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Posted by lisag (Member # 6798) on :
hi all:

well i'm still struggling w/ extreme fatigue and pain.

just thought i'd post what i've done over the past 6 months and see if anyone has any insight as to what i may be missing here on my quest for better health:

Feb '06: removed 2 infected RC'd teeth, debrided jaw bone.

took iv zithromax from Oct '05 thru March '06

various classical homeopathic remedies from Feb '06 to current.

VitC, coQ10, Pro Algen, Salt, Glutathione, chlorella, bentonite, colonics, lymphatic massage, cranial sacral therapy.

June '06: debrided osteonecrotic bone from lower jaw bone.

switched abx to rocephin for several weeks and then to clindamyecin.

take : fentanyl, napronex and tramadol for pain, melatonin, ativan, benadryl and/or doxipan for sleep.

feel worst in the mornings.....5 am a wave of general anxiety floods my body...acid reflux rises up my throat...i feel anxious, nauseous and exhausted every morning.

i am extremely depressed and find it hard to keep pushing on with this.

i think my next step will be to go back and try zithro/mepron again.

also add buhner's protocol on top...lightly.

doom, despair and misery are me!!!! if i had no bad luck i'd have no luck at all.

any thoughts on how to get a break from this crap!!!

warmest regards, lisa
Posted by Jen902 (Member # 8822) on :
Lisa, sorry you are having a tough time. Looks like you are on a good program. The only thing I can think of is to wonder about adding a multi-vitamin and multi-mineral. Also wondering about electrolytes. You are doing several things to deplete (and detox) your system, so likely need to add these basics back in if you aren't already. Blessings. Jen902
Posted by Health (Member # 6034) on :

I am not sure if this is correct, but I have found that I personally do better without alot of supplements.

I also found that some supplements made the antibiotics less effective.

For instance, I was taking olive leaf for a couple weeks, and was journalling as always, I found when I was ON the olive leaf extract caps, I had to take the antibiotics soooner then when I was off them.

Prolgen, I have used this, could it not bind to antibiotics? And the bentonite, could this interfere with antibiotics?

I read that some say that supplements, certain ones can make antibiotics less effective, and to take as few as possible.

HOWEVER some say that supplements were a big part to their recovery.

When I take garlic, I am fine, antibiotics work better, same with nystatin, antibiotics are fine with nystatin.

What about going off supps, all expcept the probiotics, and see how you do for a few weeks, then add in the multivitamin and see how you do.

I know supps make me SOOOOO sick on antibiotics, vitamin c is ok, and a multi is ok.

Just some thoughts. I am no Dr so just see what you think.

Try to keep in ONLY what you need, could be interactions between all you are taking making you sick?

Posted by NP40 (Member # 6711) on :
Lisa, don't mix CoQ10 or pineapple juice with mepron. Lowers it's effectiveness. Did you take artemisinin with your previous babs treatment ? Good stuff for babs.

I'd take a good multi-vitamin and some extra mags. Chlorella helps the detox and milk thistle helps the liver.

If you're stagnating in treatment did you try a cyst buster like flagyl or tini ? You can do rocephin or zith until the cows come home but if the Bb is in cyst form the abx won't do much unless you bust them up.

Have you tried bartonella treatment like levaquin or mixed zith with rifampin. Clindy should help with bart.

If you have chest pain, heart palps, sweats/chills, migraines, I'd look at babs treatment.

If you have mood swings, swollen glands, painful feet, stretch mark rashes, I'd look at bartonella.

Don't give up, you just haven't hit on the right combo yet. Sometimes it takes a while.

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