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Posted by LZOChicago (Member # 8641) on :
My LLMD gave me the kit to do the urine analyis with Doctor's Data. I was just reading through the directions and it says to be off medications/supplements for 2 days prior. Does this mean antibx? I would think not. Have any of you done this test? Did you cease your antibx and/or supplements for 2 days prior to doing it? Thanks!
Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
I called my doc's office and was told that it would be OK to skip the meds just that day, which is what I did. However, I had to put the test off a week after reading that fish, other seafood should be avoided for at least a week or more.

That is just my take on it. Nothing official.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Having recently done ALL BODY LAB TESTINGS IN APRIL/MAY 06, follow the RULES completely!

be off ALL MEDS INCLUDING ABX ESPECIALLY for 2 days or 1 week if instructions call for it!

It will effect the outcome, and these tests are SO EXPENSIVE! You want to do this just one time.

I have posted ALL MY LAB RESULTS & LLMD's summary in medical,

"4-20-06 new LLMD summary & lab results" ... should be on the 1st or 2nd full screen here.

My LLMD called me on one about the URINE collection; had I taken the "NO SLEEP PILL" ... my mind can't think what it is called, but it's in my detailed notes on here.

Yes, I took it; "she said it didn't show up at all and she can't figure that out" wanting me to retake it, but I couldn't see spending out of pocket another $100 - $300 for the test.

BOTTOM LINE, FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS; CALL LLMD IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. I have over $3,000 OUT-of-pocket lab testings I've submitted to my IOWA BC/BS and medicare for payment; NO reimbursement to date in 4-6 wks. since I've sent individual claims to them.

side note: LLMD had me go OFF ABX for these testings and that was 2 months ago...still off until I see her next month for detailed report of ALL LAB TESTS/TREATMENT PLAN from her.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Antibiotics deplete various minerals and vitamins. Antibiotics can take a few days to reach a "therapeutic" level and stay in your system for awhile...depending on which one...called a "half-life". Normally when we start an antibiotic, we don't feel good right away...generally speaking, the turn-around is about day 3.

IMO...for accurate testing, follow DD's directions.

Additional info.:


Some drugs act immediately, some must build up to certain levels before becoming effective, and others are time-released to deliver steady results. Each drug has its own half-life, a period during which it is active in the body.

Aspirin's anti-clotting effects, for instance, take days to leave the body entirely (which is why it is ill-advised within 10 days of surgery). Drug half-life is also one reason why some drugs should not be stopped suddenly, but must be tapered on or off.

Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) since it has a long half-life and its usual dosing interval is every 12 to 24 hours.
Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
I believe she was speaking of meds in reference to testing for heavy metals.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Doctor's Data tests urine essential elements (those we need) as well as urine toxic metals.

These are 2 different tests. You can do one or both.

The antibiotics can lock onto some of the toxic metals as well as depleting the essential ones.

Here's one example:

When administering tetracycline, you should avoid concomitant administration of aluminum, calcium, and magnesium which can impair absorption of tetracycline.

Aluminum is considered a potentially toxic metal.

So, if one takes tetracycline, theoretically it could lower Al levels. But along with it...Mg and Ca.

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