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Posted by lymemommy (Member # 12495) on :
Hi everyone. My five year old son just had his Lymes test come back positive, after 9 days of high fevers, rashes that have migrated all over his body (starting with one on his chest, within 24 hours he had spots on his abdomen, genitals, back, arms, legs, within 48 it moved onto his face, after 3 days it started to take on a more characteristic bulls eye, without the center dot)
He has also complained of pain in his ankles during the fevers, and tonight pain extending up from his ankle. He is allergic to amoxicillin, so, he started on ceftin today, and by bedtime was running a temp of 101.9.
His pediatrician says 21 days of antibiotics and he'll be fine.
Am I just being paranoid, or is there more to it then that?
What is the next step?
Posted by lymednva (Member # 9098) on :
I'm not positive for kids, but for adults they say you need to be on abx for a minimum of 6 weeks! Someone who has more experience with this aspect of Lyme will be along soon to help you.

So sorry to hear about your son, but glad you caught it quickly and are hear to learn more!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by lymemommy:
His pediatrician says 21 days of antibiotics and he'll be fine.
Am I just being paranoid, or is there more to it then that?

I would NOT rely on that information if it were MY son!!!

Find an LLMD ASAP so that your son does not have this in the chronic form for years to come!

I would want my son on abx for at least 2 months....and definitely until ALL symptoms are GONE for at least 2 months.

Wild Condor's Links and information:

Posted by sometimesdilly (Member # 9982) on :
i'd just say trust what your child tells you and trust your own instincts about what is going on with your precious child and only after that consider what a DR has to tell you.

in general- just 21 days of antibiotics? no way.

Posted by chiz (Member # 10301) on :

With such an acute presentation (disseminated rash, high fever and joint pain) you need to consider whether he has a coinfection, such as babesia, as well as lyme.

The best way to diagnose babesia is to have a thin blood film examined under a microscope in the first two weeks of the illness. It is more difficult to diagnose after this window of opportunity.

Please find a LLMD. Now is your best chance of curing this complex disease which conventional doctors just don't understand. 21 days of antibiotics is not sufficient.

Good luck and I wish him a speedy recovery.
Posted by chiz (Member # 10301) on :
Another thought.

You say your son only became ill 9 days ago and his lyme test is positive. That doesn't add up as it usually takes 4-6 weeks to develop detectable antibodies which make the blood test positive.

Could he have had a subclinical infection for longer and now he has been bitten again - the straw breaking the camel's back? Did you find a tick on him?

Have you found Dr Burrascano's diagnostic hints and guidelines? They are full of a huge amount of information and a really useful resource. To find a LLMD you need to post on the seeking doctor section of lymenet.

Good luck from the mother of a 10 year old boy with lyme, babesia and ?bartonella
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
I agree that 9 days is not enough for a Western Blot to turn positive.

It may be possible that he has had this infection for a while longer.

Please find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor in your area.

I am treating a five year old and a four year old for Lyme....

You may want to consider having yourself tested also.

I am pretty sure my four year old has congenital Lyme.

I am not sure about my five year old.

BTW my husband has it too.

My children are on zithromax right now.

Hang in there.


Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
It may be enough- I hope so!!! You may want to explore whether or not he has coinfections with a Lyme doc- or not if he recovers quickly and has no symptoms. If he does continue to have symptoms make sure you have a Lyme doc lined up because regular docs just stop treating and let patients go chronic- and if later down the road, literally years, he gets fibromyalgia or MS, remember he had Lyme exposure and that despite negative tests later, it could be Lyme sequestered in his body-
Take care,
Best wishes,
Posted by lymemommy (Member # 12495) on :
Thank you everyone for your feedback!! For those who asked, we do not know when the tick bite occured, we never found a tick on him. His 2 year old brother had roseola 2 weeks ago, and Eddie (the 5 year olds) fever started two days after his brother's. Perhaps this triggered the outbreak of symptoms?? One of you passed on the name of a local LLMD, I'm waiting impatiently for his office to open at one so I can schedule a consult. And of course I would like to get me and my other son tested as well, as we pretty much travel as a three pack. I appreciate the info sooo much, all of this is, as you all know, so much to digest, and a phone call form the doc saying the test is positive, I'll call in an Rx, he'll be better in 3 weeks. And no, you don't need to come back in. Well that just doesn't work for me. Thank god you all are out there and willing to help and support others.
Posted by lymemommy (Member # 12495) on :
Thank you everyone for your feedback!! For those who asked, we do not know when the tick bite occured, we never found a tick on him. His 2 year old brother had roseola 2 weeks ago, and Eddie (the 5 year olds) fever started two days after his brother's. Perhaps this triggered the outbreak of symptoms?? One of you passed on the name of a local LLMD, I'm waiting impatiently for his office to open at one so I can schedule a consult. And of course I would like to get me and my other son tested as well, as we pretty much travel as a three pack. I appreciate the info sooo much, all of this is, as you all know, so much to digest, and a phone call form the doc saying the test is positive, I'll call in an Rx, he'll be better in 3 weeks. And no, you don't need to come back in. Well that just doesn't work for me. Thank god you all are out there and willing to help and support others.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Good job, MOM!!! You go girl! And yes, please get an LLMD lined up so your son doesn't go chronic.

PS...Coinfections are often present. Most ticks carry more than one disease and some need different meds.

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