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Posted by jentytib (Member # 14375) on :
Hi everyone. I know this is not the best place to post this but I know most people only read this section.

I wanted to give hope out the to everyone that is sick.

I tested very positive for Lyme in Jan via Igenex.

I did 2 months of mino and a month of riocephin than another month of mino. I had to stop because of yeast and the diflucan was causing my heart to go crazy. My dr is ID not LLMD and I adore him.

So now it has been about a month since I have stopped the drugs and it feels like I have my life back. My migraines, vertigo, buzzing feeling, strange feeling in my face, panic attacks, anxiety, are all gone. The best part is my brain is functioning again. For me that was the worst. My period is much shorter and lighter as well.

I do have a little achy ness sometimes and mild joint pain too though.

I'm able to go out with friends and drink like I used to. Intolerance to alcohol was one of my big symptoms. Being in the prime of my life and not be able to hang with friends at parties and such was getting me down.

The other night I drank an entire bottle of wine and was fine the next day. To me, that was proof the meds worked. I know it may sound unimportant in the big picture but for me, it was a part of my life I couldn't do anymore.

So anyway, hang in there. This is defiantly a ``gets worse before better'' disease.
Posted by daise (Member # 13622) on :
Hi jentytib,

I'm glad you're feeling better.

However, it's curious that you neglected to say how long you'd been ill.

You say that you were treated by an infectious disease doctor. The blood, sweat and tears of many a Lyme patient has nasty words for them--but for a precious, wee handful of these docs. Er, ducks. I'm being kind.

If it's chronic Lyme disease that you're talking about, the treatment was not enough and your signs and symptoms, typically, will come roaring back, worse than before.

Please qualify your post.

Thank you.

daise [Smile]
Posted by LuLuFlorida (Member # 12066) on :
I am glad to here that you are improving. Please keep in mind that lyme disease can come back and doing things like drinking will only increase the chance of this happening. Do you have any coinfections? You should make sure your dr treats you for those also. How long were you sick?
Posted by laura j (Member # 14257) on :
I'm glad you're feeling well but a month is not long enough to tell if you're out of the woods. That's not even one cycle of Lyme. Isn't typical flare cycle like every 5 wks? I really do hope that you are truly in remission though. Please don't take what I said the wrong way.

Not a good idea to drink that much either. I know that it can be hard to give up b/c I REALLY enjoyed my wine. I enjoy my loved ones more though and want to be here a long time to enjoy them.
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
sweet. wine for everyone!

bottles everywhere [Smile]

hope u stay well.

chronic lyme does not present or act such as you are describing, so hopefully you got it early.

if not, id re assess what you are doing.

if youve only been sick since jan, you are not chronic, and maybe your id dock got you well.

please be careful though, dont drink too much wine.

im sure it must be nice to have your social life back, there are many who have not been outside their house for years much less back to the bar.
do not take it for granted

you dont want to be back here, and enough of that, and you will be.

cheers, hope u continue to feel well

Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
Wow, sounds like you werent sick that long before treatment.

Your one of the lucky ones.

By the way, watch out with the alcohol. I started drinking too much years ago and it disabled me and made my infection 100 times worse!!!!!!!

I wish I never did it!

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