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Posted by Jamiet (Member # 11601) on :
I don't know if this is herxing, but, these abx have me siiiiiccccckkkk. it's day 6.

does this sound familiar.

My hands are almost paralized or it seems. My ears are ringing, my back hurts, my head is fog, i can't concentrate. My tongue is about to shrivel up, my arms hurt, my jaw hurts, i'm sweating and this is miserable.

I'm weak, my balance is off.


what is this?
Posted by Jamiet (Member # 11601) on :
And i've got the chills so bad, my hair growing by the minute.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
It sounds like a herx. My first herx I couldn't even walk to the bathroom without help. It gets better; now I'm about 50% during a herx so I'm still somewhat functional.

Try drinking lemon water. Do what you can to detox (sauna, coffee enema, etc.).

Drink lots and lots of water.
Posted by Jamiet (Member # 11601) on :
How long does this last?
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :


Check with your doc as always but sounds like a Herx!!! Yup, that good old "I'm DYYYYYINNNG!" feelinG!!! Thanks to abx haven't had that in years now but thank goodness for my awful Herxes because they were the path to wellness for me!
And for you too I hope*)!*)!!!
Posted by Beverly (Member # 1271) on :
It sounds like a herx to me also. (ditto to check with doc) My very first herxes really knocked me out, I thought I was dying too.

It gets better, hang in there.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Beverly:
It sounds like a herx to me also. (ditto to check with doc)

Agree. It may last awhile. Get your pillows fluffed up! Put on a good movie! Hang in there!
Posted by bejoy (Member # 11129) on :
This is your full on excuse to make someone go out and pick you up a stack of good movies to watch.

This good old dying feeling means you are going to feel better soon for sure! The abx are working and your body is just trying hard to dump out all the junk that is left over. Hang in there!
Posted by Vermont_Lymie (Member # 9780) on :
Yes, I certainly felt like I was dying during my very first herx! I guess that is the toughest one, the first use of antibiotics....

Be sure to rest and drink lots of lemon water. Get your friends and family to bring you good food, and take it easy!! Hope you feel better soon.
Posted by hardynaka (Member # 8099) on :
I wouldn't be so happy as others. I hate herxing.

I would take LOADS of cleansers to be almost without herxes. Starting with chlorella, bear garlic, MSM, Chitosan, milk thistle, artichoke, then whatever works for you. I would take these stuff many many times a day to avoid herxes.

I believe a herx can kill, as I went twice to emergency without being able to breathe and having total body paralisy, my blood pressure went nuts, so went my heart.

Nope, I don't commemorate, I fear herxes as much as I fear these nasty infections. [Frown]

Take care and cleanse. I hope you don't herx as bad as some people here, but I wouldn't wait and see.

If it lasts more than a few days, in my experience, healing stops, everything stops.

The good part of herxing is that it means the killers are working.

I just wrote here the bad part, so that you get both sides of the problem!

Take care,
Posted by Jamiet (Member # 11601) on :
This afternoon is a little better it seems. Yesterday and this morning were a nightmare.

we'll see, thx for your support.
Posted by GardenLymer (Member # 6008) on :
The 1st is the worst - At least u know what's causing it - I thought I had gone from bronchitis (thus the abx) to bone cancer. Hoping tomorrow's a better day! (((hug)))

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