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Posted by tailz (Member # 10014) on :
My liver looked "granular" when I had a diagnostic lap for endometriosis. No reason was found, and I was sent on my merry way.

After only 6 infusions, my liver cried out. Prior to this, my ALT had been "mildly elevated" and of no concern to my doctors.

I'm upset. Why does 'science' wait until an organ fails to tell me about it? I had elevated white counts, temps, etc...yet nobody had a little light bulb go off that screamed 'infection'? They ran ELISAs on me.

What are 'normal' ranges there for if doctors aren't going to adhere to the ranges? Same with diagnostics and studies. If a lesion appears on the bone or the liver (both), do you ignore it? We aren't supposed to have lesions.

The best part is I think my kidneys are also on their last leg from all the Lyme toxins, too. This is why I about die around pollutants.

I have lost any and all respect for doctors...all of them. To me they are like evil scientists working on some alien from outer space like I'm some kind of experiment.

I am so disgusted with "I think it's anxiety" written throughout my records or "psychsomatic disorder" that I don't think I will even see a GYN for a PAP or get a mammogram after this.

I'm dead serious. I don't think I want anyone with an MD or DO after his name touching me again.
Posted by liz28 (Member # 4946) on :
You might want to try Dr. Zhang's Hepa Formula 2 ( I find it enormously costly, but use omnicef and ketek as my maintenance abx, both of which are mean and ornery to the liver. It's still cheaper than a new liver, or for that matter, most anti-anxiety medications.
Posted by micul (Member # 6314) on :
"Why does 'science' wait until an organ fails to tell me about it?

It doesn't sond like your liver is failing. There are things that you can do to repair it even while being on abx.

People often continue Tx with mildly elevated liver enzymes Have you been taking any steps to protect your liver so far?
Posted by theviewfromthecurb (Member # 10310) on :
i don't do much except the acidophillus thing...
I should know these things ,but sometimes when you're so sick , and taking care of yourself, you neglect what you should replace... so what does protect the liver, as my count was 3x's the norm last week, (whatever that means!)
Posted by micul (Member # 6314) on :

One of the esiest ways to help protect the liver is to take one capsule of standardized Milk Thistle a day at least 2 - 3 hrs away from meds. Another formula is Liv52. Phosphatidylcholine is also liver protective. Phoschol is one of the best sources for it. It's expensive, but one cap a day will be enough. Taurine is also helpful, as is Ornithine because it helps with detox of amonia.

Glutathione is protective and is the main detox component. It will protect as well as repair damage. Someone with elevated enzymes should be getting it in an IV push at least once a week to repair damage. Taking oral glutathione is useless. It has to be given in an IV or transdermally through the skin. There is suppose to be a nasal solution, but I don't know if it's effective or not. Liz28 made a suggestion above to Zhangs Herbs. It has helped her through taking all her high powered abx regimes. SAMe has also proven to repair liver damage. Dr B recommend using it along with L-Acetyl Carnitine.
Posted by KP (Member # 9488) on :
Just wanted to add that the Milk Thistle worked really well for me. My liver function tests were very high...nearly 300 on both AST and ALT before I started treatment.

None of the doctors I saw had any explanation for it or any idea how to correct it. When I started abx treatment, my LLMD suggested I take Milk Thistle too. Before my 8 weeks were up, my numbers were back to normal.

I only took one tablet a day but the bottle stated that I could take up to 3 a day.

Posted by tailz (Member # 10014) on :
I hope you all don't think I'm ignoring your replies. I'm still trying to figure out how to find my's a little different from the Celiac forum, especially with brain fog and major anxiety. I DO appreciate all your input though. You've all been life savers to me.

I forget where my enzymes were...I think they were like 260 or something like that...both of them. He said they were supposed to be 60, but that he could probably get away with them a little over the 60, but not this high.

But thanks. I've heard of milk thistle and glutathione. Some of the others I was not aware of, but now I can research those, too. I think I'll be a chemist when I'm cured:-)

My doctor hasn't mentioned giving me that one by IV though. He's kind of skeptical about herbs/supplements for some reason. I'm not sure why. They are chemicals just like the pharma companies make, and probably much safer.

Interestingly enough, St. John's Wort used to work for me and I just bought some today. It has the 'sun warning' like tetracyclines do, too. Turns out it was once used as a gallbladder-liver tonic, but 'science' decided to call clogged livers 'depression' instead. Thanks again for your tips!
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
I am doing Dandelion. Good for liver and kidneys. Also taking Milk thistle. My Dr has me one these.
Castor oil packs are also good. Take care. Joyce
Posted by MrG (Member # 10254) on :
Liv52 works very well for me.

Pat Sr
Posted by theviewfromthecurb (Member # 10310) on :
thank you so much for giving me this info...

i will write up a list, and buy the one's i can afford for now... but it sounds like the milk thistle and the liv52 are good starters.

interesting about the samE and the st. johns wort though...
as my gall bladder is waiting in line to be plucked out after being deemed, "toxic and riddled with stones!"
I dont have ins. so i have to "wait in line"...

but it will be free, along with the meds.
(I found that they also do iv. picc insertions there!)
and because i cant work and no ins. it will be free!!!

after i have some info on this "free" medical care, i will let you all know how it worked, and steps i took...
but just in case it's to good to be true...
i'll wait!

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