.

A real eye opener for him was when he took me
last week to get my picc line put in. I don't
know why it became so real to him, but all of
a sudden he stood up and paid attention.

He thought I was nuts for going on this board all
the time, didn't believe I had Lyme, just thought it was another psychological inflicted disorder, until the results came in, and verified by 3 doctors. BINGO!!!!

The hard part is that we are opening another restaurant, 6000 square feet, that needs alot of work, and we don't have many people to help us, and can't afford it either. I have always played an integral part in this process; painting, shopping, purchasing name it.
Now I'm having a hard time doing anything.

But at least he seems to have a little more compassion, and if I can't do it, or am worn out, I just say so.

Have you been to an LLMD yet? When I had my hysterectomy 3 yrs ago, I knew my hubby would
not be sympathetic. I asked my doc to talk to him, and boy did she ever! I didn't have to lift a finger for 2 weeks, and got the proper recovery time I needed.

Maybe you should have a talk with your doc, seems like people take them alot more seriously than
the written word or from what you say.

Sorry so long, but I can sympathize. We have other issues as well, somewhat personal, mostly his biggest question was wheather or not I could
have given it to him. They told him no. I have read otherwise, but still don't know the answer.

I wish you the best of luck!
Posted by flowersmile (Member # 7447) on :
Hi Jill,

Sorry for all your trouble. My LLMD is very well known and respected. In his opinion, it is not passed from spouse to spouse; mother to child, yes; but not spouse. Hope things get better with your husband. My husband has been great; but Inlaws are another story. This blasted disease is so hard for people to believe and understand. Good luck with everything.
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Hi Geniveve
My disease has put a stress on my husband ,who has been a real brick.He is active and likes to get out alot ,so this has been hard for him too.The whole thing puts stress on our marriage,just for the very fact that I can't get out and join him in the things we used to do togeather.

Some couples have had sucess with counseling.You might want to look into this.

And lyme is hard on friends and family too because they just can't fathom the very complex disease and most of my close ones are worried and can't cope so they take the road to de-nile.

After so many years living with lyme I think my husband is just burnt out.He doesn't much want to talk about it anymore.

This is a real problem.Because I do need people that understand and are willing to talk and share their experiences.

That is one of the reasons this board is so important to me.I can talk & listen to people who are going thru the same thing and can understand.

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