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Posted by lisag (Member # 6798) on :
hi gig:

hope you're doing well.

lately i've been reading more and more about the use of essential oils in treating these chronic infections. what does dr. k think about this.

also just rec'd my kmt 24 yesterday....ran it alot yesterday, could this cause herxing?

how often and for how long should you start out using?

tx, lisa
Posted by diana (Member # 7466) on :
Hi Lisa,

You should only being running one program a day on your kmt device, at the very most. I had swollen lymph nodes and was really tired after the first few sessions on each setting.

You may want to start out with running one program every second or third day if you are really sensitive. Some people that are using it don't have any noticeable reaction afterwards.

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Yes, you should start off slowly. I have gotten to where I can do 1 and 2 together or sometimes even more, but it is generally advised to do 1 per day six days a week - even less if you feel that you need to slow down. You won't herx like with a rife machine, but you may notice some herx symptoms. Be well and please keep me informed about your progress with the KMT24. The KMT23 has done very nicely for me and I have a KMT24 in route now.... Be well.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lisa, yes, I agree with Scott that you should start out v e r y slowly with the KMT. If you have stressed organ (liver, kidney, etc.), you do not want to add more. I never had a herx!!!!!!! because I was always doing colonics, lymph drainages, etc., while I was doing everything else -- meds, sauna, and KMT's (I used earlier versions of it).

Nothing is worse than creating herxes - they stress the body and set you back. One should do all possible to avoid them. They are nothing but the result of an overloaded system. I do not agree with the philosophy that you have to suffer herxes to kill Lyme. You may have an "off day" or a few, but nothing that I would call sufferiing or even could remotely call a good thing.

Healing crisis is a good word for it. You only hurt because you released too many toxins for the body to handle. Do it slowly and you will still be able to have a life and it is a lot better for the health of your eliminating organs!!!!! We only get one of each for one life!

There are lymph drainage frequencies in all the KMT's, but nothing replaces a good colonic or manual lymph drainage once you have done a few programs. I never did more than one - mon-tues-wed -- then rest and take care of the die-off until the following week. It all depends what meds you are taking alongside and what condition you are in when you start KMT. Remember: a plugged up body will never heal! it creates more and more toxins! Our body is just not built to handle just everything by only pushing a button. It really has to do some basic labor itself. That takes strength and energy that many do not have in reserve.

Yes, Dr. K. uses Essential Oils. Not very often, because not many people with an off-balance autonomnic nervous system can handle the odors of them. I could not, and therefore used very few of the oils. Some people do well, but they are always tested with ART to see if they fit.

They are usually done short term. I don't know of anyone who has stayed on any of them for a long time.

Hope that helps.

Take care.

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