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Posted by D.J. LYME (Member # 8384) on :
making me really wonder if my tooth is an underlying factor in my recovery.

I had a root canal done about 5 years ago, the only dental work i have ever had outside of cleaning etc.

about two years ago it chipped and then the following summer it broke.

i just went to the dentist a few days ago to have an x ray done on that tooth to see if there was any infection under the root canal.

dentist said no infection visible, i dont feel any pain, although it is obviously rotting when i look in mirror. ( i know its gross)

i am so tapped on money from going to my llmd and meds, no insurance....

he wants me to go to oral surgeon and have some gum removed so he can put a cap on it, and was conscerned that were the tooth broke this time was just right at the gum line and has nothing to hold on too.

my question is this, would this have something to do with me not getting better, and do i need to do something about it right away.

i cant afford everything he wants me to do, but i can afford to have it pulled, can you pull a rootcanal tooth or is it more complex than that. and would i suffer problems as a result of pulling it.

i tried to search this topic and found little advice.

what do you think,......appreciate it....DJ
Posted by tequeslady (Member # 6832) on :
Gigi has posted a lot about teeth and root canals. That should come up in a search.

I think the best thing to do is to find a biologic dentist. Someone that understands cavitations, etc.
Posted by JimBoB (Member # 8454) on :
I had a root canal tooth "pulled" two years ago with no obvious complications.

I have one more root canal tooth to be pulled, but need to remove some silver/mercury fillings first from some of my other teeth. Then since the root canal tooth is in the front, I plan on getting a partial plate, with plastic anchors, if and when I can get the money.

Jim. [Cool]
Posted by mlkeen (Member # 1260) on :

In my mind which tooth it is would play a role in my decision.

Early lyme, before I understood all the dental implications a chunk of one of my wisdom teeth cracked off. I was willing to have it capped, there wouldn't have been a root canal. My dentist told me I was nuts, just pull it.

I did have it pulled. Looking back I see it was a wise choice, it was just hard for me as it was the only tooth I've ever had pulled.

It cost like $157.00. It hurt for a month because the little bit of bone between the roots had to break.

My son had his wisdom teeth pulled as soon as they could be, be was on Biaxin for lyme, his mouth healed quickly, but he did have more neuro/sleep issues for a number of weeks.

That is the extent of my tooth pulling with lyme knowledge!
Posted by Health (Member # 6034) on :
I had a root canal removed 6 years ago, and got VERY ill from it. If i had removed it now, I would be dead.

Back then I was strong, my immune system was strong, I had MCS back then, but only for about 3 years...

My Xray of the tooth showed that it was FINE, but the 2 ND's that I saw said it was causing a problem for my immune system.

I was supposed to take an antibiotic after I had it removed for 10 days, but the antibiotic that Dentist was going to give me I was allergic to it, it was Penicillin. I shoudl have taken another one.

I never got sick from the tooth right away, when they pullled it, it took about 2 weeks.

THEN one AM I awoke, and could not walk, pain in back, loweer back, swollen lymph nodes,

had chronic severe fatigue for about 2 months.
Slept 14 hours a day, before this tooth was removed, I was ok with 7 hours sleep a night.

SO, if this was me, I would work on lyme, see how you do, treat candida, all coinfections, then removed tooth,

I had a special test done from a ND, I will see if I can get the name of it, then give it to you.

Posted by sofy (Member # 5721) on :
I had this too. Just one root canal and then when I stopped antibiotics for one day it exploded in pain and there was a massive infection underneath.

I had the whole thing taken out and am getting a flexite one tooth molar partial. Will go back to the dentist early March to get the partial.

It was a little over $400 for the partial and thats a whole lot cheaper and safer than anything else you can do. You can also change your mind later if you want to do something different cuz it comes in and out at your will.

Im so sick I could not make myself put anything else that had metal in it in my mouth cuz of fear not to mention cost. I was also afraid of another unseen infection under a permanent replacement

No dentist mentioned the partial option to me. It was Gigi who mentioned it and when I asked my dentist he said sure and had examples right in his office to show me.

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