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Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
I am going to cut and paste here a Lyme Log that I have been keeping. I had a computer programmer make it for me, and I thought it might be something others are interested it. I am pasting one month's worth of my own postings. I have found it to be invaluable as a tool, and it keeps me logging every day, which we all know is so important!

I removed the hyperlinks, but it does a lot of things. It is web based, and also shows all my data on a graph each month. I had it personalized to reflect things I want to track, such as exercise, which days I work, etc. I rate myself each day on a general scale of 1-10. Here it is, wondering what people think. I think this guy should market this and host it for a nominal monthly fee; it has helped me SO much! OK, it didn't come out like it looks on the internet at all. IF you are interested, email me and I will actually send you the link. It is a chart, and very easy to use. The graphing part is even better. I just don't want to post my personal info here for the whole world to see, but I would be glad to share my password with anyone who wants to see how it actually looks!

Lyme LogView selected months data
Monthly Data for 04/2006 - 04/2006Select a row to highlight it; Select it again to remove highlight;Add Log Entry Main Menu Date Score Activity Distance Notes
04/01/2006[Edit Entry] 9.00 None N/A Wow, I can't believe I didn't get to exercise today. I was on such a good streak! I just didn't have time though; I was gone most of the day. I felt really good today. I never needed any Motrin, and just took Adderall once. I did lots of errands, and shopping, went to a play, and was just fine. I still have lots of energy. No pain today, felt great. I really feel the absence of exercise though; it's almost like a daily necessity now. It really helps me get out all my stress, and without it I feel like it's stuck inside! Last Updated: 04/01/2006 07:04:57
04/02/2006[Edit Entry] 10.00 Walked 3 miles A totally perfect day. I did have to take Motrin twice, but it was manageable. I had an awesome walk in the woods, it was peaceful, beautiful, and just perfect. I did get my legs totally scratched up and black and blue, but ya know, it was well worth it. The woods expedition was quite an enjoyable adventure. I felt happy after getting through a little bit of depression earlier in the day, but then just knew everything was going to be all right. Took an awesome bath later, then relaxed with a movie. It's midnight and I'm off to bed.Last Updated: 04/02/2006 11:04:00
04/03/2006[Edit Entry] 8.50 Walked 4 miles Groggy...woke up at 11:00, laid in bed until noon. No pain, just tired. I had so much trouble sleeping last night I took 3 sleeping pills throughout the night. I'm sure that's why I am having trouble waking up! I'm going to go for a walk early to try and reverse this fog. Felt much better later, walked 4 miles. I have lost 8 pounds now, yahoo! Felt just fine the rest of the day. .Last Updated: 04/18/2006 10:04:07
04/04/2006[Edit Entry] 9.00 None N/A Felt good today. Was not able to exercise. As usual, a little groggy waking up but then I was fine. No pain or symptoms other than ringing in my ears.Last Updated: 04/05/2006 01:04:26
04/05/2006[Edit Entry] 7.00 None N/A I'm feeling okay today. I woke up very groggy and tired from a poor night's sleep. I am not having any pain, just the ringing in the ears. I do feel very depressed today though, hence the lower score. I'm home with down time and that always seems to make me feel lonely. I'm trying to do a few things, put one step in front of the other. As the day wore on I got really tired and had shoulder and neck pain. Fell asleep at 6:45 pm. Guess I was having a bad Lyme day after all!Last Updated: 04/05/2006 09:04:15
04/06/2006[Edit Entry] 3.00 None N/A Lousy day. Slept last night from 6:30 pm to 9:30 am, 15 hours and I still feel tired. I wish I could exercise but I just don't feel up to it. This is the third day I haven't done any exercise. I am going back to bed for the rest of the day. Had to cancel all work today. It almost feels like a herx, maybe it started coming on yesterday and that's why I felt so down. Last night I started with a lot of pain, and today I just feel like I have been hit by a truck. No fever, but all over body pains and aches. Also feeling very depressed and lonely. As the day wore on I felt worse and worse. I slept from 3:30 - 6:00 pm, my whole body just aches and hurts, and I have a bad headache. I can barely get out of bed, my whole body feels so heavy and exhausted. I hope this doesn't last more than a day or so. This is the worst I've felt in months. It's nighttime now and I still feel horrible. I hope I feel better tomorrow, this is such a backslide. I can't believe I used to feel this way several days a week. Thank GOD I have gotten better. I'll get through this; I just have such a hard time tolerating the depression that goes along with it. It's always been the hardest part for me. I know it is part of the Lyme Disease, but it is so hard to have to feel this way. Please God, let me feel better tomorrow....! This is a herx.Last Updated: 04/18/2006 10:04:05
04/07/2006[Edit Entry] 6.00 None N/A I feel so bad that this is the fourth day without exercise. I felt a bit better this morning but after going grocery shopping I crashed. By 4 pm I had a lot of body aches, sore shoulders, neck and back, and felt like I could just fall asleep. I'm not complaining though, this day was still far better than yesterday. I still have ringing in my ears...headache, neither of those is too bad. Still having problems with numbness and coldness in my arms from the elbows down, especially my hands. Again, not too bad. I am holding steady with the 8 pound weight loss but I sure wish some more would come off! Hopefully I'll feel up to exercising tomorrow.Last Updated: 04/07/2006 05:04:59
04/08/2006[Edit Entry] 7.00 None N/A Still coming off this herx, but getting better. I slept a while this afternoon, then woke up feeling groggy and achey. Needed to take more Adderall to get going, but I was fine for the night. I went out with Renee and felt fine, no problems. Hopefully the herx is almost over'; mainly just real tired today.Last Updated: 04/09/2006 08:04:20
04/09/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 Walked 5 miles I felt much better today. Although tired, I did not have any pain. I finally exercised again! I am kind of bumming that I STILL have only lost 8 pounds, even though I am not eating much! It must be true that it's so much harder to lose weight after 40! Hopefully a couple more pounds will come off soon. I need to keep up the exercise; I just felt so awful with that herx! I would say it's over now. Yeah!!!!! I am very determined to keep exercising and eating well on vacation. I was running a fever of 99.3 today though.Last Updated: 04/12/2006 07:04:04
04/10/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 Walked 3 miles Fairly good day; had lots of appointments and things, but made it through all okay. I had a little encounter with a car today, it hit me and bruised my hip a little bit, but it wasn't anything big! I was running a fever of 99.4, feel a little tired, but otherwise feeling pretty well.Last Updated: 04/12/2006 07:04:41
04/11/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 None N/A I felt okay today physically, but had a very traumatic day emotionally. I had a lot of family, relationship, and personal problems today. It was a day of real crisis, depression, and despair. I cried for about six hours straight. As far as Lyme symptoms go, I can't say I really noticed anything significant. Last Updated: 04/18/2006 09:04:59
04/12/2006[Edit Entry] 7.00 Walked 1 mile, swimming Travelled today to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. I only got two hours of sleep last night, and it was a long day. We arrived here about 1:30 in the afternoon, so after about 9 hours of travel, we still had plenty of time to lay out in the sun and go in the pool. I am already sunburned. It's hard to rate my Lyme symptoms, as I am very tired physically. I will say otherwise, I don't have many physical symptoms other than a headache, and it may just be from the travel and lack of sleep. I am also running a fever of 100.2, the highest one I have had with the Lyme. I'm sure it is also attributable in part to the lack of sleep, etc. I walked a lot in the airport and swam a bit, so I am giving myself one mile of exercise. I look forward to going to bed tonight; I am really tired and very, very drained after yesterday. Last Updated: 04/18/2006 10:04:02
04/13/2006[Edit Entry] 7.00 Walked 2 Miles, 12 flights of stairs, 15 minutes swimming Woke up this morning feeling a bit like a truck hit me! I was achey all over, my body felt exhausted, I felt tired, and I had a fever of 99.4. Also had night sweats last night. I took Motrin 800 mg, Adderall 15 mg, and am having my usual "Lyme waking up period." I think I should have a name for these days, like the "standard sick Lyme Day", when I wake up with these symptoms, then drug myself and in an hour can function. Oh well, I still need to wait and see what the rest of the day brings. Maybe I will perk up, who knows. I'm sure I am a little low from travelling and lack of sleep, as well as emotional stress. Also experiencing more numbness in my arms, pins and needles from the elbows down, and hands. Dizzy today as well. No appetite at all. Last Updated: 04/18/2006 10:04:34
04/14/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 Walked 3 miles, 30 minutes swimming, 12 flights of stairs Woke up today with 99.6 fever, still running a higher temp than I ever have for several days now. Felt a little better so far today; no pain, not as groggy. Main symptom is the annoying numbness and tingling in my arms, elbows down. It is especially prevalent when I am exercising/walking. I wish I knew how to avoid this. I have lost 12 pounds now. Finally into the 130's! 138 this morning. Overall, a decent day physically; still feeling lots of depression though. Trying to get through it, I have no other choice. Last Updated: 04/18/2006 10:04:57
04/15/2006[Edit Entry] 8.50 Walked 3 miles, swam for 15 minutes Feeling quite good, except significant tingling, coldness, and numbness in my arms and feet. It is worse than it has been before, I definitely have reduced feeling in my hands and feet. Very wierd. Still running a fever, 99.4 today. Otherwise a bit tired (didn't take any Adderall today) but not bad. I'm tan!!!Last Updated: 04/15/2006 09:04:46
04/16/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 Walked 7 miles, swam 15 minutes Woke up today feeling pretty tired. I slept until noon, and had a hard time waking up. No pain today, just feeling really sluggish. It felt like a typical "Lyme morning." I really need to make a key of abbreviations for all my labels! Ended up walking 5 miles on the treadmill in just under 50 minutes,and burned 750 calories. Then I walked at least 2 miles downtown. I can see real changes in my body now, and look better in my bikini! Felt fine the rest of the day after waking up this morning.Last Updated: 04/17/2006 10:04:11
04/17/2006[Edit Entry] 8.50 Walked 3 miles, swam for 30 minutes I woke up this morning with body aches all over, tired and sluggish, and feeling stiff. I had some tingling and numb arm sensations when I went to bed last night which made it difficult to sleep. Felt better in a bit, and had a good day overall. I did get very sunburned today, and I am in a LOT of pain! I feel as though my skin is on fire!Last Updated: 04/18/2006 10:04:52
04/18/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 Walked 2 miles, Kayaked for 20 minutes, swam for 30 minutes Woke up feeling okay, tired as usual, but no pain other than from the sunburn. No sun for me today [Frown] . Did have night sweats last night. My left arm got almost completely numb for about 1/2 hour after I was holding a bunch of stuff in it; that was really weird.As the day wore on, I felt pretty tired and achey in the neck, shoulders and back. I did a lot today!!! So that probably explains it. Overall, a good day. Last Updated: 04/18/2006 09:04:45
04/19/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 Walked 3 miles This morning I woke up with some left wrist pain, but it went away. I was also tired and groggy, but that's how it usually is. My arms and hands were very numb last night, and I had trouble sleeping because of it. I did have a nice last day of my trip, but didn't sleep so well! I felt fine the rest of the day however. Forgot to take Adderall so was dragging a bit all day, but went into town later and walked a lot. Overall, felt pretty good today!Last Updated: 04/20/2006 10:04:50
04/20/2006[Edit Entry] 7.00 Walked 3 miles I didn't sleep so well last night, a little stressed overall and worried about waking up in time for the plane. I am about to go pack and head off to the airport! It will be a long day, leaving at 2:00 pm and have a 3 hour layover in Chicago, arriving in Boston at 12:30 am, then have to drive home! I hope to sleep on the plane. Woke up with some shoulder, neck and back pain. Thank God the numbness in my arms and hands has been gone the last two days! I hate that feeling! I'm glad otherwise I have been feeling pretty well lately! Later on in the day I kind of went downhill. I got a lot of neck, shoulder and back pain, and had to take Motrin twice. I basically crashed around 2:00 pm. It hit me very suddenly! Travelled all day, got home at 2:30 am. Last Updated: 04/21/2006 02:04:59
04/21/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 None N/A I felt okay today, did wake up a little groggy about noontime. Started off the day with lots of lower back pain (from lugging heavy suitcases) but that quickly resolved. I am VERY disappointed in myself that I did not walk today!!! It was beautiful outside but I just keep going with unpacking and laundry, and soon the day was over. Took no pills today as I couldn't find them for a long time, but was ok with no Adderall or Motrin. I think I am really getting better! I am going to relax now and go to bed (8:00) with a movie. It is very good to be back home in my own comfy bed! Last Updated: 04/24/2006 09:04:44
04/22/2006[Edit Entry] 6.00 None N/A Woke up today feeling like I'd been hit by a freight train. Got out of bed at 2:00 pm. My whole body aches, especially my lower back and neck. Took 800 mg of Motrin, hoping it will kick in soon. Guess I spoke too soon yesterday, thinking I might be almost better! Last Updated: 04/22/2006 07:04:17
04/23/2006[Edit Entry] 7.50 None N/A Had lots of trouble sleeping last night; didn't fall asleep until 4:45 a.m. Woke up today about noontime. Woke up with a headache, achey shoulders, left wrist pain, tired and groggy as usual. Took 800 mg of Motrin, helped a bit. Took one Adderall, will probably need to take the other half because I am not waking up today! I am sure things will improve as the day progresses. Last Updated: 04/23/2006 09:04:26
04/24/2006[Edit Entry] 8.00 None N/A Up at 10:00 am, feeling tired with the usual neck and shoulder pain. I'll get moving around and then I'll feel better. Slept okay last night after taking 2 sleeping pills; couldn't fall asleep until about 1:00 am. Pain resolved after taking 800 Motrin; took 1/2 an Adderall as well. Hoping to do some sort of exercise today!!!!!! Oh well, didn't....this is four days with not exercise!!! I hope I can make time for it tomorrow; I am starting to build up pent-up energy. Feeling pretty good though!!!Last Updated: 04/24/2006 09:04:22
04/25/2006[Edit Entry] 7.50 Walked 5 miles Feeling pretty tired today, a little out of it. I haven't had a very good sleeping pattern lately. No pain to speak of right now, but I took 800 mg Motrin earlier. Also took Adderall twice already, and still feel pretty lethargic and groggy. The exercise will help I'm sure...I can't believe it's been several days without it! It was great to walk five miles; what an incredibly beautiful day. Feeling much better, still tired, but felt great to exercise!!!Last Updated: 04/25/2006 04:04:06
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