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Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :

some people eat what they want while taking abx, some follow the anti-yeast diet....

Who feels better and why?

Does it work for everybody?

Posted by char (Member # 8315) on :
I feel better.

I have more energy. I notice that my stomach feels good.

If I cheat a little, I just am sort of uncomfortable abdominally which I don't notice too much, as it was the norm for so long.

If I cheat a lot, I get tummy ache and diareah.
Get very tired and want to lie down.
Posted by groovy2 (Member # 6304) on :
Hi Boston

Candida can make you Very sick--

It is in your best intrest to do
the no carb diet--
and not to let candida it get out
of control--

I know if I had not done it-

I would have bad candida again--
You dont want to go there-Jay-
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
I don't know about feeling better but without it when I cheat-instant problem with yeast.

The other reason I do no sugar low carg diet is sugar & carbs feed BB. They use it and grow strong. They don't need alot of things but this they do need and thrive on.Carbs break down in the body as sugar!

Untill recently I didn't know this. So for the last 3 years
I was killing them and feeding them at the same time.!!!!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I DEFINITELY feel better on the anti-yeast diet! And I surely don't want to feed the keets!!

You really won't know when you're "well" if you dont' follow the diet because the symptoms are so similar.
Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :

how do I know if I already have it and how do I rid myself of it?

Posted by pattiecake (Member # 6424) on :
I definately feel better on the low carb (I do eat lots of salad and veggie carbs) and no sugar diet.

I had gained about 30 lbs. from lyme and dropped most of it when going on the diet so that was a nice side effect [Smile] .

If I "cheat" and eat wheat based carbs especially I feel lousey and bloated and feel as tho I cant digest it without a lot of discomfort.
Posted by DeLo5 (Member # 8905) on :
Hi All,

Do you find it's necessary to stay on the low carb diet even if you are taking mega doses of probiotics? Dr. S prescribed Culturelle and BifidoBiotics along with six weeks of Augmentin for my son's Scarlet Fever. He said that after peeling off the current infection he'll look at the Igenix results and proceed from there.

Anyway, I think he is prone to yeast infections and was glad that he prescribed the pro biotics. Just don't know if I can also get my son to give up carbs. He is a teen with a mind of his own, thankfully an open mind most times [Razz]
Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :
Sometimes I think food may bother me and sometimes I feel nothing different.

Posted by hatsnscarfs (Member # 6562) on :
I feel much better on the anto yeast diet. It really helps to control yeast.

I have a feeling the diet is good for me in other ways too. Since going on it my allergies are greatly reduced & I no longer get headaches. I'm not sure of this is from the diet, the antibiotics or both.

Because so many foods are off limits I eat lot of organic vegetables. Thats a healthy thing to do.
Posted by NurseKim (Member # 8638) on :
Found no sugar, no whites of any kind have helped alot! Been doing it for 5 weeks since PICC and rocephin went in.Am dropping the pounds (gained 50lbs. till they realized I was advanced Lymes)..I have more energy, no yeast problem. I
also eat no fatplain yogurt 1/2cup at 1pm and 8pm.Water every hour with an alkaline product in it,(lemon, lime, apple cider vinegar, or baking soda,I get bored easily so I try each at different times)..And I stay on strict high alkaline foods, the internet has lists of foods. I keep it in purse and on frig..I feel energized no acid problem at all..first time in over year!
Everyone is different, maybe this will help someone! Good luck, it is basically trial and error....From the
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sorry Rob, I missed your reply earlier!

You go mostly by symptoms to determine if you have yeast. However, if you follow the diet and take the natural or prescription meds to clear it, you will find out if you have a problem or not.

Basically because you will "herx."

Read thru this info carefully:
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :
Here is a simple way to see if you have yeast.

Spit into a glass of water. Do this first thing in the morning before you put anything in your mouth. Let it sit for 30 mins. If stringers and cloudy sediment form, you have a bad yeast infection.

I found this on the theralac website and mine was disgusting. I thought "oh, I bet everyone's spit does this. They just want to make sales" So I had my husband and daughter do it and theirs was absolutely clear. No streamers, etc.

I already knew I had a bad yeast problem because I had developed leaky gut syndrome and my LLMD said everyone with a yeast problem will get LGS. Also, when I took diflucan, I had the most horrible pain in my joints which told the LLMD that the yeast is systemic.

Before this, I ate lots of sweets. Even laughed about needing to feed the keets. (Not even remotely funny now)

I changed my diet radically to a vegan diet. I had to do this because of the leaky gut situation. It is helping tremendously. I was taking probiotics before but now I have doubled them, cut the diflucan dose in half to prevent the herx and am pulsing minocycline 100mg MWF. (the mino is a protocol for RA)

I am steadily improving and I really credit the diet for most of that. I've only been on the minocycline 2 weeks which is not enough time to have an effect. The diflucan is probably doing a lot too as it is a powerful antifungal.
Posted by robi (Member # 5547) on :
If I go off my low carb diet Ny mouth starts to burn.

SO those 3 chocolate chip cookies I devoured on the 1st day of my cycle (ya know) were not worth it!

SO, yes, I feel much better on the low carb diet. Besides, I am doing everything I can to get well .... sugar is not worth it.

I do the sugar thing 3 or 4 times a year and I am happy with that.

Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
Wrote before: I am on diet full of carbs yet take Tetracykline same doses as BostonLyme2005 - feeling fine.

I am one of these guys who don't believe in low carb diet.
Posted by Christine202 (Member # 6158) on :
I personally feel you are doing yourslef a diservice if you do not alter your diet while on any long term abx treatment....

processed, yeast, sugar containing foods only feed off candida.

Of course we are all human and have to stray once in a while from this diet, but in the long run I think it will save you a ton of potential problems in the future..

Take it from someone who has been on long term abx on and off for 8 years...

I fell off the wagon a couple years ago and went to eating "normally" again.... It triggered lots of problems for me.....

Just MHO
Posted by Christine202 (Member # 6158) on :
I just wanted to add I am not a believer in low carb for everyone.

I am one who needs carbs...but I eat the good while grain carbs such as millet, quinoa, brown rice, and oats,,,,

I go downhill on no carbs and I think that everyone is different and has to go by how they feel.
Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
I used this 'pesky' low carb diet for a while (6 months or so) and didn't feel any better.

But perhaps everybody is different.

It doesn't mean my diet is full of candies and white sugar. I try to eat sensibly but have my sweet pleasures a few times a week - without bad consequences obvously. I also take probiotics and some small doses of herbal antifungals on regular basis.
Posted by BostonLyme2005 (Member # 7680) on :

I think it is so very wonderful to see that we all have different approaches to recovery and that we willingly share...

our successes and pitfalls with one another for the betterment of the Lyme family, all of us who suffer each and every day!

Posted by DolphinLady (Member # 6275) on :
I've been warned by a couple of doctors that low carb can contribute to depression. Apparently we need some carbs to create serotonin, the feel good brain chemical.

Has anyone experienced this?

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