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Posted by improver (Member # 8380) on :
Almost 2 months ago I thought I had an infected wisdom tooth so I went to the oral Doc and he agreed and removed it. It was the lower left 3rd molar I guess. Since then I have had this strange sensation in my jaw area.

I know he used at least 3 gelfoam pads and thought that it was just them waiting to disolve but I dont know. It feels like there is inflamation and my jaw feels stiff at times.

I also feel as if there is something swollen under my jaw bone and that side of my tounge feels weird. I dont have a fever but do get slight pain and a tingly pressure in my temple.

Also the area feels hot but not to the touch. When I move my eye to the left i feel more pressure in the temple. This may be several things at once and maybe the Bb is effecting the soft tissue in that area. I really could use some help...........
Posted by geniveve (Member # 8646) on :
i wish i could help you. right now i'm having dental problems.

i had a root canal many years ago. not my normal dentist. well the dang thing got infected and had to be redone. i went back to my regular dentist and had to have it redone THAT day, i was that ill.

so now every couple of years i get this sort of pimple blister on my gum and it just aches and hurts. the entire area gets bright red and so sore i can't bite down.

guess i'll have to go have it checked out, but the last time, guess what? nothing showed up, so i just stay sore and use lots of listerine........
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
look for DOC DAVE, disabled lyme dentist on here.


go to DIRECTORY, at the top under new post.

go to left hand side and click on name

type STYMIELYMIE and enter

will bring up his PROFILE, and you can send him a private message, shown on right hand side!

copy your link above, so he can go directly to your link to answer your question and help anyone else with dental problems.!
Posted by debbiet (Member # 10608) on :

You may want to give a holistic dentist a try.

All of my lyme problems were triggered by a

botched dental implant. That and loads of

steroids and antibiotics.

Sometimes removing teeth can open up a

cavitation site, causing release of toxins and


You can ask a LLMD for a referal to a biological or holistic dentist.


PS see

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