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Posted by keh (Member # 9089) on :
Hi. I have Lyme Disease and am thinking about camping in the Chesapeake Bay area (particularly Kinder Farm, Sandy Point State Park and Watson Regional State Park in their youth campground area) for a total of six nights. During the day we are not in the camping area but on the water boating. The Director of the program tells me that they have not had a problem with ticks all summer - only one ticks in all of the trips they have taken.

I am not sure what I should do. Should I go and just make sure to check myself and wear the right clothing and spray or should I back out? It is a three week job with little pay. I have been thinking about going back into working with kids for awhile and this just came up as an opportunity. I was so excited to finally have the energy and excitement to be doing something that I did not think of (or did not let myself think of) the potential camping/tick problem. I would really love to go but not at a further risk to my health.

Any thoughts?
Posted by lou4656 (Member # 10300) on :
Hi! [hi]

There will always be a risk. But there are risks to almost everything.

I live in a wooded area on the Severn River. I still garden and camp. I am just not willing to live my life in fear.

I think that you have to decide for yourself if you want to take the risk, and if you can live with the possibility of what may, or may not, happen. It is a personal decision.

Good luck!!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Lou's right, it's a personal decision.

If it were me, I wouldn't do it ... but I never really liked camping (it's actually very odd that I'm the one who ended up with Lyme Disease being the city girl I am!).

I am perfectly happy looking at the woods from the paved bike path that goes through them.

You need to weigh the risk and determine if it's worth it to you.
Posted by Vermont_Lymie (Member # 9780) on :
Just be very careful if you do go! I still do gardening, although that is probably how I got a second tick bite. But I am more careful now.

Not only is protective clothing and perhaps DEET important, but also taking a shower and a tick check each day. Good luck and enjoy!
Posted by 1Bitten2XShy (Member # 12280) on :
There is a very good clothing only spray that WalMart sells. Stays on clothes for up to 2 weeks.

We still camp, even tho it is a motorhome..(yup, I have gotten used to luxury).

I spray the clothes with the product, then us, then tick check as well.

It is a personal decision, but in my opinion, such a shame to live the rest of my life in fear.

I now live my life in AWARENESS, much more so that I ever did before. Does that mean I will never get bit again? No, but it means I try to enjoy the things that make me happy and be very careful.
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Hey hey..

Go! Go! Go!

And listen to me.... VERY carefully now...




A tick already sucked the life out of you once. Don't let it take away any more than it has.

Go, have fun! Do good stuff. Enjoy life!

You said.. "The Director of the program tells me that they have not had a problem with ticks all summer - only one ticks in all of the trips they have taken."

You might want to tell the Director that Sandy Point State Park, for one, is a HOT SPOT for Lyme Disease and ticks. I know it well... too well.

The entire Chesapeake Bay region is a tick haven... and don't let them tell you different. Education is power. You can win over a tick.. don't let a tick scare you away.

I'd be more careful with the live hard crabs... watching my fingers and toes!!!

And I would NOT miss an opportunity to have some fun. After all, you HAVE Lyme disease already. You are now MORE cautious and prepared to deal with it in the future should you get it again.

So PLEASE!!!! Go and have some fun!

The outdoors is a gift from above.

The Chesapeake Bay is spectacular!

The experience will be remembered forever.

And do let us know how wonderful it was!

[Big Grin]

The above advise is from a tick-bit Chesapeake Bay Lymed Lady who wouldn't give up the great outdoors for a bear, much less a tick!
Posted by tailz (Member # 10014) on :
Considering the fact that I think I got my Lyme from fleas and mosquitos - go. You really aren't even safe in the house anymore, so this way if you get clipped again, you can explain it;)
Posted by lou4656 (Member # 10300) on :
WOW, TC! I am standing here cheering for your wonderful response above. That is exactly how I feel! High-5! High-5!

I do not live far from Sandy Point, and I will not let a tick ruin a fun day with my family at Sandy Point. I had my first tick encounter in my very own flower garden . . . and I would be a prisoner in my own home if I ran from the ticks.

So . . . I loved your response!! [woohoo]
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
hey have a great time... [Smile]

[Smile] but bundle up head to toe~...wear a hat & tuck your socks in your pants

[Smile] do frequent tick checks head to toe..don't forget the under arms & crevas's.

[Smile] use deet 25%

[Smile] try to find the spray you spray on clothing too

[Smile] pack a tick kit...a pair of tweezers, a small bottle with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol for keeping the tick, and a alcohol wipe to disinfect the area. If it where me I would also take some spare doxy or cats claw along just to be on the safe side.

have a wonderful time [Smile]

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