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Posted by keh (Member # 9089) on :
I went to see Dr. S last week. He spent probably five to ten minutes with me and then ordered tests from Igenex and a few other labs to test for Lyme, co-infections and Epstein Barr. I had provided him with all of my med records and a summary (one page) of my symptoms for the past five years. He did not ask me any questions and the visit would have been less than 5 minutes if I had not asked him questions about things I learned from this site. He was recommended by people on this site and seems knowledgeable about Lyme... but he did not seem very thorough or thoughtful. Help! Should I go back to him?

[ 26. April 2006, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: keh ]
Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
Please change the city name to the state name ... NJ.

We are not supposed to post city names either!
Posted by mlkeen (Member # 1260) on :
It seems you provided all the info he needed. Did he talk like he would treat based on a clinical diagosis? I forget whether you have one already. Did he seem interested? Did he start treatment? Does he have lyme too?

It has to be a let down, expecting more than what you got.

I think my first visit was very short with my current llmd. He had my records and had already said I still had lyme when I took my son to him a few weeks earlier. He drew blood and prescribed abx.

Short worked for me if all was going well and the abx kept coming.

Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
i sent you a PM.

I agree with mlkeen...what you said was probably enough.

When you see an LLMD its not like seeing a duck you dont have to convience them you have LD. Many have been treating it for years, so they really know what to look for.
Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
LLMDs are hard to find, and are under a lot of pressure + swamped by patients.

I think you should give this one another try, after the test results come in, etc. It may be that he wants to see what kind of coinfections you have before designing a treatment. Some docs feel that lyme treatment alone, without attacking the coinfections along with it or ahead of it, is wasting time.

My vote is wait and see what happens next. When is your next appt? You may find it is a long wait before you could get in as a new patient with a different doc, wheras return patients seem to get in more easily.
Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
Dr. S is my doctor. I drive 6 hours one way to see him, but that is the only thing that made me a bit peeved at the whole 5-10 minute deal.

Dr. S is VERY shy in my experience, but you can get him to open up and make jokes with him and really get him talking.
He is used to LD, you don't have to convince him of what you have or talk forever about one symptom.

Just know that, he IS rather quiet but he does do a good job. He's saving my life so he can be as quick as he wants.
Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Yes keep us informed. I'd love to hear about your next appt when he has your results in hand.

I know alot of LLMDs go through the whole history and try to pick up the pieces from there and spend hours for the first visit.

I think Dr. S likes to build his own patient history. You'll find he hears more than he lets on.

Well, not all doctors are a perfect fit for every patient. Maybe he's not for you.

But I'm not giving him up for nothing!!! I wish he was a gyno and endo too.
Posted by Monica (Member # 224) on :
Dr. S. is also my doctor. I provided him with a detailed written report of my illness and he ordered Igenex tests for me as well. He did not prescribe any abx until he had the test results.

Whether or not you continue to see him is, of course, up to you. I find him and his staff responsive.
Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Well? What happened? Are you moving to another Dr?

How did the tests go? [confused]
Posted by richedie (Member # 14689) on :
I know it has been a while, but are you still seeing this doctor? I agree tha a good Lyme doc should want to spend an hour to 90 minutes with the patient. I think a lot can be learned from talking, other than a written history. The tests are so innacurate why get too hung up on those although I know it can make treating easier.

There is also Dr. E in NJ but she could be the same, not sure.
Posted by cottonbrain (Member # 13769) on :
Did you spend a lot of money on the visit? How about labs?

You could always make an appt with another LLMD, but keep your next appt with this guy until you aare able to get in to the next LLMD.

Since your labs will be current, at least you shouldn't have to spend money on that again.

IMO, this kind of medical "service" sucks! I would be mad if it happened to me. In my early days of illness, I saw over 40 docs and was

treated with so much arrogance and disdain, that now i have no patience for docs who don't respect their patients.

You had to spend a lot of time and energy preparing and just getting to the LLMD's office. He should demonstrate that he is aware of and respectful of your efforts to get well.
Posted by njgirl14 (Member # 14174) on :
I just saw Dr S for the third time yesterday. He is quiet and just at my last appt he was noticeably more talkative (still a quite guy).

I had doubts like you as I have seen other top LLMDs who spent hours with me and my 1st appt with Dr S was short, I am a complicated case,(have many MS symptoms and was dx as MS for many yrs) have a big thick binder of medical records and he skimmed through my records for afew minutes. I didn't know if I was making a mistake going to him. My husband was with me and I kept asking him his opinion. I didn't know what to think.

Dr S comes highly recommended. I know several people who see him and can't say enough good things about him. I am going to stick with him and give his protocol a chance. He uses some alternative methods like accupuncture which may turn some people off but I am open to that. He seems very knowledgeable.

BTW I know Dr E well. She is excellent too. She spends more time with you and is more talkative. You wait a long time in her office but when you are with her she doesn't rush you.

In either case I think you are in good hands.
Posted by richedie (Member # 14689) on :
Originally posted by njgirl14:
I just saw Dr S for the third time yesterday. He is quiet and just at my last appt he was noticeably more talkative (still a quite guy).

I had doubts like you as I have seen other top LLMDs who spent hours with me and my 1st appt with Dr S was short, I am a complicated case,(have many MS symptoms and was dx as MS for many yrs) have a big thick binder of medical records and he skimmed through my records for afew minutes. I didn't know if I was making a mistake going to him. My husband was with me and I kept asking him his opinion. I didn't know what to think.

Dr S comes highly recommended. I know several people who see him and can't say enough good things about him. I am going to stick with him and give his protocol a chance. He uses some alternative methods like accupuncture which may turn some people off but I am open to that. He seems very knowledgeable.

BTW I know Dr E well. She is excellent too. She spends more time with you and is more talkative. You wait a long time in her office but when you are with her she doesn't rush you.

In either case I think you are in good hands.

Interesting, i am really on the fence with dr. E and Dr. S in NJ. I have an appointment with Dr. S but I keep hearing so many good things about dr. E.

I may cancel Dr. S if I can get in with Dr. L in Maryland.

I just want someone who really understands Lyme, has had a histoey of treating it and has good experience with the disease and will treat aggressively if he/she feels it is warranted.

Basically I want someone whos main focus is Lyme!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Rich.. when you bring up an old thread, MANY times the person who posted it is no longer around. I haven't seen "keh" in a long time.

As for the two drs, I'll PM you.
Posted by madge (Member # 13704) on :
my husband has been going to Dr.S for over a year now...he is a good Dr.. he knowes lyme..the first visit was fast..the next was better...told us from the start that the test were pos..and you probably had it for a long could get worse and it could take along time to get well...and he uses all the right treatments i see here that others are on..he is a quiet man and has been treating lyme for many years...his office isn't large or pretty and his staff are very helpful...we usually don't have to wait all in all we are very happy with him...we travel about 70 miles one way but its worth it
Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
I would keep the Dr S appt to get the testing out of the way. Dr E has long waits unless you get the first appt. I waited hours in her office.
Posted by richedie (Member # 14689) on :
Thanks everyone, I was going to keep the Dr. S appointment but I would still have to pay for the visit itself. That is a lot of extra money. I made an appointment with Dr. L in MD.

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