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Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
Well I need some advice or ask if this happens to anyone else?

I have been hearing things. Let me give you some examples.

The night before I was admitted to the hospiatl 2 and a half weeks ago, I was trying to fall sleep and I hears as clear as day my daughter say 2 times "Mommy I need you, I cant sleep".
I was slow to get up and I actually responded and said something like hang on.

When I finally was able to get up (1 minute) my daughter ws not there. I went to check on her and both kids were out cold. No chance it was her. The language used was also not what she would typically say.

I was really shocked. This has happened to me before when I had severe Post Parutm depression, but I would just hear very basic things like my name etc. not whole sentences.

When I went to the doctor the next day with Neuro lyme symptoms, I ended up getting admitted to the hospital. I am being treated for poss (LP -) neuro Lyme. They are calling it aseptic menningitis. My doc also thought that I may be having some Neuro rxn to Doxy.

I have 4 doses or so of Rocephin IV. My brain fog is better but still have a lot of pain and fevers up to 102.3 every day.

Well I am starting to hear things again. Last night i heard the trash barrel in the kitchen get josseled and I swear I heard my husband in the kitchen saying something like stupid trash barrel.

I was 10 feet away from the barrel and yelled in everything alright to no response. We had the air conditioner going so I thought my hubby didnt hear me.

Well he come down like 30 minutes later and cathes my dog raiding the trash barrel. My dog does this but usually only at night when we are sleeping.

I guess trash was every where and my husband was like "you didn't hear or see this"? I told him what I thought had happened. When he vame into the living room there was a ziplock bag with chicken bones in it.

The dog just brought it in and I never saw it. My hubby thinks I am losing it. I often hear what I think is my baby crying, I will go check and he is asleep. I hear footsteps at night.

This was not happening before Lyme. I am not all dopped up drooling on the couch. I am worried though. It is not adding up. I had severe back pain in the middle of my back that seemed to progress up my neck. I had a LP 2 and a half weeks ago. It seems fine gets sore once in a while.

I dont know what to make of this. Am I going crazy? Is there something wrong in my brain? Is my house haunted? It is distubing to me.

Thanks for any input-Melissa
Posted by mrsdizzy (Member # 11690) on :

Don't get too worried, this has happened to me my whole life. I could go on and on about the stories, like you. I've learned to deal with it and actually my husband and I laugh at it. Sometimes I will be on the computer and think my husband is calling me and I'll yell out a big "WHAAAAAT" and he'll come running in the room looking at me funny, then we both laugh.

There have been a lot of times I hear knocks at the door, my name being called, hearing trash being fumbled with thinking it's my animals, etc etc.

With treatment, you'll get better. When you're sick you're not in the right frame of mind so to speak. Hang in there girl, you're not alone :-)
Posted by hatpianka (Member # 12244) on :
I have experienced this, too, merrygirl!

A couple of months ago I had a couple of experiences that I can only describe as hallucinations. I saw a rose standing upright next to the bed and I thought that one of our cats was holding it in place. When I went to reach over my husband to grab it, it wasn't there. Another one was seeing a spider walking on my husband's arm. I'm not afraid of spiders and this wasn't scary at all.

Since then I have been talking in my sleep almost nightly.

While I have a history of talking in my sleep, It hasn't happened since I was a kid, so I attribute it to the LD!

You're not alone.
Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
Oh I am glad that I am not alone! I have been having nightt terrors too which is really weird because I have sleep apnea and I was not dreaming at all.

So this is not an emergency? Whew!

Thanks, Melissa
Posted by Jill E. (Member # 9121) on :
Hallucinations of any kind - olfactory, auditory and/or visual are reasonably common symptoms of Lyme.

I had one month where I thought my smoke alarm was chirping - it would wake me up nearly every morning in the wee hours. I was a wreck from lack of sleep, changing smoke alarm batteries, standing under them trying to figure out which was chirping, but of course the chirping stopped when I got up and stood under them.

I finally realized this is all Lyme brain.

Posted by cactus (Member # 7347) on :
This is one of my symptoms, too - and realizing it was a symptom (and not a sign that I'm finally losing my mind) made me very happy.

It gets better, as you find the right combo and the right treatment.

Before I got diagnosed, this was pretty intense, but it's slowed down, thankfully.

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