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Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
When I went to my regular GP recently, I told him about these crazy irregular heartbeats. They are worse when I lay on my left side and at night.

Sometimes they happen during the day, but not much.

He told me they are "probably" mitral valve prolapse. That's also what the cardiac doc said many years ago. and he basically said they are harmless, no big deal.

But, here's my point, since getting lyme they are much worse.

When I lay down, my heart really goes crazy, it thunks, skips beats, and sometimes dang near goes up in my throat it seems. It takes a good half an hour after laying down before it calms.

My doc said any weight, even as little as 10 pounds, can cause heart problems.

So here we go again -- loose weight.

But my question is, and I thought MVP's were serious -- so are they or not???
Posted by pattilynn (Member # 8065) on :
MVP is usually not serious and is very common. The only time it is serious is if there is severe regurgitation. An echocardiogram is the diagnostic test for this. Also, if severe you would have a significant heart murmur. I have a "trace" of mitral and tricuspid regurg. myself. It's considered a variant of normal.
Posted by Jellybelly (Member # 7142) on :
In my opinion, a big fat NO is the answer to whether or not he is right.

There is a reason for the mitral valve and I found an EXCELLENT book on it that explains it and other factors that we all experience due to our illness.

Here is a link to the post from awhile back on the book. I refer to a lot of info from the book.

MVP link
Posted by Kayda (Member # 10565) on :
You need to find out if the Lyme is affecting your heart. Get a reference from the LLMD to a lyme knowledgeable cardiologist.

This is important!

Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Kayda, Does our LLMD (DR M) have a cardioloist to refer us too? Because I'm having the same synptoms as Randibear. But I don't want to drive two hours. But I guess I will if I have to. I just don't have the energy or cash right now.
Posted by klutzo (Member # 5701) on :
Time for a new doctor! I agree with Jelly. Google "Mitral valve prolapse syndrome" + dysautonomia, and start reading. Also, there are excellent books on this, as she mentioned. In Lyme, the MVP appears in about 75% of us, usually during the second year of illness.

Please see a cardiologist and get an echocardiogram done soon. This is a short, painless ultrasound of the heart. You need to know if you have regurgitation with your MVP, because that requires certain ABX for any procedure involving blood, even teeth cleaning, to prevent bacterial endocarditis, which can kill. An Echo should be done every 1-3 years thereafter to monitor any changes.

Having an MVP also means you need magnesium supplementation to bowel tolerance from here on out.

Posted by EWT1638 (Member # 11315) on :
I've read that book too! MPV/Dysautonomia sounds a lot like LD. But I think I've been Dysautonomic all my life.

Every once in a awhile, a new Dr. will sit a listen to my heart for a long time and ask me if I have had an echocardiogram recently.

But often when they give me one, they are puzzled because it doesn't show up on the read out.

Now I at least know I am Dys. But why doesn't the MPV show up on the test, when they think they can hear one? [confused]
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
My daughter and I both have Lyme onset MVP. Hers they follow with ultrasounds and it got better with Mepron at one point and then has stayed the same, which is great. If it gets worse severe prolapse can require surgery but most MVP IS harmless!!!
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Klutzo posted this on another thread:

``40% of MVP's are missed on echocardiogram because ducks don't tell patients that they must spare fluids for 12 hrs. before the test is done. Many of us are thirsty all the time and always drinking, so it is no wonder tests come out normal.''

Good info!


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