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Posted by Kendrick (Member # 10990) on :
I've become very sensitive to medicines recently. I keep having reactions to all medicines.
I was even having them to nutritional supplements.
The symptoms are jerks when sleeping, dizziness, weakness...
I took a month break from any and all medicines and felt a lot better(still not cured---100%).

What have you done for this? Cholestyramine to detox(only thing I can come up with).
Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :

Could you be herxing? Not sure what meds your sensitive too.... But it could be a herx.

Some supplements can cause you to herx, I know I have. It just means you may have to get through it. But do talk to your doc about it.

If it is a herx, you won't get any better off the meds. Herxing is good. (to a point)

Just a thought
Posted by Kayda (Member # 10565) on :
This happened to me about 2 years ago. It was like someon threw a switch and then chaos! I have sensitivities to all pain medications and have yet to find an answer. I tried switching doses and other various things, but couldn't tolerate it.

Well, if you find out anything to do, let me know.

Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
Have you ever tried pulsing your meds? This technique helped me get through terrible herxes.
Posted by Kendrick (Member # 10990) on :
I should have been more specific. I quit medicines for a month and got back on my feet(50%).
Now a doctor found fluid in my inner ear, which he contributes my vertigo too.
I started Meclizine(for vertigo) and starting to have reactions.
I don't see anyone herxing on Meclizine, so...
Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
If you stopped taking your abx to treat lyme then it is likely that your lyme symptoms will come back with a vengence!

So "jerks when sleeping, dizziness, weakness..." are lyme symptoms. Don't know what else to tell you, but to treat lyme you have to take something, and I know it sucks to herx. But your symptoms will eventually get worse the longer your off abx.

Kendrick..... Do you have a LLMD? Someone that KNOWS about lyme and what it can do to your body if untreated?

Good Luck,
Posted by Kendrick (Member # 10990) on :
The jerks only happen when I'm on medicine. My LLMD keeps landing me in the ER, when I was still functioning partially before.
He keeps saying herx, herx, herx... and I've gotten to the point where I'm not sure if I purchased a mega-phone, it would even help.

I would still grill out, go out to eat with friends occasionally, go grocery shopping on days I'm okay.

Now, when I take medicines, I end up in ER, bed ridden for a month, barely able to get up sometimes just to use the bathroom.

I keep having the same reactions Polar Blast did, and we are seeing same doctor. Maybe it's just to aggressive of a treatment?

But all this is still not relevant to the medicine issue.

Using your(Lisi) logic, then you would herx off of Meclizine which is for vertigo.

Is the related to how some get MCS, but instead of smelling them, I'm getting issues with ingesting different chemicals(medicines)?

[ 05. March 2007, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Kendrick ]
Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
Ok, hopefully I am understanding you correctly....

You herx badly off abx, doc doesn't hear you.... So you stopped abx for now.??

How much were you on? And yes maybe it was too much for you. I had to start out on a VERY LOW dose!


You are getting a bad reaction to Meclizine or other drugs?

If so, what type of reaction do you get from this drug or others? Is it an allergic reation? OR does MCS increase while on these drugs?

Just want to be clear Ken, so I can help you.

I am not saying you herx off of other drugs because you get a reaction to them, it may be an allergic reaction.
Posted by SunRa (Member # 3559) on :
Originally posted by Kendrick:

Is the related to how some get MCS, but instead of smelling them, I'm getting issues with ingesting different chemicals(medicines)?

yes, not everything is a herx. I react to both the smell and ingestion of many "harmless" things, even many supplements. addition to possibly reacting to the medication itself, most meds have problem-causing fillers, additives, dyes, etc. It's disturbing what they put in meds.

best to find a dr familiar with MCS and preferably who does ART or another form of muscle testing to figure out the culprits and test to see what your body actually needs and can handle.
Posted by Health (Member # 6034) on :

I was off antibiotics for lyme for about 6 months. I was using the natural remedies to treat the lyme.

Within about 4 months off antibiotics I started to react to all supps, I even reacted to other anitbiotics they put me on for a bladder infection.

I ended up at the ER. I then started to react to food. ALL food. I then decided that I had to do the antibiotics to get rid fo the lyme, so

went back on them, I started minocycline,

and within 2 weeks eatting better.
I was also reacting to pain meds too.

For me, I react to all supps and even food when lyme is at its worst. I treated babesia too,

I was eatting 1 tbsp of food 3times a day for over a week, that is how allergic I was to food.
My throat would swell.

Now I am fine eatting. Herxing now, just started Tetracycline.

Posted by Health (Member # 6034) on :

I was off antibiotics for lyme for about 6 months. I was using the natural remedies to treat the lyme.

Within about 4 months off antibiotics I started to react to all supps, I even reacted to other anitbiotics they put me on for a bladder infection.

I ended up at the ER. I then started to react to food. ALL food. I then decided that I had to do the antibiotics to get rid fo the lyme, so

went back on them, I started minocycline,

and within 2 weeks eatting better.
I was also reacting to pain meds too.

For me, I react to all supps and even food when lyme is at its worst. I treated babesia too,

I was eatting 1 tbsp of food 3times a day for over a week, that is how allergic I was to food.
My throat would swell.

Now I am fine eatting. Herxing now, just started Tetracycline.

Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
Originally posted by Lyme ED:
This isn't a herx. It sounds like a multi-drug immune system hypersensitivity reaction.

Unfortunately many LLMDs aren't familiar with this and will misinterpret is as herx. The symptoms can be confusingly similar, but you can usually tell the difference by the timing of the onset of symptoms.

If it's an immune reaction, the symptoms will typically occur in some pattern after you take a medication (or supplement ... or even food if it gets more extreme). For example RIGHT after you take a medicine, or the next day, or two hours later, etc.

Herxes follow a different pattern ... they don't occur after just one dose of a med, for example. They build up over time usually after several days on a new med or a dosage increase.

Another indicator is that immune reactions can occur in response to even tiny amounts of a substance (e.g. a quarter of a pill). This is similar to an allergy, where it's possible for someone who is allergic to peanuts to react to the tiniest amount of exposure.

A true herx only occurs with a large enough dose of meds to kill borrelia.

(Note: I'm not a doctor. Just sharing my opinions/ideas for informational purposes. Please consult with your physician for a diagnosis and medical advice.)

Thank you, LymeEd!
Can you call every doc I've ever seen? That describes my experiences for the past few years, exactly! I am not believed. (Is there something I can bring to the docs to have a better chance of them getting it?)

I get wild reactions and side effects to almost everything. I'm sorry it's happening to you as well. [Frown]

I just fired a Doc for saying "keep going" twice, 2 days apart, when I was having a severe reaction to 1/4 the starting dose prescribed. The doc hasn't returned my call as the nurse said he would. I'd rather fire him than wind up in the hospital.

I'm trying to keep to low doses and raise slowly, in hopes I'll get there at some point. I doubt I'm anywhere near a high enough dose to be killing keets. I don't know if it'll work. I don't know what to do, otherwise.
Posted by Nebula2005 (Member # 8244) on :
Meclizine is a kind of antihistamine, so you wouldn't be expected to herx.

Antihistamines have all sorts of side-effects. They are effective for vertigo.

I've had times when even vitamin C made me feel like I was herxing. Our immune systems are so stressed.

My philosophy--because I'm so sensitive to drugs--is I'm not going to let the cure kill me. When I start feeling too bad, I back off, stop taking everything, just like you have, Kendrick.

Start again when you feel stronger. You may have disease symptoms doing this, but you have to let your body reach some semblance of equalibrium. (No pun intended with your vertigo.)
Posted by Kendrick (Member # 10990) on :
Okay, now another scary ER visit from taking prescription nasal spray for a few days.
What the hell is going on?
When I started treatment, I drove myself a few hours to the doctor, and was only light-headed, cleaned house, grocery shopped, basically took care of myself but couldn't work due to vertigo(due to inner ear issues and infection from sick building).

Now I'm secluded to a bedroom at my mother's house.

This all started after getting Brain MRI with contrast... can iodine can mess with your thyroid? It's not my kidneys.

I herxed before this, but now I'm bedridden and feel like on deathbed. I can't move or get out of bed for days afterwards.

I try not to eat or drink because I can hardly use the bathroom without heart going crazy and me almost collapsing(during these reactions).

I get jerks, blood pressure spikes(bouncing between 170 and 120), unable to breathe,...
then after a while off the medicines, I start feeling a lot better(days, sometimes weeks).

Take this away and put me back in toxic mold building!!!!! I'm serious.

e.g. I quite smoking because it gets so serious... and for people who know how hard it is to quite, I get so sick, it doesn't even cross my mind when I'm going through these reactions.
And I smoked the whole time working in the sick building.
Posted by Nebula2005 (Member # 8244) on :
"What is going on?"

Was this from the antihistamine? Antihistamines have to be metabolized. I got sick from Astelin spray. Chlorpheniramine made me absolutely crazy. Homocidal.

What is going on? I have asked myself that many times. I wonder if it has something to do with the Th2 dominant response of our immune systems.

That is, I think, every substance, every immune challenge, our bodies treat like an allergy or a virus, so those are the symptoms we get.

It would made sense if it matches our bloodwork--high TNF and antibody production without the actual "diseases" (and I won't go into the autoimmune theories) like RA, MS, Lupus, etc.

You get my vote for bravery, taking yourself to the ER again.

I'm not sure how to fix this. I'm currently pondering it. Vitamin D? Slowly, as it makes me "herx". Maybe pycnogenol, resveratrol, DHEA? Very slowly.

Sit out in the sun for a while everyday? Maybe activated charcoal for the circulating toxins--it's easier on the system than cholestyramine.
Posted by Kendrick (Member # 10990) on :
Thank you Nebula.
And trust me, I wasn't driving myself to the hospital. I go into full blown attacks.

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