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Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
Hello everyone,

I started taking rifampin about 6 days ago and I have started experiencing symptoms that resemble babs, but I think it is actually bart.

For the past 2 nights I have had an increase in brain fog, night sweats and skin burning.

I have been treating babs for over a year and a half now, and recently I have tested negative on Igenex FISH and PCR titer tests. I am still going after babs with one malarone a day and Dr.Z's art.

My question is, does a bart herx resemble babs, or is this a babs relapse?

This is also my first time taking rifampin, so I was wondering if anyone else had a similar herx from this med?

Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
For me there are many crossover symptoms between babs & bart & I have found that similar for other people I know!!! So until you know otherwise I'd assume it's a herx! I hope it is*)!
Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
How long does a rifampin herx last?

Posted by shoney (Member # 9925) on :
Savebabe-when I first started on Rifampin, I would wake up with this sensation that my body was on fire..I was burning up. Horrible..went away after a month or so..but it was my first tx for bart.

The first herx was pretty bad..but after a few weeks, I started to feel a little better.

I too, now don't know if I still have bart or babs (or lyme)
Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
Thanks for the replies.

I am going to give rifampin a few weeks and see if there is any improvement. Hopefully, I will be able to report back with good news.
Posted by Health (Member # 6034) on :
I got worse from Rifampin.

WORSE. I got soooo much worse from the heat, and I also read on here that some had to stop it because it was not agreeing with them, one lady said on here that her LLMD said, some do well with

Rifampin, others dont, this woman had stoppedd it like myself. DO we really know? I dont know, just listening and reading what others had happend, and who got well with it, helps.

My LLMD told me to stop it after 6 weeks. I stopped it, the Rifampin.

Why, I dont know, it was not a herx, because when I stopped it and went back on the tetracycline I had my EMF return. FULL force then died down a bit but still with me.

I am getting tested for babesia again, different tests so will let you know.

I read on here that a LLMD said that treating Bartonella can coax out the Babesia.

Watch if you are experiencing this, possibly?

Posted by amkdiaries (Member # 7035) on :
Wanted to send you a PM-Your mailbox is full!
Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
Cleard my mailbox...Thanks!!
Posted by Vermont_Lymie (Member # 9780) on :
Hi savebabe,

Although I have not started rifampin yet, I have been learning and asking as much as I can about it, since I will start it as soon as work lets up a bit.

My hunch is that it is a herx you are having...just an opinion, but the timing and symptoms sound right.

Hope it works great for you! Please let us know in a couple of weeks how you are faring with the rifampin. Lots of bart in the ticks in the south shore of LI, according to the Columbia Lyme Center post-doc. Take care.
Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
Thanks VL... I always suspected I had bart, even though I always tested negative.

I will have to keep everyone updated on my bart treatment, because I am combining my abx with the partial Cowden protocal. From what I hear the herbs are great for lyme and bart.

Take care eveyone!!!
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