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Posted by cjnelson (Member # 12928) on :
I have been in for 7 months going into 8. I started a new regimine two weeks ago and it worked fantastic for about 2 weeks, I mean my symptoms were soooo diminished it wasnt even funny. I felt more like ME than I have

IN YEARS!!!!!!!!!

I had no tingling for over a week, my fogs were gone, my fatigue was lifting, my aches and pains were diminishing

then yesterday i started feeling a bit ugh and had a weird episode with my auditory/vertigo. Then last night had an extreme attack in my right leg. My entire leg from my toes to my hip went into spasm and it felt like it was even in the bone.

I was balling like a baby and almost screaming but my daughter was there and I didnt want to scare her anymore than I already was.

Ever since I have been going down hill. I have the creepy crawlies back, spasms in my face, stomache, legs - especailly the right leg that exploded last night, vibrations in my head,

lips. I am so tired and my head hurts, my back hurts, my leg hurts - so darn achy I want to take pain meds - I am struggling with

swallowing, my neck hurts,I feel feverish, for the first time in years I have pelvic pain and naseau waves, my cough is real bad and my ears are popping etc etc etc....

Is this normal in treatments or is my new regimine back firing on me?

I am so uncertain what to do at this moment it isnt even funny.

Any advice is greatly appreciated...
Posted by lymielauren28 (Member # 13742) on :

Hang on for the ride!! You sound like you are in the middle of a big herx! Awful when you're going through it, I know.

I'm sure you already know this but when the bacteria are being killed, your symptoms are intensified.

You said you just started a new regimen - what is it if I'm not being too nosy?
Posted by cjnelson (Member # 12928) on :
I was on DOXY for 6 weeks prior with no other abx or supps. [Frown]
Prior to that:

10 tx of IV was suppose to be rocephin whole time but they screwed up and gave me something else 6 out of the 10 - NICE - ALWAYS ASK!!! EACH DOSAGE!!!!

biaxin 1000 - ceftin 1000 - 2 1/2 mos prior to that
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
So, what are you on now?

It sounds like a big herx. Hang in there, it should get better in a few days.
Posted by groovy2 (Member # 6304) on :

Does sound like a herx --

You Have lyme and Babs???

List meds you have taken and are taking now-
amounts and time -
I am not clear on what you are taking--Jay--
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
cj, [group hug] [kiss] just sending you some comfort on your big herx

yep, sounds like lyme and babs or bart... [Frown]
Posted by surg (Member # 6937) on :
Sounds like one bug got pushed down and another is coming out. These symptoms are so familiar to the ones I have. I know I have Babesia and Lyme. Is it Babesia?
Symptoms that come out that fast are usually a co-infection aren't they?
What do other people think? Does this sound like Babesia or Bart?
Posted by swedish lyme sufferer (Member # 14579) on :
oh this sounds like herxing, not relapsing I would say; but it also sounds alotlike bartonella symptoms, do you have bartonella? What meds are you on right now??
Posted by swedish lyme sufferer (Member # 14579) on :
the creepy crawlings sounds like bart and the cough and fever babs.....
Posted by cjnelson (Member # 12928) on :

My cos came back negative but know not to trust that exactly.

i am currently on

roxithromycin 300 twice a day
bactrim 160/800 twice a day

i finally slept like a baby last night but woke and i am shaking from head to toe - my hands are trembling like mad

and i have noticed past few days especially, this comes and goes, i am so dehydrated cant get enough liquids


sept/oct - 1000 biaxin - 1000 ceftin

dec - 10 IV treatments - fell backwards and got really bad again

feb/mar - doxy ramped up to 400 but couldnt do consistently

apr - roxithromycin ramped to 600
may - added bactrim ramped to 320/1600


Should I be adding something else?????

My daughter is starting tx next week when school is out. I think she has Bart - feel very sure about it as she has the linear marks real bad

we have struggled as to if they are stretch marks but they change colors - tells me Bart I have been watching them for several months and

they flare so i probably do have bart.

will bactrim or roxithromycin hit bart? [confused]
Posted by swedish lyme sufferer (Member # 14579) on :
bactrim hits barthard, possibly bart herx?
roxy good f or lyme maybe bart as well? do not know.
sounds like herxing to me. endure a couple of sdays and see if it clms down. I have exactrly the creapy crawlings on rifampin which hits my bart, really anoying.
Posted by cjnelson (Member # 12928) on :
guess i have been in denial...not wanting to belive or accept co's [Mad]

be so much easier if it was just Bb

i do feel a bit better today over yesterday though. of course THIS hour that is

Thanks for replies and glad you all are here... [group hug]
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I've also heard of Bactrim used for babs, though it is not usually the drug of choice for it.

You sound like you are herxing, not back sliding.

I tested negative for co's but have been diagnosed with babs and bart. I think co's testing seems to be worse than Lyme testing.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
WOW..that is a big herxs...It was me on LEVAQUIN on the 6th week that felt exactly like that .

I stoped it and now I am back on it.

Crawling is so BART...ironicly i fel them when you just wake up in the morning....but they are less now.

Hang in there!
Posted by kelmo (Member # 8797) on :
CJ My daughter had those marks. Behind her knees...weird, abdomen, waist. When she was first diagnosed, I looked up Bartonella and found the pictures, and, literally, fell out of my chair.

Ask permission from your doctor to back off a little, then work up to full dosage slowly.

Minocycline blew my daughter's head off.

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