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Posted by luvswz (Member # 8782) on :
Excuse any ignorance here from a green newbie.

I hear so much about herxing, and people feel better after stopping abx...

Is it possible that the overdosing of the drug cocktails (as most are on VERY high dosage to be effective supposedly) is the real culprit here?

If someone is chronic lymie, years of high dosage abx should have kept spirochetes down to a level that shouldn't be causing consistent, long herxing...thinking logically.

Please entertain this notion for a minute and educate me!

Posted by mlkeen (Member # 1260) on :
It's not over dosing, but high doses do often make more herxing. I'm not sure that folks on the same abx for years haave long hard herxing. My experience was chronic moderate pain and fatigue for about 10 months, then I started to feel better. My son herxed hard for several months,6, then eased off. We were on the same drug for over 2 years.

When we started with other drugs I herxed strongly with each change, suggesting that I still had plenty of keets to kill. My son has had little herxing on this new protocol suggesting his keet level is lower.

Without the high levels of abx in our system the concentration of drug in the tissue, not blood, isn't high enough to kill. Also the reprodductive cycle, being extremely long, indicates that 2 years would be the absolute minimum that it would take to hit all bacteria when they reproduced, the only time many abx work.

I hope this helps you. And for the record, keets do not follow our logic, they are shape shifting beasts that will do anything to survive.

Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Yes, it is quite possible the cure is worse than the illness. This can happen. I wouldn't call it an overdose of abx. It's really an overdose of toxins and poisons.

Herxing is actually a build of toxins in the major organs like the liver, colon, gall bladder, spleen. This build up of toxins can include abx toxins. It also includes dead ketes, bacteria, etc.

Major issues can come from not doing detox methods during treatment with abx. You need to have every organ operating effectively to remove toxins from the body. Including the largest organ in the body, the skin.

One man's medicine is another man's poison. That's true with abx, supplements, herbs, vitamins etc.

Posted by Christine202 (Member # 6158) on :
I do nto have any scientific evidence to back this up but only experience:

There have been many different anx I have taken ( especially Tetracyclene calls of drugs for me)
That have caused me to just get worse and worse withouth any let up or positive effects in between feeling bad...

In my opinion what I expereince when i get like this is not just a huge herx, but my body unable to process toxins possibly being released , or just the drug in general causing a reaction...

Its important to listen to your body and know what makes you feel best....

Take Care!
Posted by JimBoB (Member # 8454) on :
I agree with you 100% Christine.

THAT is why I have totally quit taking abx and am now on HERBS ONLY.

I feel a thousand percent better on herbs compared to abx.

AND it is NOT from herxing since I was taking Sarsaparilla, Milk Thistle AND Red Root near the end of my abx regimen and it still made me sicker and in more pain as each day went along. I also was taking Acidophilus (probiotic), to replace what the abx destroyed, to no avail.

Abx do just about nothing as far as killing the Spirochetes after awhile anyway. They can and do change their form to hid from the abx after awhile.

Jim [Cool]
Posted by luvswz (Member # 8782) on :

What herbs are you taking? Can they totally replace abx??? How long have you been taking abs before switching?

How are your symptoms under herbs? Any side effects?
Posted by JimBoB (Member # 8454) on :

I just bumped up a post I put on a month or so ago. It is called: Herbal Protocol that I am taking. HELPING! Check it out it should be on either page one or two of the medical questions IF you check it out in a day or two.

It gives you pretty much MY protocol. I am adding things every so often.

I find there are a lot LESS side affects from herbs than from abx, to be sure.

I recently was on Tetracycline for 28 days, then 7 days off of abx, and then went on doxycycline for 24 days. I was going to go on doxy for 28 days, also, but just couldn't stand taking them any longer. I was feeling really bad. Almost all my original symptoms from last fall were back. It took me a few days, but now I feel really good again.

I don't think I am cured yet, but life is so much more enjoyable now.

Be sure to get the Stephen Buhner book, "Healing Lyme". It has EVERYTHING you need for healing your Lyme.

And YES, you can do it without abx. Though he is against abx, the way so many docs prescribe them, he does recommend you use at least some for this hideous disease. But I would not go on them for any length of time.

Jim [Cool]

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