This is topic Update on DR. J Please read in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
I was asked to distribute this and I hope it is ok that I do so in this manner. I tried to break it up for easier reading

Dear All,

I saw Dr. Jones recently. While he was in good spirits and on track with a busy schedule of appointments, he did share some worrisome information and gave me permission to distribute it.

While the Connecticut Medical Examining Board panel is deliberating over the evidence presented during the numerous hearing sessions, the continuing efforts of Dr. Jones' legal team will be required.

Once the panel issues it ruling, the matter will be presented to the full Connecticut Medical Examining Board for its final decision. Legal representation will be necessary here.

In several of the previous cases in which LLMD's ultimately prevailed in their defense against medical board complaints, they first had to go through a court appeal process.

Should this occur in Dr. Jones' situation, it will of course reuqire him to incur additional legal fees and other costs related to his defense.

Most worrisome, perhaps, is the fact that the Department of Public Health (DPH) is planning to go forward with 4 other cases against Dr. Jones. All started in a similar fashion, with complaints generated by divorcing or estranged parents engaged in custody or divorce disputes.

DPH, as I understand it, will wait until the current case is finished, then, regardless of its outcome, go forward with the new set of charges. Attorney Pollack has been actively involved in trying to get these charges dropped.

Draw your own conclusions as to what message the Connecticut authorities are sending to Dr. Jones and to those who treat tick-borne disease according to comprehensive, Lyme-literate policies.

As you can see, the legal costs are continuing to accrue, despite the fact that the hearings themselves have come to a close.

Dr. Jones told me that his legal defense fund has again dipped to a low point. It is time to, once again, to ask folks to contribute.

Much as we all hate to see our precious resources going to defend senseless medical board complaints, it is imperative that we continue to send a loud message: our doctors have strong support and the patient community is solidly behind them.

If Dr. Jones is allowed to go down, they will feel bolder about going after other LLMD's, in Connecticut and elsewhere. In this case, thousands of children will be left without adequate medical care.

In a way, Dr. Jones' age is a benefit to us: he is more willing to fight the fight, not having a family to raise.

Others in his position might well have fled by this point, and who could blame them? As we know, many have retreated from treating tick-borne disease because the risks are so great.

Please consider this critical matter, and donate once again to the Charles Ray Jones, MD Legal Defense Fund. We must preserve our right to freedom of choice with regard to the diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne disease.

A website has been set up to make this process easier: contribute. html

Make check donations payable to:

"The Dr. Charles Ray Jones Legal Defense Fund"

Mail to:
C/O George Heath, III (CPA)
26 Fairlawn Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492

Note "gift" in the memo field.

If anyone has ideas for fundraising, please let me know. A few folks have brainstormed about the possibility of a concert and others have held EBay and home sales of one sort or another.

I know of one family that routinely contributes the proceeds from their can and bottle returns to Dr. Jones' fund, and also has redirected temporarily their weekly donations to their church.

I was very moved by their heartfelt motivation to be of whatever help they could be, within the realistic constraints of their finances. It is critical to preserve access to Dr. Jones for families like this one.

I was away these past several days, without much access to the internet. Now that I am home, I hope to be able to pay more concentrated attention to this, and look forward to brainstorming with you regarding any ideas or proposals that you may have.



Sheila M. Statlender, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
53 Langley Road - Suite 330C
Newton Centre, MA
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
[Frown] I am so sad to hear this

Check & prayers being sent asap to him & many (((hugs ))) [group hug]

ps: I don't think I can fit " The Dr. Charles Ray Jones Legal Defense Fund" in the first section of my there an abreviation or shorter version that can be written? Thanks Dana
Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
how about Dr. Jones defense fund?\

God bless this man
Posted by valymemom (Member # 7076) on :

Why can't the folks whose children were neglected by the ID docs pursue/ignite these same kind of suits against this community of ID physicians!!!!!

I wish our support group leaders could organize something we could do together - state to state.

I know our individual contributions are very important/necessary, but I would like to see a unified effort.

$1000 from each state could be a goal. That sounds so doable.
Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
1st, please copy/paste this to ACTIVISM, SUPPORT boards also and

even copy it to top to DR. JONES ACTUAL LETTER post he wrote sometime ago ... everything is in one spot then!

now, everyone of you who has a LYME GROUP LIST on your home pcs, please copy this link and the actual post above to send to your group list making them aware of what else is going on and the necessary $$$ fundraising efforts to be made.

an idea i have; somehow we have got to contact DARYL OATES since he's recently talked about his lyme disease, and get him, Oates & Hall to do a concert! Do any of you have any type of a connection to actually talk to him or email Daryl! HOPE SO! [Wink] [group hug] [kiss]

well, i'll copy this link before i forget and starting spreading the word! Bettyg [Frown]
Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
bettyg I copied it to the areas you suggested, but I am not sure about the letter Dr. J. wrote himself? Maybe could someone help me out with that?

I will do some investigating as to getting in touch with Daryl Oates.

Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
bettyg sent you a PM with a good lead for that contact info.

let me know if it is helpful... Melissa
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Melissa, THANK YOU for all the leg work you did on getting needed info together.

I'm going to forward what you sent me by PM to LDA PRES. PAT SMITH for her consideration in pursuing this project since she knows the ins and outs of a charity project. I'll do it right now before I forget! [Big Grin]

I wouldn't want to do the wrong thing!! uffda. [Embarrassed]
Posted by chiz (Member # 10301) on :
I'm sending him another donation today.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
A website has been set up to make this process easier: contribute. html

Make check donations payable to:

"The Dr. Charles Ray Jones Legal Defense Fund"

Mail to:
C/O George Heath, III (CPA)
26 Fairlawn Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492

Note "gift" in the memo field.


I think I can afford another check this month!
Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :

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