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Posted by Gert (Member # 13584) on :
I've heard horror stories on Flagyl but for me it's been the opposite.

I am now on day 3 and have leaps and bounds of endless energy. I am sure I can come crashing down anytime now but was wondering who else had this happen to them?

Do you think maybe it's not working for me? Thus no herxing? Thoughts?

Oh and I also take Omnicef with the Flagyl.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Can I be like you when I grow up ?

Rather than wonder if it's not working (after checking the pills), I'd be delighted and think it's working just great - and so would your liver (be working great).

Posted by Hoosiers51 (Member # 15759) on :
I would say if it increased your energy, it might be doing something good. I wouldn't worry about not herxing. Just FYI, I started Mepron not too long ago, and felt great the first few days, then on like day 5 started herxing, but before that I was worried it wasn't working. So, you might start herxing, just later on.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Amazing. You're one lucky cookie!! [Smile]
Posted by Gert (Member # 13584) on :
Okay, I am prepared to crash any time now....LOL. Thanks for the replies. Just really odd that I had this amount of energy with no tired or heavy arms and legs.

Also, I developed horrible skin tags on my neck over the last few years and now they have either fallen off or shrunk down to barely nothing since I started this 3 days ago.
Posted by Hoosiers51 (Member # 15759) on :
Sorry, I wasn't trying to scare you, Gert! Either way, sounds like you are on the right treatment!
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I felt great to when I first started Flag. It lasted for me for several weeks.
Posted by lymielauren28 (Member # 13742) on :
Flagyl is my favorite! I've heard the horror stories too but for me it makes me feel great!

I've been on it several times and within days it clears my brain fog, gives me energy and just an over-all good feeling.

Guess we're just oddballs!
Posted by kitkat32 (Member # 9682) on :
I did rather well on flagyl.

I didn't have a huge herx like others have had.

I took it combined with Zithromax. I use to wonder why I didn't herx badly either.

Give me some doxy though and I start digging my own grave and ready to jump into it. [bonk]

Each person is different. Hopefully this will work well for you and your energy will continue.

kit [Wink]
Posted by Gert (Member # 13584) on :
Oh, No offense to anyone....I am just being silly lately. I guess it's because I feel so good lately.

Again, thanks to everyone for your posts on how you felt on Flagyl.

I know there will be a day when it hits me and when I get hit, I always fall hard.

At least I know I'm getting the buggers in my neurobrain.

Take care everyone....Have a great weekend [hi]
Posted by kitkat32 (Member # 9682) on :
I hope this is the start of wellness for you.

It's nice to hear someone is doing good.

Try not to burn yourself out this weekend.


Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
It does something simmilar to me. After I take it my head gets calm and clear any my skin is in less pain.

I often wonder about taking it long term.

I also never had a herx on it.

There is one study that they did where the Flagyl disabled the flagella of borrelia. It slows it down. Maybee this is why we feel good on it>?

Originally posted by lymielauren28:
Flagyl is my favorite! I've heard the horror stories too but for me it makes me feel great!

I've been on it several times and within days it clears my brain fog, gives me energy and just an over-all good feeling.

Guess we're just oddballs! [/QB]

Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
My LLMD also thinks it hits bartonella/BLO. It's very broad spectrum - I think gets gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as bein' a cyst popper.
Maybe that is a reason as well? [Smile]
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
They dont know how the hell it works because they dont have tiny robots in the body to find out!

Just like any of these drugs, you will see the following:

"Allthough the exact mechanism is not know, "drug x" is thought to affect the calcium influx on the left right ventricular lobe of the neurally striagted gyrus and stimulate the croos reaction of seritonergic agonists while maintaining glutamic homeostasis in the right insula...

Posted by Gert (Member # 13584) on :
Day 5 and I am still feeling great.....I was able to prime my master bathroom over the weekend and today I plan on painting.

I have been sleeping a full 9 hours with no waking up with headaches or stiff crampy muscles.

My urine has smelled funky though and wondering if this is from the toxins? I do drink at least 100 ounces of fresh filtered water daily so it can't be too concentrated.

EDIT due to typo.
Posted by Gert (Member # 13584) on :
Kayas Mom, good to hear the Flagyl is working for your daughter.....hugs to both of you.
Posted by lymebytes (Member # 11830) on :
Herxes don't always happen right away. I had tremendous energy and felt great my first month on bicillin...after that, lets not talk about it.

Take care.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
So the light at the end of the tunnel is really an oncoming train?

Originally posted by lymebytes:
Herxes don't always happen right away. I had tremendous energy and felt great my first month on bicillin...after that, lets not talk about it.

Take care.

Posted by Gert (Member # 13584) on :
OMG Lymeherx 001 [bonk] [Big Grin]
Posted by lymebytes (Member # 11830) on :
For me it was train that hasn't stopped running over me yet....hate this drug...hate it!!!! The first month was so deceiving! What was that feeling good thing????? It never returned 4 months in now [bonk] Maybe I should try Flagyl..hmmmmm

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