This is topic really bad yeast, i know the ducks are going to blame this on the abx in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by roro (Member # 13383) on :
warning - graphic and just plain gross

ok, just got back from the surgeon for the bleeding fissures that won't heal. he said its a bad fungal infection and is all around the anus and all the way up the crack

I thought originally it was yeast because of the itching and went to a gyn weeks ago, who cultured and said no yeast and referred me to GI, who then referred me to surgeon

anyway, this started long before abx. it started back last april and got really bad up until august. in august LLMD prescribed diflucan, but only 4 days, then abx

it has not gotten worse since then, but waxes and wanes. but i think the 4 days was not enough, and i also think the infection may have spread to bloodstream and maybe even CNS since LP showed signs of meningitis, but not bacterial

so the surgeon gave me a week of diflucan and a cream for 3 weeks (not monistat, somemthing else vytel? votyl?)

i really dont think the abx has made it worse. but I know the dr's are going to blame it on the abx, and worry that they wil lput pressure on my LLMD and he will drop me [Frown]
Posted by roro (Member # 13383) on :
thanks, I am on the nystatin pills, 2 a day, and the pearls, 2 a day, plus another probiotic I mix with my yogurt

i will try the other suggestions, thanks. i know the powder nystatin is probably better than the pills

i just feel like my immune system is just shot and I am geting these bad infectins like old people or AIDS patients get.

i also get really bad neuro symptoms from the diflucan, I dont know if I can take a week of it. i get confusion, lethargy, and delirium, even with one pill
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Dear Roro,

Ouch! The diflucan hits Lyme....but you know that you can get a "herx" reaction

From die off of candida. It isn't pretty either.

I sure hope you get some serious relief soon.

Remember too, the ducks aren't going to help you with Lyme.


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Couldn't you take the Diflucan every other day if your herx is too hard??

I would also UP the Nystatin if you can. I was told to take 4 per day while on abx. While I was going thru this sinus thing and back on abx, I took 8 pills per day.

I take 4 per day even when NOT on abx. I have a longstanding yeast problem, which I prefer to keep at bay by taking the Nystatin.

DIET is the most important thing of all!

You may even want to invest in some Theralac. I think it is the best probiotic I've ever taken.

Recently, a dr gave me Dr Ohira's probiotics and I like them. I can't decide if it's as good as Theralac or not. Right now I'm taking both!
Posted by roro (Member # 13383) on :
ok, I knew the diet issue was going to come up. no I am not on any diet. I have gastroparesis and it makes it difficult to stay on any diet, especially a high fiber one

my diet is poor.

i wish I could just not eat at all and just drink a drink three times a day. or i wish they made "people food" like dog food, you just scoop a cup of it twice a day [Razz]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Did they order a culture ?

There are different strains of yeast and different meds for different strains.

Hope you find some relief - soooon.

Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
No sugar is essential.

You might try VSL#3, it has 450 billion organisms. I had to take it daily when I was on heavy abx. I took Theralac and Ultra Flora in addition to it.

I was taking 2 pills of Nystatin three times daily.
Posted by roro (Member # 13383) on :
no, he did not culture

i didn't know the diflucan works for lyme [Eek!] that might be why i get the neuro sx, a herx
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :
Hey Roro,

You can just drink a drink 3 times a day. The drink is fresh vegetable juices. A superior way to get your daily vitamins.

However, you can't fast on just juice longterm. You need fiber in your diet also. The juice though is an excellent way to get nutrition. Lots of it and absorbed quickly too.

Your bad diet is the main problem and it is compounded by the abx.

Until you clean up your diet, you will be fighting yeast and other microbes.


Posted by roro (Member # 13383) on :
i meant a drink that is prepared. juicing would take more of an effort than cooking, my problem is I dont have the energy or will to shop and cook anymore

just cant seem to stick to anything. i did the yeast free for maybe a month. i spent probably $1000 on testing for food sensitivities and didn't even try the diet.

the testing came back that most of the things on the list of what I should be eating are things I know I am sensitive to and cannot eat. same thing happened with allergy testing years ago, i tested allergic to everything

i have gastroparesis and it makes it tough. the diet for GP is pretty much the exact opposite of the yeast-free diet (crackers, ginger-ale, jello, soup, mashed potato, very low fiber)
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
You can buy fresh-made juices at Whole Foods. I never want to get my juicer out .... though I'll drive down to Whole Foods just to buy one ... LOL, doesn't seem like a time issue! They have a juice bar. They make great smoothies, too. Be sure to get a scoop of whey protein if you get a smoothie.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
roro...You can't eat vegetables?? Meat??

How about vegetables and a protein drink?
Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
Not all Wholefoods have the juice bars :-( Mine doesnt.

what i do is bake most stuff, so if you can eat meat and veggies, just put them in the oven , set the timer and sit down and relax.
Posted by roro (Member # 13383) on :
I can eat veggies and meat but not in the morning. i need something starchy with the abx or I get sick from it.

i also work 40-60 hours a week, so I just do not have the time or energy to shop or cook or drive to health food stores and get special foods.

I pretty much work, sleep, and go to dr's appts. when I get home from work I am usually exhausted, in severe pain and collapse on the couch or go straight to sleep.

if I try to force myself to exercise i get exhausted. the last time i went for a walk I walked two blocks, got pains in my legs and slept for two days

my pain dr wants me to go to PT and I don't even have the time or energy to do that

i try to make as best food choices as I can, and try to stay away from sugar and white flour.
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