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Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
I have self-diagnosed LD last year through deligent experimentation, and scientific observation through microscopy.
I have been researching and studying for a total of 4 years.
My initial findings showed unusual elevations of protozoa.
I have finally narrowed down one location of the B. Burdorferi spirochettes, and cysts.
They were found in specialized macrophages within prostatic fluid.
I have documented the bacteria unraveling from cyst in dying cell.
There are numerous anomalies and mutations, and contamination amoung commensal organisms. I have also concluded there is a plant\other hybrid. I am carefully documenting this.
It explains the incessant scalp itch, and unusual matter in stool{in some people}. I am trying to place together the reasons why parasitic infestations cannot be immunologically controlled with efficiency in some patients.
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
First, welcome to the board.

Second, are you a microbiological researcher by profession,

because it would sure be great to have a few who are around here?
Posted by Michelle M (Member # 7200) on :
I hope you're treating, in addition to studying?

Have you photographed your findings?

Do share!!

Posted by je (Member # 14653) on :
What do you know about neurotoxins? and how good does your microscope need to be to see this stuff? I'd be more than a little curious to look at this stuff myself.
Posted by Dave6002 (Member # 9064) on :
Neurotoxins are molecules you can not see with a microscope unless they are labeled with florescence using antibodies against neurotoxins. However, I am sure there is no antibody available yet. So without antibody you cannot see or detect neurotoxins.
Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
Hi again, and thank you for the welcome.
I'll try and answer everyones questions here.
I am not a certified microbiologist, but my personal study disciplines have enabled me to gain a handle on many of the fundamentals.
I am compiling many micrographs of relevant Lyme-related phenomenon esp. where it applies to my self. I am looking at other cases where people come to me with chronic symptoms. I will do some basic analytical work, including live blood scans.
My website is You can see the beginning stages of my attempt to make my work public.

Neurotoxins. These are very important, but the body's own elimination of the toxins is what needs to be addressed. I have analyzed some toxins through chemical methods, and will be using more advanced methods sometime this year.
Those methods include: electrophoresis, chemical regeants, chemiluminescence techniques and spectrometry.
It is very important to investigate any strange proteins which may be circulating in blood. I believe there are neuropeptides which cause re-routing and interference with hormonal functions, and general physiological operations.
This brings me to the immunological issue.
I think, that with the right combinations of presently available drugs, there may be a way to reverse this condition.
However, some of these drugs may be difficult to justify, or obtain. Microw
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Originally posted by microw:
Hi again, and thank you for the welcome.
I'll try and answer everyones questions here.
I am not a certified microbiologist, but my personal study disciplines have enabled me to gain a handle on many of the fundamentals.
I am compiling many micrographs of relevant Lyme-related phenomenon esp. where it applies to my self. I am looking at other cases where people come to me with chronic symptoms. I will do some basic analytical work, including live blood scans.
My website is You can see the beginning stages of my attempt to make my work public.

Neurotoxins. These are very important, but the body's own elimination of the toxins is what needs to be addressed. I have analyzed some toxins through chemical methods, and will be using more advanced methods sometime this year.
Those methods include: electrophoresis, chemical regeants, chemiluminescence techniques and spectrometry.
It is very important to investigate any strange proteins which may be circulating in blood. I believe there are neuropeptides which cause re-routing and interference with hormonal functions, and general physiological operations.
This brings me to the immunological issue.
I think, that with the right combinations of presently available drugs, there may be a way to reverse this condition.
However, some of these drugs may be difficult to justify, or obtain. Microw

link dosent work
Posted by Michelle M (Member # 7200) on :
Originally posted by microw:
[QB] I am looking at other cases where people come to me with chronic symptoms. I will do some basic analytical work, including live blood scans.

Are you a doctor, then?

My website is You can see the beginning stages of my attempt to make my work public.
I get a "page not found" ... is your site down?

Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
Originally posted by microw:
Hi again, and thank you for the welcome.
I'll try and answer all questions here.
I am not a certified microbiologist, but my personal study disciplines have enabled me to gain a handle on many of the fundamentals.
I am compiling micrographs of relevant Lyme-related phenomenon esp. where it applies to myself. I am looking at other cases where people come to me, with chronic symptoms. I am doing basic analytical work, including live blood scans.
My website is it is here, where you can see the beginning stages in my attempt to make my work public.

Neurotoxins. Very important subject, but the body's own elimination of the toxins is what needs to be addressed. I have analyzed some toxins through chemical methods, and will be using more advanced methods sometime this year.
Those methods include: electrophoresis, chemical regeants, chemiluminescence techniques and spectrometry.
I want to investigate strange proteins which may be circulating in blood. I believe there are neuropeptides which cause re-routing and interference with cell-signaling, hormonal functions, and general physiological operations.
This brings me to the immunological issue. Certain affected cells esp. macrophages, may provide clues to how we can deal with the re-activation of immunity functions, and trace the migration patterns of mycoplasma, BB etc.
Another problem I wish to focus on, is the contamination of host commensal bacteria, and dysbiosis. These bacteria are very important for toxin elimination and regulation of essential enzymes. I think, that with the right combination of presently available drugs, there may be a way to reverse Lyme.
However, some of these drugs may be difficult to justify, or obtain. Microw

[ 19. February 2008, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: microw ]
Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
Sorry guys, I'm still trying to get use to the edit functions. I have made corrections and the web address was missing the "u" oops------Microw
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Where's my fish graphic??
Posted by DakotasMom01 (Member # 14141) on :
Here is the link to the photos

web page
Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
Hi folks. I will share with you my list of particular symptoms:

Bad taste in mouth immediately upon sleep

Digestive discomfort with loose stools

lactose intolerance

Incessant itchy scalp

Unusual and sudden energy loss followed by restless legs.

Sensitivity to light, really bad floaters

Constant allergies, and sneezing

Prostate infection [no inflammation]

Night-erections so uncomfortable, I loose much sleep.

Decreased sex-drive

Minor full-body tremors starting with legs and moving up the body--only during rest-states.

headaches starting at base of neck in the back.

Itchy anal region after bowel movement.

I have determined the cause of most symptoms, but have not yet established the hormonal connections yet.

If other would like to share their symptoms here, It could be helpful to my research.
Posted by Peacesoul (Member # 13709) on :
Anal itching is more than likey yeast related.
Posted by doc (Member # 14471) on :
What drugs do you feel may be approprate to reverse lyme disease ? And again welcome,and thanks for your input. Doc (nickname)
Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
Big question, and it requires speculation on my part. my opinion, I think, a cocktail of antibiotics, GABA drugs, aMSH, and complex custom probiotic mix including B. Infantis and e-cloi strains are what I would like to experiment with.

There are other ideas I have as well.
Using hapten molecules to stimulate certain leukocytes, or even the use of leukocyte stimulating factors or designed cytokines.
And what about a vaccine?

This disease has to be looked at like HIV or even cancer.

One thing I can assure everyone, is we must depend on our own immune-system to finish the job that any drug will start.

All of these ideas are just that. I have no institutionally endorsed medical background, or certification. I am a hobbist, and a committed independent researcher.
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
Would that be Durland Fish?

So, anyway, microw--is it then your contention that there

is no pharmaceutical means of curing Lyme?
Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
It depends on the individual and HLA\blood type. If aggressive antibiotic treatment is administered immediately after infection, there is hope for sure. It also depends on the strain of infective agent.

If mycoplasma is involve {such as in my case} there could be complications.

Has anyone had mono in the past? It could be connected to Lyme.
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
Wait, which blood types render individuals the most susceptible?
Posted by je (Member # 14653) on :
I had mono.

Here are my symptoms roughly in order:

General fatigue, hard time paying attention

Swollen lymph nodes


optical migraines- from my glasses I was told

Knee problems -attributed to soccer

started to know when it was going to rain

TMJ - had braces

Subloxated shoulder- took jujitsu

Next was the year I had mono, got it bad 106 fever, hallucinations, missed 3 months of college. Never felt completely betterbetter lymph nodes stayed visibly swollen permanently

Knee swelled up like a lemon, by the time I went to the doctor it was the other knee- must be from cycling

tennis elbow, carpul tunnel, arthritis everywhere

Started sleeping 15 hours a night when ever I had the chance, 4-6 hour naps if I didn't.

Doctors tested for lupus lyme and rheumatoid. when they all came back negative they referred me to a psychiatrist. I ddidn't go.

Skin started to hurt all the time

Started getting lost, going to thewrong places. Using the wrong words. Forgetting people I'd met over and over again

Panic attacks

Pain all over felt like zaps of electricity

exhaustion much worse

intestinal distress -i thought that was lactose intolerance

fog brain

Saw a new doctor. When he said he would test for lyme i got mad and said I'd already done that test. All tests showed a strong positive. Started abx


Got lost daily on my way home from work

Once got lost in my backyard for 4 hours


Started having a hard time distinguishing between sight and sound. If I saw too many things moving in a room it was too loud to hear anything else.

Neuro symptoms cleared up after 3 months IV ceftriaxone. The other symptoms backed off in severity but never stopped

Lyme came back after a year. Full blown neuro symptoms with the addition of tremors, dizzyness, vertigo, facial numbness

Can't spell

Can't read single spaced

Speak like a drunk some days.

At some point during all this my average blood pressure dropped to no higher than 90/60

Body temp averages about 95-97F

I hope this helps you.

Look up TGF-beta 1. I think that is the allele that's off for people who tend to get chronic. Or its something completely random that I wrote down for some reason or another.

Have you already checked yourself for celiac disease? Some other things that exascerbate lyme are heavy metals, toxic mold exposure,etc

I wrote down on my little list of things to ask my doctor about HLADR hepotype c3a c4a. I don't remember what is though.

Once again good luck.
Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
Hi. Thanks for the info.

The TGF-Beta and Alpha are proteins designated for cellular self-destruction duties. Important in cancer cell control. It has other bioactive properties as well.

HLA DR c3 and c4 are markers which show up in people with chronic biotoxin associated illness.
Microcystic algea[?] blooms have been implicated in connection to susceptible patients.

I have TMJ as well, and constant 'clicking' of jaw. I think this has to do with parasitic infection.

P.S. I am not sure which cell types are involved with Lyme and other chronic ailments. I would say b17 is one.
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
I've never had mono, btw.
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