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Posted by EyeBob (Member # 12572) on :
Wifey was just diagnosed with LD (I have it too), and for the last 3 months or so she's had a waxing and waning whole body rash which is very itchy. She has yet to start any ABX treatment. Lyme work up did not include a test for babesia.

Derm doc can't identify it, biopsy didn't reveal much. I'm suspicious of celiac as well, that test is coming soon.

Any thoughts?

Posted by Tickn (Member # 11590) on :
I have had an upper torso and scalp rash about 15 yrs ago. Dermatologists were unable to identify it even with biopsies. Went for second opinion and they still could not figure it out.
It finally diminished when spring came around.I spend quite a bit of time outside and tanning seemed to help, since every winter it reappeared to some degree.
I was finally dx'd with lyme last year and all of my rashes have disappeared since I began Abx's.
I hope you & your wife feel better soon, I still recall how bad I itched!!
Take Care
Posted by EyeBob (Member # 12572) on :
Thanks for the response, anyone else?

Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
I had an absolutely horrible, itchy whole body rash before I was diagnosed with Lyme. In retrospect, I know it was after I'd been bitten at least once, but, as I said, I hadn't been dx.

I saw an ID doc who put me on steroids (Yikes!!!) and told me to stay out of the sun. He had no idea what the source of the rash could be. I was also instructed to stay take oatmeal baths.

It really was an awful rash that even amazed the doc.

Then, about 6 months prior to my dx, I had a second rash--this one on my torso. It was so angry and serious looking I went to the ER. More steroids. No diagnosis that time, either.

I'm so sorry your wife is going through this!

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
hi bob; haven't seen you post/reply lately.

fyi, in last 2-3 days, there has been 1 or more EYE questions if you get a chance to check the board at your convenience! big thanks!

best wishes to your wife! [group hug]
Posted by canbravelyme (Member # 9785) on :
Hi Eyebob,

When you have a moment, please respond to this:;f=1;t=064328

I also had the whole torso rash. It was tiny red raised bumps, and it was itchy and weepy. Of course I was prescribed cortizone cream, which did surprizingly nothing.

This went on for months. Then finally, it went away. It started soon after mine and my dog's exposure to ticks, and guess what: my dog had the, "mystery rash" too.

The rest of the story we all know too well.

Best wishes,
Posted by EyeBob (Member # 12572) on :
So, for those that had the itchy rash and it went away, did it go away on it's own or only after ABX treatment.

Posted by Bugg (Member # 8095) on :

For those with petichial rashes, especially if you've been recently diagnosed/bitten, please "google" rocky mountain spotted fever or rmsf and look at the pictures of rashes. RMSF is often misdiagnosed as ehrlichia and vice versa....Some people with RMSF don't see a rash until they treat with doxy....
Posted by Bugg (Member # 8095) on :

I didn't think of this before because you said your wife wasn't on abx yet....However, some natural supplements can act as abx, in effect, and cause yeast issues (don't know if she's on any supps)...Does she have a white/yellow-coating on her tongue? Has she been tested for yeast/fungal issues? You may want to pursue that avenue as a possibility...Also, untreated yeast may linger in people's systems for quite some time....She could have been developing yeast issues for months....It's not that difficult to get most issues under control...I would examine this as an issue and look into probiotics, diflucan, nystatin, and other nature herb supps for yeast such as oil of oregano...etc....Her doc can perform a test for yeast/funguses....Good Luck!!!
Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :

Ironically, I just broke out in a whole body rash yesterday. It's very itchy and shows no signs is abating.

I've placed a call to my LLMD but gotten no respose yet. It's weird, and very similar to rashes I've had in the past. I have NO idea what to do to mitigate it.

Last night, it was serious enough that we conttemplated a trip to the ER, but when I remembered my previous steroid-treated rashes, we decided against it.

I'll let you know when/if I find some relief from this. How's your wife doing?


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