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Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :

I have learned from the many readings that Herxing comes at all levels and is different for all people.

The longer you have Lyme, the stronger the herxing I guess.

I have not had aprob taking any abx to this date, Amox, Doxy, Tetra.

Hope will be the same for anything else. Always think the abx are good for me, so, never have a prob with them....

The Tetra though is working because I herx a lot, it can be painful, I just think I am getting better.

[ 28. February 2006, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: BostonLyme2005 ]
Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :
It is such a vast subject. It effects diff. people in diff. ways.
Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
Personally i can tell you i have had them last a few hrs to a few months.

Over the years herx symptoms included current symptoms intensifying, old one coming back and new ones presenting themselves.

Unfotunately their is no way to predict what a herx will be like or how long it will last....

Its just one of the complexities of this disease.

Best Wishes [Smile]
Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :
It seems to be at one pain level one day, another pain level another day, and so on, you cant bank on it for the same level of pain, you may feel like crap, or feel pretty good!
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :
I was recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and the LLMD says this results from Lyme and should go away when the Lyme goes. I sure hope so.

In the meantime, I have been reading up on RA and possible causes. Leaky Gut Syndrome is one possibility and there are many studies to support this. Two causes of Leaky Gut are longterm NSAID use (5 mths Advil for me) and Candida (yeast) infections. I have been chronic.

A change of diet seems to help some people and the diet possibilities were all over the place. I chose a vegan diet (no meat, dairy, sugar) as it made the most sense. The diet had an immediate improvement on my joint pain. Through trial and error, I have also learned that wheat and brown rice trigger my pain. Oatmeal for breakfast almost guarantees a painfree day.

I have read where this diet also significantly reduces the herx reaction RA patients experience when they use antibiotics to treat their RA. (Another theory of cause of RA is an Infection Connection. Mycoplasma is highest suspect) The way to treat it is with low dose antibiotics which in most RA victims causes a herx reaction.

A vegan diet is supposed to be the least inflamatory diet you can eat. It sure seems to be working for me.
Posted by shizuko (Member # 8213) on :
Does anybody know if co-infection (such as Ehrlichia) alone can cause herx reaction to antibiotic challenge?

Or can one conclude that s(he) has Lyme if s(he) experience herx from antibiotic?


Posted by Christine202 (Member # 6158) on :
Hi Rob - I just want to throw this out there to you b.c it was my experience on tetra...

I took it for 2 years on and off from a MA LLMD.. Before tetra I was on Bicillan and doing failry well as far as making progress....

Then I switched LLMD's due to financial reasons and was put on the tetra... I immediately got worse... and worse and worse...

I was told over and over to hang in and it was a good thing and a herx....

2 years later I was worse than before I was diagnosed with Lyme and had to start all over again with treatment.....

I am not writting this to scare you b.c it was my personal experience with tetra... But from that experience I fel that it could cause some people to become too toxic,,,, not so much a herx.....

maybe a little of both.

I know many people are helped from tetra clas of drugs so I dont want this to come across as a scary "blanket" statement. But I feel that herxing is absolutely a nessesary evil BUT, and big BUT, it should not debilitate you for weeks and weeks making you worse and worse...

There has to be should be able to function to some extent and see sme imporvement along the way....

if not I wonder if its too much toxic build up since that was the case for me....

anyway, I hope you feel better and cna get some relief soon.
Posted by henson2 (Member # 463) on :
Hi Rob,

I just wanted to agree with what Christine wrote above.

I got worse and worse on the Tetra, and kept thinking I was just Herxing worse and worse (and thus getting better).

Turned out I had developed Leaky Gut and food sensitivities (gluten, dairy, etc) and other problems from the prolonged use of Tetra without other immune support.

It may be worth backing off the treatment for a little while to see exactly where you are.

I too don't want to make a "scary blanket" statement, but I am wishing now that I had supported my immune system and taken better and more frequent probiotics, and other things to flush out the toxins that are created when the Lyme bugs are zapped by the Tetra.

Please be careful, ok?

Want you to be well,
Warmest wishes to everyone to feel better soon!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
this list is from NAN, 10-9-06

Musculoskeletal System

Joint pain or swelling
Stiffness of joints, back, neck
Muscle pain or cramps
Creaking, cracking joints
Heel pain
Spinal sensitivity
Movement of pain or swelling to different joints

Neurologic System

Headache - persistent/severe
Bell's Palsy (facial paralysis)
Burning or stabbing pains
Tremors or unexplained shaking
Numbness in body and/or extremities, tingling, pinpricks
Weakness or partial paralysis
Pressure in the head
Lightheadedness, wooziness
Poor balance, dizziness, difficulty walking
Increased motion sickness
Seizures, stroke symptoms
Restless legs

Mental Capability

Memory loss (short or long term)
Confusion, difficulty in thinking
Forgetting how to perform simple tasks
Speech difficulty (slurred or slow)
Stammering, stuttering speech
Going to the wrong place

Psychological well-being

Mood swings, irritability
Unusual depression
Panic-anxiety attacks
Overemotional reactions, crying easily
Aggression, rage
Too much sleep, insomnia
Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Obsessive-compulsive behavior
Suicidal thoughts
Disorientation (getting or feeling lost)

Head, Face, Neck

Stiff or painful neck
Headache, mild or severe
Twitching of facial or other muscles
Jaw pain or stiffness
Sore throat
Unexplained hair loss
Scalp rash

Eyes, Vision

Double or blurry vision
Pain in eyes, or swelling around eyes
Light sensitivity
Flashing lights
Tearing and/or dry
Vision loss/Blindness
Decreased hearing in one or both ears
Buzzing or ringing in ears (tinnitus)
Pain in ears
Sound sensitivity

Digestive and Excretory System

Irritable bladder (trouble starting, stopping)
Frequent urination
Upset stomach, vomiting
Gastroesophageal reflux

Respiratory/Circulatory System

Shortness of breath
Chest pain or rib soreness
Night sweats or unexplained chills
Heart palpitations or extra beats
Heart block, heart attack
Valve prolapse, murmurs


Loss of sex drive
Sexual dysfunction
Unexplained menstrual pain, irregularity
Unexplained breast pain, discharge
Testicular or pelvic pain

General Well-being

Extreme fatigue
Symptoms change, come and go
Pain moves to different body parts
Unexplained weight gain or loss
All types of rashes on the body and /or scalp
Swollen glands
Unexplained fevers (high or low grade)
Continual infections (sinus, kidney, yeast, bladder, etc.)
Increased sensitivity to allergens
Exaggerated response to alcohol or sweets
Nodules under the skin
Early on, experienced a flu-like illness, after which you have not felt well since.

Bettyg [Big Grin]
Posted by Jill E. (Member # 9121) on :
Hi Rob,

It's always good to see you back here on the board checking in and saying hi.

I saw from some of your recent posts that you are trying to implement a candida diet. I don't know if you've already started, but the die-off from candida can feel a lot like a herx.

Years before I had Lyme, I had candida and that was the first time I had ever learned of the term die-off.

So even though it sounds like it's definitely the Tetra that is causing your herxing, I was just wondering if you're doing anything for candida that acutally might be making that die-off a little more uncomfortable.

I've gotten herx-like headaches and spaciness from supplements such as garlic and olive leaf extract and oregano oil that could either be working on the Lyme or the yeast - who knows.

I've never been on Tetra so I can't speak to it. I did get a toxic build-up to Doxy after about nine months, so I guess you can max out on any medication after a while.

Anyway, good luck!

Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :
Hi Jill,

Hon, I am now and have been for some time taking Biaxin-Plaq, good combo...I have not always been dedicated to the yeast diet, many times I have messed up, coke, fast foods, sugars, name it!

I then paid the price, dearly! I am now taking Nystatin, Pro-biotics too.

I'll send you a PM.

Posted by Jill E. (Member # 9121) on :
Hey Rob,

I just replied to your PM. I didn't realize you were on the Biaxin-Plaq combo. Haven't been on that yet, but it sounds like you're killing those critters big-time. And you are being a good Lymie and having your eyes checked while on Plaquenil, aren't you?

I've been religious about taking probiotics and they've really helped. In addition to probiotics, I also take saccharomyces boullardii, which is supposed to help reduce yeast, keep the intestines in better shape, and most importantly, try to prevent a C. Diff. infection.

One of my local Lyme pals had C. Diff.from antibiotics even before she had Lyme, so that's how I learned about s.boulardii supplements.

Oh, crud, the TV news is reporting on e.coli. in lettuce from California. Just ate some a couple of nights ago. I also ate spinach the night before the recall.

Thank goodness for being on Bicillin. I figure I could cure the entire Tainted Spinach outbreak with my personal stock of Lyme meds.

Take care,
Posted by Karensky (Member # 21350) on :
what is C Dif. infection ?

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