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Posted by luvdogs (Member # 9507) on :

I just added this second link... (I edited my post). I was thinking of more cleansing the GB for stones and sludge, but parasites is certainly a possiblity. The second link seems interesting in its discussion of bile and the whole body. This would probably apply to anybody who is on meds - not just "rocephiners". I am at work now and in a hurry, and so have not had time to read everything very thoroughly - but from what I did pick up, it seems like some food for thought (MINUS the grapefruit - but using lemon)...

I wonder if this type of GB cleanse would help the rocephin buddies (or any others to clean the GB/liver? Maybe help prevent GB sludge / stones / prevent GB removal?

I know this is similar to the anti-herx approach... I wonder if it would interfere with treatment or the medication?

Maybe I should run this by my doc tomorrow?

I am not officially a "Rocephin buddy yet? [Smile] I start tx tomorrow. Oh... the butterflies in belly today.

[ 19. September 2006, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: luvdogs ]
Posted by humanbeing (Member # 8572) on :
I found this post very interesting...I often have mucus in my stool (sorry to be gross)..I wonder what it do you know if it has parasites (I don't want to look too closely!)

I wonder if this is causing all the nausea I am experiencing...I have been three and a half weeks on rocphin.

Don't be nervous about the is a little pinch when they go in the arm and that is the worst. It will be odd to have this thing going to your heart but the wierdness passes and it is now a routine event to infuse every day.

i haven't had the horrible herxing that I expected but I am in a flare of pain right now and Nauseated...

Hang in,
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
I get oily on top water sometimes and some mucus too not all the time though.???
Posted by luvdogs (Member # 9507) on :
I just edited my orginal post with a second link (see above). Am at work and in a rush, but will write more later...
Posted by luvdogs (Member # 9507) on :
I just spoke with a fellow Lymie and he thinks it would probably be a bad idea - ingesting all that oil when we're trying to mellow our GBs out. Nonetheless, I will run it by my doc.
Posted by keh (Member # 9089) on :
Website ideas seems a bit extreme to me. bu tif it works go for it.

Don't know if this was brought up before but... I have heard of many people on IV Rocephin doing 1 tablespoon olive

oil with one tablespoon apple cider vinegar every day. Helps with moving sludge out of gallbladder.
Posted by johnlyme1 (Member # 7343) on :
Prior to be putting on IV Rocephine I had done a couple of gall/liver flushes. While on Rocephine I started to have some gall bladder issues. Under guidence of my LLMD I did a couple on my off days spaced out every 3 weeks or so. It took care of the GI issues that the rocephine brought up. Saved my gall baldder. Boy they did feel good. I would not suggest anyone do these unless they have have had some experience with them, especially for the first time while doing IV rocephine but they did help. After my IV runs I did a few to really clear out all the sluge that was left over.
Posted by humanbeing (Member # 8572) on :
I eat two big salads a day with several tblsps of olive oil and apple cider vinegar...

My doc doesn't take breaks but I wish he would. Think it is a good idea for many reasons.
Posted by luvdogs (Member # 9507) on :
Human being - I was just on the phone with my Lyme friend and ran the apple cider vinegar and olive oil thing by him. He suggested that I just incorporate it into my daily veggie regimine, like you are doing! That is funny. I think it sounds like the most balanced and moderate approach.

I have a feeling I have the same doc as you - I am in his wiaitng room right now, waiting for the PICC and first med dose (they have wireless here - PS). That is a bummer that he doesn't take breaks if it is the same person. (I am thinking of CT and who uses IV).

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