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Posted by sofy (Member # 5721) on :
Ive been using Peter Gilliums plain magnesium citrate powder for some time now and wish to continue. Have been getting it at Vita Cost for $19 # plus shipping.

The label say it has nothing in it except magnesium citrate. Good!!

I just found a site that sell 5# of bulk magnesium citrate for about $50 including shipping. That about 50% savings.

My big ??? is??? Is there any reason not to buy the bulk? I found it at

[ 23. September 2006, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: sofy ]
Posted by sofy (Member # 5721) on :
Are all magnesium citrates equal??? Do they all fizz etc. I tried google and our search but couldnt find any info.

Usually 10 min on the computer puts me in a coma and I can never read all the wonderful long posts about magnesium and now I cant find them.

Just looking for a little reassurance before I throw $50 at it to save a bulk.

Are there any contaminates one should look for from the processing to create mag. cit.?

As you can see my life has become very small and I have too much time to obsess on there things.

Hope you are all having one of your good days!!!
Posted by jerry travers (Member # 9774) on :
i use the peter gillum mag citrate powder mentioned. it does seem to be one of the few things that actually gives me some relief. sometimes i find that a similar sounding product from another source does not respond as well as another.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Since supplements are not "monitored" we don't really know the quality of them (this goes for probiotics too).

Here at my home, we use Mg citrate capsules from NOW because they come in 200mg doses which can be split and given more often rather than all at once.

The B vitamins (esp. B6) works in "concert" with Mg. Unfortunately most of them are destroyed by stomach acids, but one would assume the Mg would help to lower the stomach acid levels.

Normally our beneficial bacteria MAKE many B vitamins for us...more than we consume.

Keep in mind, the stomach needs to be acidic near meals because that's how we breakdown food.

Melatonin works best in an alkaline environment from what I've read. So I find taking some Mg, B vits and melatonin (Source Naturals 3mg timed release) helps me to fall asleep if I am too "wired" to sleep. It takes about 2 hours to really kick in.

Citrates, INactivate enzyme Bb is "dependent on". This triggers the "sugar" route.

Mg also INactivates HMG CoA reductase which is an enzyme that comes from the liver and triggers VLDL release...beginning cholesterol formation.

Ethanol/alcohol also seems to trigger the kidneys to dump Mg and all spirochetes ferment sugar -> ethanol.

Looks like Mg loss is ongoing.

Vitamin E is very, very helpful to protect the liver. Find a "good" form and it should be taken with a meal. This also helps prevent platelet "clumping".

Lecithin, for phosphorus and choline, should help prevent a "fatty liver". Yes, I know Bb wants choline, but we cannot do without. Too little lecithin = gall bladder "sludge" as this is a fat emulsifier.

I wish I could say, "Yes, that source is good." , but I just don't know their "quality" rating. No one monitors this industry.

(But I sure as heck do not want the pharm. industry to "take over".)
Posted by sofy (Member # 5721) on :

I ordered 1 lb of the stuff and wont do it again. It does not fizz so its ont ionic. Im not sure what difference plain ionic mg citrate is but thats what I was looking for.

It does not dissolve in water but have not tried it in acid. After several hours in a cup of water you can still see the fine granuals in the bottom of the glass.

The acid in your tummy might dissolve it completely.

I suspect the pill form of mg citrate is made from the same thing.

Marnie said that what she takes in her informed post above. She is certainly more informed that me.
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