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Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
My husband is sooo sick.

I don't know what to do. He says advil doesn't help the pain.

I took him to the LLMD on weds. We were told that he got a nasty virus and now all his lyme symptoms / pain have come out.

Dr. S gave him an rx for celebrex. Told him to get some sudafed and rest.

Bill is just getting worse.

The celbrex worked the first day. A little bit yesterday. and didn't work today.

He was sneezy and achey. Now his teeth, jaw and head aches. and he has a strange cough.

He's not coughing very much...... actually very little. It's just when he does cough it hurts his chest and throat.

I'm going to call the dr tommorrow for a real pain killer.

He's never had such bad pains before. It's kinda his first time.

This is a man who goes to work even with diarrehea. and he is just laid flat out sick sick sick.
Posted by liz28 (Member # 4946) on :
What is he taking for Lyme? Is he on anything?

Celebrex works great for me, but as an anti-inflammatory. It's useless without Lyme meds.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That's terrible!! Did the dr give him an antibiotic? Sounds like he has bronchitis or worse.
Posted by psano (Member # 7785) on :
What abx is he on? He has to have abx in order to get better.

Sorry he's feeling so sick. I know it's hard on both of you.
Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :
We use Tramadol/Tylenol for pain.
Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Well thank God he is starting to feel alittle better. He thought he was dieing!

Anyway....... his normal rx list is Maralone, Zith, Art, prilosec, lipitor, vitamins, minerals, herbs and probiotics.

So I called Dr. S today who now rxed Avelox for bronchitis. (Bill is coughing up brown phlem and his chest/ribs hurts.)

And a different pain pill...... Etodolac? It's another arthritis type pain pill.

Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
I dont know if this will help much, but I got VERY sick with a virus two months ago.. my body was me, head was aching bad.. just everywhere hurt and all sequestered into my lungs

and I ended up up pretty colors and not being able to breathe which hurt my head and body WORSE.

That was too months ago. Up until then, I was about 90 percent better with my lyme. I backslid, alot.

Im just now gradually coming out of it. My doc said it was the flu virus and then bronchitis. I had a fever of 102.0 for like 3 days which Im sure killed some lyme along its path.

Alot of people, lymmies or not are getting this virus and its just ing like heck. My boss ( totally healthy) actually contracted it in February and is STILL sick and it has "reactiviated" itself once already.

Soooo while he may be feeling terrible with the lyme, once this virus gets under control, it may subside. The avelox since its for virus control should certainly help!

I hope he feels better soon. I feel for him because the same thing happened to me.
Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Thanks everyone. I think it was bronchial.

Today was a great day. Bill was so happy and feeling much better.

He laughed at everything all day long. We even went to Home Depot!!!!

Bill watched me and hung out side while I planted some pansies.

He is going to stay home tommorrow again. I think after that he'll be able to work again.

Thank God! I thought I was going to have to refinance our house for the 3rd time.
Posted by iceskater (Member # 8655) on :
Etodolac, is Lodine an nonsteroidal anitimflammotory for arthalgias and pain. I was put on it for a horrific car accident in 1993. It will help.

Avelox a good antibiotic have used it for sinus infections in past.

Hope things going better for you!
Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
Im so glad that he is doing much better :-)

i thought it might be bronchitis.

Like i told you i had something that sounded similar last year that started this whole nightmare for me, and it reactivated.

Tell him to stay home if he can until he feels strong enough to return to work. I went back to early and ended up relapsing. Im just glad hes doing better :-)

[group hug]
Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Thank you

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