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Posted by 1Bitten2XShy (Member # 12280) on :
I have been motivating pretty well, then the Dr. tells me I have the Yeast thing going on..sigh. I take 70 billion trillion probiotics daily, try to watch my diet so I have no clue how this came about.

Anyway, he started me on Sporanox Sunday, and took me off all other ABX's for a week. Yesterday I started the old muscle, joint pain, weakness etc.

Has anyone had experience with this drug? Can it cause a Herx type reaction or ????. I hate that Lyme disease makes you question everything darn thing your body does or feels. [cussing]

Posted by missextreme (Member # 3610) on :
Yes, I've taken Sporinox. It has helped me feel so much better! I don't think I ever herxed much on it, but it's different for everybody I'm sure

I hope you have as much luck on it as I have had.
Posted by Kathi (Member # 2261) on :
I`m taking Sporanox right now, but do not have any side effects from it. But in my case there was not much yeast to begin with. My LLMD decided to put me on it because it kills of a wider spectrum of yeasts than others. I think it`s possible to have a die-off reaction if there is enough yeast. K.
Posted by Dancer (Member # 11039) on :
I took alot of Sporanox when being treated for Candida before I discovered the real underlying problem was Lyme. I had intense herxes from Sporanox - they were somewhat delayed tho - maybe a week or so delay.

I made a great recovery from all my joint pain as a result of Sporanox, Diflucan & Nystatin (all are anti-candida), but then, after a year or so off meds it started coming back plus the neurological stuff kicked in. Repeated Candida tests showed zero Candida left in my digestive tract, and I couldn't understand why I was having joint pain again if Candida was all gone.

I eventually got diagnosed with Lyme and have done really well with 4 different oral antibiotics combos so far. My LLMD treated me with Diflucan plus Ceftin recently. There are studies that show Diflucan kills Lyme, but none yet for Sporanox so he won't give me that. But I have done great from these anti-yeast meds.

Good luck!
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Hi 1bitten,

I am on my 3rd month on sporanox. The first 2 months I was getting dermal herx's, which I only get with lyme die offs.

So I really feel it's hitting some of the lyme as well as yeast.

But you can have yeast die off's as too. Have been stepping up my detox stuff like drinking more water & teas ect..

make sure to space your pro-biotics 2 hours apart from the sporanox ~ same spacing as taking abx.

My instruction where to take with food. The acid helps release the med. I take it with a glass of vegtable juice. The acid in the tomatoe juice works well for me in that department.

I have to have my liver function checked on a regualar basis & was told not to take too many tylonal as that is also hard on the liver too.

Hope this help & you are feeling better soon [group hug]

make sure to talk over everything first with your LLMD....none of the above is medical advice...just my 2 cents
Posted by 1Bitten2XShy (Member # 12280) on :
Well I only made it through 5 of the 7 days I was to be on the Sporanox. Just could not get those last 2 days in. The joint pain and muscle pain was worse than ever. My hands hurt so bad I could barely use them.

I am to call my Dr. next week and let him know how I am. I think I will ask him to place me on a different type of yeast meds.

Not sure if it was the meds, or something else. Still feeling crappy today, and I have not taken it since Thursday night.

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