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Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
Hi everyone

I started a YouTube Vlog that will be documenting my illness to my diagnosis and treatment, since I am still in the process of getting diagnosed. I also have a couple of vidoes of me performing in some shows I have done when I was healthy and living a normal life.

I hope you will join me on YouTube!
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Thanks for posting this. I watched your videos. I don't have children of my own, but I'm 24 and young like you.

I also had to basically figure out what was wrong with myself by looking up symptoms online. It's really such a tragic thing that that's what most people have to do when it comes to this disease.

I hope the best for you and will continue checking your youtube videos. [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Great job!! I do so hope we can get you back on your feet so you can keep performing!!!

Hugs to you!! [group hug]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

please put your links about your lyme diseease in MEDICAL in my post, LYME VIDEOS COMPILED ... please add yours:

show link
time of each video
brief summary what each is about

thanks shandy; i'm listening to your OKLAHOMA one as i type this to you; outstanding voice!!

i hope you can regain your life to go on and share your musical/comedy talents with the world! best wishes, and thanks for sharing! [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by Sojourner (Member # 9424) on :
You poor dear! Unfortunately your story is very much like so many others......It's wonderful of you to share it so intimately.

In case you haven't sorted out your doxy's my take. That sure sounds like a lot of money for straight up generic doxy! Is it doryx you were prescribed?(much more expensive, coated form of doxy) If your tummy can handle it, you might just go with the generic TABLET (not capsule) form of doxy.....much cheaper! Just a thought and best to you.
Posted by laura j (Member # 14257) on :
Thanks for doing this! You are VERY talented. I hope your insurance approves your Doxy soon! Ridiculous!!
Posted by lymielauren28 (Member # 13742) on :
Kudos to you for posting these videos...that takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that. I too am young and struggling with most of the symptoms you have. We WILL get better. Stay strong, keep up the videos...
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
Thank you so much everyone for your support!

I will be doing a new video every few days...

I am also so happy you enjoyed my performances!! That is my passion in life and something i never thought I could live without doing....Not being able to perform is like being deprived of food and water....It has been HORRIBLE. Hopefully I will be able to again oneday...But who knows???

Right now I am just looking to get functional so I can take care of my children.

Thanks again everyone and Stay Tuned!
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :

You have the same story and symtoms as mines.I started having active LYME since I had my son -but pushed myself to the limits as no body beilived me or try to listen to me that I was very sick and needed help.

I was sent to the same drs as yours and was grabbing painkillers every day .I was in pain -from head to toe .Somehow i managed to get vitamins plenty of them ( through HERBALIFE 6 years ago ) -that now I understand were helping my immune system to survive or made me feel better.

But I was getting worst and worst and scared while driving that I would crash but -again having no choice and no convincing diagnoses --until I ended up several time in ER -passed out several times .ALL the people sorrounding me were saying I was fine.I needed attention [Mad] and it was in my head or stress related. [loco] [tsk]

The final day was summer 2005-when lyme became active ( now I can tell what happened back than ) and I got almost paralized on my right side when NEUROLYME , confirmed band 30 with +++ from IGENEX and confirmed by the GREATEST DR J in CT .

THAT day -I was detached from the world and could not create a normal sentence as I had full blown lyme and co-infections -my blood pressuare was off the roof .LATE STAGE cronic neurolyme , BLO -bartonella quintata, bartonella henselae , Mucoplasma FERMENTAS, BABESIA , HHV 6, ERLISHIOSIS and other viruses.

I had to confirm my diagnosis through other drs-alternative.DID a QXCI test -that showed LYME disease -TICK BORNE DISEASES .So I had proof on 3 diferent ways and was finally convinced that was the cause of everything.I HAD to self diagnosed myself as no body -many many drs missed it for years.

I had been reinfected with BARTONELLA -BLO , that put all the infections -deep in my nervous system and I was shaking , had tremors, full blown encephalitis in my brain -lost my hearing , lost all my mollars ( 10 of them -needed 5 hrs surgery to remove the cavitations and clean the infections in the bone) .

I also got bells PALSY and lost 40lbs quickly and became size 4- a kid size.

But thank GOOD -you do not have all the symtoms on that list.

SO YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMANENT DAMAGE -and once you start the treatment you have more chances to recover and function.

I wish from my heart a QUICK recovery. [bow]

MY SON is seen the same Dr as your son !YES HE is saving my sons life.My son is going to become this month 8 years old.

I KNOW what you are going through and be happy that you have a suportiv family and FIANCE!

God BLESSES his heart for beeing there for you!
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :

I am so sorry for what you and son have been through. I trluy wish the best for you both.

I have had muscle testing done on me also.....Where is your doc located alv?

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