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Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :
How F-ing long does the herx cycle repeat itself????

I have been herxing almost everyday while on Tetracycline for over 3 months now....

I have had a few breaks as you know, but it keeps returning.....

This Sucks! If I have been ill for 18 months, with some meds during that time to help me, maybe total of 4-5 months, then honestly, how long will it take to be well again?????



[ 16. April 2006, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: BostonLyme2005 ]
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
You may have had more than one strain running at different cycles.
It took 4 or 5 months before I started to only herx once a month 28 to 34 days.

Drink the water a plenty and take ibuprohen to help with all the inflamation.
I hope the herxing will get down to a bareable level for you soon.

Check with your Dr and see if its okay to take some milk thistle to help remove toxins.
Posted by hopeful123 (Member # 3244) on :
sorry you are feeling so terrible. no advice, really. just sorry

Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
Hey Boston I hear ya...

There are some folks that have been fighting this thing for 20 years or don't feel too bad...I know it sucks big time.

While I don't herx real bad on abx's lately I still get monthly flares....ten years down the road.

Hang in there...zman
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Hey Bostonlyme2005

Yes hexing S*#^ks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I herxed almost the whole time on 6 months IV abx. And now I do 4 days on and 11 days off. I still herx every time.

I have had lyme 20 years so this is not the same case as you,

But my personal theroy is it is not possible to get all the ketes at once.

Sorry about the herx's. They can be brutal. I was crying last night from the herx pain.

Have you been tested/treated for co-infections.?
This is considered by many LLD'S to be the reason why some of us are still sick.

Hang in there. Time is on our side. It takes an enormous amount of patience. This I have the hardest problem with. [group hug]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I herxed continually for at least a yr....BUT I've had it since childhood and wasn't treated until 42 yrs later.

It should let up soon. Just hang in there!

This is Rob:
[dizzy] [bonk]
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Rob, no one can answer that question. One thing I learned in the last 6 yrs that I didn't have before is PATIENCE.

I too was like you in the early years, frustrated and so concerned because it just seemed to go on and on and on.

If it was easy and all we have to do is take an abx for 21 days and it's all gone, none of us would be here looking for answers and support. If the world, CDC, NIH, physicians, general public knew what this is really about they would be appalled. Some day the truth will be know.

In the mean time for you, just take it one day at a time. Be thankful for your good periods. Try to learn from the bad and what might be triggering it. Learn how to lessen the bad days by doing detox.

Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
I take various ABX since January last year and herx all the time ... but also improving. Recently, for the last 6 weeks I am on tetracycline as well. Good stuff that brought me unexpectedly some extra herxing!

I don't suffer so much as apparently you do. My herxing at present manifest as migrating numbness that well responds to Questran. Once I switch to Tetracycline I had to increase dose of Questran. So Tetracycline releases bigger quantity toxin from dead bugs. Once again - good stuff killing more bugs.
Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :
Thanks Guys!

Love you all! My eye lids twitch like crazy..I am still working though...

Detox info please? I am drinking water, sometimes w/ lemon in it, lots of fiber.....

Posted by aiden424 (Member # 7633) on :
I agree this REALLY does suck!!! I will have been sick 20 years on April 16th. I have been bed ridden or in a wheelchair all this time. I thought I couldn't get worse, unless I died.

I was wrong!! I am even more sick on antibiotics. The herxing is awful!!! I just want to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Just something to give me hope to keep fighting.

I've had to take a break once in awhile from treatment, because I just couldn't take it anymore.

Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Hey bostonlyme2005
Re: If you do a search here there is tons of information to be had on detox.

I'll just share 3 things that help me with detox-other than drinking tons of water.

*detox foot pads
*hot epson baths
*Detox teas. Personally I think the best ones to start with would be Danelion--decaf green tea- & pau d arco

Pau d' arco also has other get property's.It contains a natural antibacterial agent and cleanses the blood and is good for candia too and all types of infection

p.s. I would do the epson bath at night before you go to bed. It not only is good for detox because it makes you sweat and has mag from the epson...

It can also make for better abx penetration and often I have found that I herx worse following the bath. Better to sleep thru it afterwards.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
FIR Sauna
FIR Sauna
FIR Sauna
Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you.

I would go into my whole herx thing, but it's late, and it's been a long day.

Hopefully, you'll start getting some relief soon-- you too Kathy. I think I mentioned the symptoms chart they have at the website for the Lyme Disease Assn of SE PA...anyway, charting my symptoms each day helped me see what progress I was making...

And it really gave me hope things were improving when I couldn't always tell.

A big hug

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Tutu, you are a hoot with those icons! 42 years without treatment.

Kathy, my heart goes out to you those 20 years of being in a wheelchair or in bed!

I was 34 yrs. misdx until 7-04. I worked 30 yrs., 6 months until I "left" without any state benefits. Did file for SSDI, SS disability, & finally won benefits after 5 hellish years.

I've not been bedridden or in wheelchair. But going thru the last 1.6 yrs. of lyme treatments for ALL my complications including now diabetes 2 is the pits. 19 rx meds! Take 14 daily.

Hope to see progress in near future, but I'm not holding my breath.

Have you printed out TREEPATROL'S NEWBIE LINKS found at top o 1st screen, medical? Check them off as you read --- months of reading.

Print off Dr. B's 05 treatment guidelines, 40 pages. Read it regularly to educate yourself, but you are LUCKY! From what I've read, you were bitten recently and have received PROMPT treatment, so you are better off than the rest of us chronic lymies! Best wishes.
Posted by hatsnscarfs (Member # 6562) on :
Your mailbox is full! Will pm you next week.
Posted by henson2 (Member # 463) on :
My Tetra Herx got so brutal that my LLMD pulled me off for a break.

I was in so much swollen joint pain and flu aches; when Motrin no longer hit the pain I started crying non stop.

Sometimes Herxes impede the healing process if they are too brutal -- you don't want your body to be that attacked.

I found Tetra to be a very powerful med for me -- REALLY brought on major Herxes, after I'd experienced a more gentle linear recovery for a long time. I had taken a long treatment break last year so that I could work (i.e. didn't want any Herxes) so that may have contributed to my strong seemingly non stop Herxes.

My LLMD was pleased we were getting at it, but recognized when it got too tough.

One thing I realize now: I wasn't doing enough of the detox things to get the borelia die-off & neurotoxins released. If they are not flushed out, they can re-uptake and still be in your system, causing further inflammation.

There is much info here on Detoxing, including good digestion and gut supplements. I found that many Western Drs (at least where I am) don't believe in the need for detox, so I found an acupuncturist/herbalist/holistic Dr. to help me sort these things out.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes for feeling better soon!
Posted by Boomerang (Member # 7979) on :
Hang in there, Boston! I'm hoping it does get better. Hubby has had a lot of herxes, but it seems he's on the uptrend now. We shall see how it goes.

5 Months of ABX......but he is getting better.

Take care.
Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :
I am hanging in there guys..I hope you are too. I wanted to do certain things today, did some, have to rest now!

Posted by trails (Member # 1620) on :
Thanks for starting this thread--I was thinking about this myself today.

How can you tell the difference between a herx that is relentless and if you are just getting worse/NOT hitting the Bb?

I have been having terrible nerve/muscle pains and now am having old babs symptoms (flushing hot face, cold hands, fatigue that is horrible, insomnia, dizziness) that I havent had in a long time. Am I hitting the bugs or are they hitting me? How can you tell the difference?

I am treating with Plaquenil, Amoxy/probenecid, magnesium and other suppliments.

so confusing!
Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :
It seems to be the biggest mountain to climb in this disease...This is why I am pressing on with the co-infects issue and will be treated....

I think maybe some of us settle for the lyme dx and forget the co-infects....
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