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Posted by whatayear (Member # 15833) on :
I have been reasearching homeopathic treatment for lyme disease. Some seems useless but there is somethings out there that seem quit promising.

This is the route i am taking for my own treatment along with the TF's and intramax, green

vibrance, lymplus, beta glucan, rechts regulat and will be adding some more immune system boosters or what not.

I will be using deseret biologicals which at this time u have to get through a doc but i have

actually found a site where u can buy them without a doctor.

please read and let me know what you think of using ledum. thank you! AND AGIAN NO I HAVE NO


Ledum Homeopathic Treatment discussion:
Several months ago, I came across some arresting

information about a potential homeopathic treatment for Lyme called Ledum (pronounced with a long "e", i.e., Leedum). Although the original

source that I read was not primarily emphasizing humans, but animals (as this was a treatment of a

homeopathic veterinarian doc), it still had some significant implications for human treatment.

What the Doc had written was consistent with my understanding of lyme, and it was then worth

investigating this treatment for myself, which I did. In short, while the Ledum was not a "magic bullet", it was a significant benefit, and went a

significant way to cure some of my symptoms. I highly recommend that this area of potential

treatment be investigated by anyone with lyme symptoms.

I am printing below first the letter from Dr. Tobin, and then after it, a discussion of my own experience with the Ledum.

Understand, though, as you read through this information, that homeopathic treatments are very

patient-specific. In other words, what may work spectacularly for one, may do nothing at all for

another. Ah, lyme. Even so, for the numbers that it may help, it's worth reviewing. In the end, if you're considering this or other homeopathic

treatments, a homeopathic doc wouldn't hurt to help pinpoint and resolve the individual condition..

Lyme Disease and Homeopathy
by Stephen Tobin, DVM

As a holistic veterinarian, I have treated several hundred cases of Lyme disease in the past

five years. After trying various homeopathic preparations with only limited success, I found that Ledum in a 1M potency is about as close as

you can get to a specific cure. I have use it in dogs, cats, and horses, and it does not seem to matter whether it is a recent infection, a year

old, treated or untreated --- they all respond curatively, I have not had a single case that did not improve. The conventional treatment for Lyme Disease is a course of antibiotics, usually

amoxicillin or doxycycline. This works quite well in most cases of recent infection, but hardly at all in long-standing cases.

Homeopathic Treatment Effective
While I do not treat human beings, some of my

clients with animals suffering from Lyme disease have taken Ledum 1M for their own lyme disease infections, after seeing the positive result with

their animals. The feedback I have gotten is all positive. I have told numerous naturopaths and homeopathic MDs about Ledum. One homeopathic MD

runs titers on all his Lyme disease patients, both before and after treatment with Ledum, and has found that there is a consistent decline in

the titer after Ledum. I myself seldom run titers, which is a measure of antibody levels, as the disease is so easily recognizable. Usually

the dog has been limping for one or two days on one of the front legs, followed by an aversion to moving at all, as all the joints now hurt. There is usually fever and loss of appetite. For

treatment, I give one pellet of Ledum 1M three times a day for three days. All signs of the disease are gone by the end of three days, often even by the end of the first day.

Homeopathy for Prevention

I have been using Borrelia burgdorferi 60x nosode, a homeopathic preparation, as a preventative for Lyme disease in dogs. I give one

oral dose daily for one week, then one dose a week for one month, then one dose every six months. In the past four years, I have had only

two dogs our of over five hundred on this regimen contract Lyme disease; both cases readily cleared with Ledum.

Webmaster's note: While I include the above information for the purposes of complete

information, Bb 60x nosode is a preparation that includes live spirochete fragments. Besides the fact that this is unavailable except to licensed

professionals, it is very important to understand that the taking of this preparation can be very dangerous to anyone with a lyme condition (and

very possibly anyone). The introduction into a system of more spirochetes has the very strong possibility of flaring an underlying condition.

(Also note that the Bb nosode is a very different product from the homeopathic preparation, Ledum, which carries no known risk.)

Lyme Vaccine Ineffective
While there is a canine vaccine for Lyme disease,

I haven't found it very effective. One vet who uses it extensively told me she feels it provides protection for about a third of the dogs

receiving it. I have seen a number of Lyme disease cases in dogs starting five to six weeks after vaccination (these also resolve with Ledum.)

My experiences:

After about a two month trial now, I have found the Ledum to be significantly helpful, although,

as I had stated earlier, not a magic-bullet cure. There are implications with the dosage strengths, and I probably mis-took it initially. Even so the

effects were almost instantaneous (15 minutes) at times, and the cost is relatively cheap (about $8.50, more or less).

The whole issue has caused me to need to begin to

understand the entire healing "science" of homeopathy -- something I'd not at all ever investigated before. There are some significant

things to consider: It's not a "left field" science (although many today might believe so) -- one of the five major traditional teaching

hospitals in Philadelphia was founded on the principle of (and bears the name of the man - Hahnemann - who pioneered much of..) homeopathy.

It seems that there are two "schools" of thought regarding medical healing: One is to give a treatment that will go to work against whatever

is the problem. Antibiotics or antibacterials are classic examples. Homeopathy, on the other hand, works on the principle that similar cures, and

treatment consists of giving something like the condition with the purpose of inspiring the body's own defense/repair mechanisms to respond,

curing the original condition. Yes, all too confusing yet to me, too, but there you have it. Different, certainly; but not necessarily unsound.

It seems that dosage strengths are also critical match most precisely the level of

infection. Furthermore, taking too high of a dose will tend to render the less strong ones less effective. (This was the case for me.) One

philosophy is to begin with a low dosage, and gradually work your way to the stronger ones. On this principle, this is wise advice.

In my case, I went to the local health food store and the local homeopathic pharmacy (we have one, amazingly enough - the local health food stores can help with this recommendation, sometimes.).

Anyway, neither one had the 1M potency that Dr. Tobin had discussed. Only the much weaker 30c (or 30k). So I bought that one. Within ten minutes of taking it, I got hot (body temperature-wise).

Now, one of the effects of the lyme for me is a lower metabolism and body temperature. So this was good news. Also, I occassionally had the

reaction within minutes of taking the Ledum (30c) of a kind of like "waking up" -- a "Where am I? And how did I get here?" type of reaction. This

was significant to me in that the Ledum, in these cases, had a noticeable affect of restoring brain function.

As for doses (and the mistakes I made): I first started out with the 30c because I couldn't find the 1M. I then called Dolisos (below) to mail

order the 1M, but they were out of it. I ordered the 10M instead. Mistake. Too strong isn't necessarily better. (It doesn't harm you, but it

doesn't do any good.) Further, taking a strong dose will require you to wait a few weeks before the weaker ones will be effective. Oh well.

Finally, I took the 1M, and had some positive effects from it. Even so, not so significant as the 30c for me, but this might perhaps have been

because of the effects of taking the 10M. If I had it to do over again, this is how I'd pursue it (and I've heard that some good docs are

prescribing it this way): Start with a low dose. (30c or even lower) Gradually "work" your way up the stronger doses - up through 200k, and then

eventually the 1M. If you find a dose that particularly seems to work for you, "camp" there for awhile.

Here's one other good piece of news with homeopathic treatments: It's largely understood that whatever the homeopathic treatment, it will

either work or not work within three days. This is good news in a community that commonly spends large amounts on treatments or supplements that

will also commonly require several months to begin to work. And at $8.50, it's affordable to most everyone. (And the price is the same

regardless of the strength.) Below are listed some sources for Ledum as they were recommended to me:

First of all, inquire of your local health food store is there is a homeopathic pharmacy in your

area. The health food store themselves will also commonly carry a 30c strength. (Not a bad way to start.)

Mail order companies include:

Dolisos, located in Nevada. (1-800-Dolisos)
Hahnemann Laboratories, Inc., 1940 Fourth St., San Rafael, CA 94901, (888) 427-6422.

Webmaster's note: I recently got the following email from Michael Quinn of Hahnemann Labs. What

he says contains a great deal of wisdom concerning Ledum and homeopathics in general, so

I thought I'd include the entire comment here for your reading.

"Thank you for listing us. We now have a web site with secure online ordering at Our Ledum 1M is $14.95 for

a 1g vial. Please caution that taking too often could exacerbate symptoms or even produce new

symptoms. A 1M is a sharp tool, and must be handled with respect and care. We generally

require a practition's prescription in order to sell 200c, 1M, and 10M potencies. The uneven

response to Ledum 1M is probably due to the fundamental nature of homeopathic medicines,

which is that they are patient specific more often than disease specific. There is such a

great need for help in Lyme Disease that we will sell a 1M to the public with the caution that

they should not repeat it after the first three days without consulting with a homeopathic practitioner."

--Michael Quinn, President and Chief Pharmacist of Hahnemann Laboratories, Inc.

Merz Apothecary, Chicago. Boiron Ledum single dose 200 pellets for $4.35 to $6.95
depending on strength. 1-800-252-0275

Webmaster's note: Note the new link to Merz's website, Browse catalog-homeopathics, 250 pellets, $5.00 Search Ledum. 250 pellets, $5.00
(Just for comparison's sake, I'm told that Dr.

Tobin makes his own Ledum, $15 per dose, and sells only to licensed MD's and Vets.)

(As you can see, much of this list gives you the idea that it's probably also readily available in

your neighborhood. If I've missed any distributors that you believe would be helpful here, contact me.)

Finally, as I have long wanted to have a way for

readers to put their feedback here -- either the successes or non-successes that they've had with the Ledum (and other treatments) -- I've finally

put up a "Discussion" page. Any information that you leave there concerning your experiences would be very helpful to others.
Posted by whatayear (Member # 15833) on :
Homeopathic Treatment
The cornerstone of homeopathic medical treatment is understanding the way in which the illness

manifests itself through changes in a particular individual's health. The history provides the

foundation with which to understand the individual patient, making it possible to

comprehend how the disease manifesting in each given case constitutes a change from that person's pre-morbid state.

The classical homeopathic prescription is based, not on the diagnosis of Lyme disease per se, but

on this personalized understanding of the characteristic form of disease expression in that

individual host; the particular way this individual has departed from his or her own pre-morbid normalcy.

Understanding this point is critical, since it marks the divergence of homeopathy from

conventional allopathic treatment. One cannot practice homeopathy effectively or be true to

homeopathic principles if one fails to utilize this methodology.

Classical homeopathic treatment of Lyme disease can only be undertaken after a thorough analysis

of an individual who is affected by a disturbance in their health. Since illness manifests uniquely

in each individual, effective treatment must follow the same guidelines.

Case One: Stage 1, early-localized disease.
A fourteen year-old female was evaluated in early

September 1996. Her symptoms included a single ring-like lesion on the right thigh for one week.

An ``insect bite'' had been noted about 10 days earlier. No insect had been seen. Complaints

included pain in the thigh, but no systemic symptoms, fever, chills or viral-like illnesses.

Physical exam revealed mild facial acne, normal pulmonary and cardiac exam, a clear bull's-eye

rash with central clearing on the left posterior thigh reaching around to the mid-anterior

inguinal area, measuring 20+ cm in diameter. Neurologic and lymphatic examinations were

normal. Vital signs were normal and she was afebrile.

Impression: Stage of 1 Lyme disease with EM rash.

Treatment: A Stat dose of the homeopathic medicine, Lyme Tick Nosode 30C, repeated at 24 and 48 hours for a total of three doses.

First follow up occurred five weeks later in Mid October 1996. The EM rash had faded rapidly and

disappeared after one week. She was symptom-free at this appointment and at three subsequent

follow up visits over the next twelve months. There was no further evidence of infection or recurrence.

Lyme Tick Nosode was used as an isopathic nosode, since it is prepared from the macerated body of

an Ixodes tick. Homeopathic and isopathic nosodes are frequently useful in cases that fail to

demonstrate characteristic individualizing symptoms due to either to the early stage of illness, or when too much suppressive treatment

has eradicated important symptoms of a later stage. The homeopathic medicine, Ledum palustre,

prepared from wild rosemary, has also been advocated by numerous homeopathic physicians for use in stage 1 Lyme prophylaxis.

Cases of stage 1 prophylaxis are considered controversial precisely because guiding

individual symptoms may be absent or minimal at presentation. Some homeopaths have argued in

favor of the routine use of antibiotics in these cases.24 However, due to the considerations discussed below, I do not recommend this approach.

Case Two: Stage 2, early disseminated disease.
A 9 year-old female was seen in June 2006. She

had been diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) seven months earlier; a month after an engorged deer tick was removed from her scalp.

Symptoms included three separate episodes of bilateral knee swelling, leg swelling, a ``target'' rash on her leg and pains in the left elbow and

left ankle. The skin of her legs was described as ``tingly'' and her knees felt ``hot'' and occasionally looked red. She reported feeling tired in the afternoons after about 1:00 p.m.

Pain was present throughout both the legs for the previous three weeks. Knee pain forced her to

limp while walking. Her joint pains were relieved from external heat and better from continual movement.

Additional symptoms included poor appetite and constipation. She preferred fresh, open air.

Physical exam revealed temperature was 97.6 with a pulse of 80. Examination of head and neck was

remarkable for a mildly tender cervical adenopathy. The extremities were remarkable for a grossly deformed left knee with positive

ballotment sign of the patella, and marked effusion. The left knee was warmer than the right, but it was not erythematous. Range of

motion was limited due to pain on flexion. There were no rashes and no further lymphadenopathy was noted.

Impression: Stage 2, early disseminated Lyme disease with intermittent monoarticular arthritis

of the knee and recurrent episodes of polyarticular arthritis over seven months.

Treatment: Lyme titer with a complete blood count (CBC) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were ordered. She was treated with the

homeopathic medication Veratrum viride 200C, which was given stat and then ``plussed'' in water every 24 hours, for three days.

First follow up took place four weeks later in July 1996. Lyme titer was reported as strongly positive. The ESR was elevated at 44 (normal 10-

20), and her CBC was normal. At that time she felt ``much better''. She reported that there was

no further pain and only a slight swelling remained in the left knee. All her symptoms were steadily improving.

Treatment: She was given a single dose of the homeopathic medicine Syphilinum Nosode 1M.

The third follow up occurred in September 1996. At that appointment, she was completely symptom-

free without any recurrences. Her physical exam was completely normal. Her cervical adenopathy had resolved, and her knees were now unremarkable.

She continued to follow up over two more years, but there were no further recurrences.

Veratrum Viride is the homeopathic medicine prepared from the root of the American Hellebore plant. The plant contains Veratrine and other

alkaloids and is known for its affinity for producing symptoms in muscular tissue as well as

acute rheumatism. This remedy was chosen on the basis of the patient's total symptom picture.

Syphilinum is the nosode of syphilis, another illness transmitted by spirochete. It was selected as a homeopathic nosode to finish the case.

Case Three: Stage 3, late chronic disease.
A twenty-six year old female was evaluatedin July 2006. She complained of complications resulting

from chronic, recurring Lyme disease diagnosed 8 years before. Previously, she had tested positive for Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis and Babesiosis and

had undergone extensive treatment for each of these conditions including extended courses of oral, intravenous and intramuscular antibiotic

therapy. Her symptoms now included two ``major relapses'' annually that included symptoms of hot flashes, gastralgia, arthralgias, anorexia,

nuchal rigidity, confusion of sensorium and cognition, difficulty concentrating, and complete exhaustion. Each major relapses typically lasted

several months, and were only mitigated by extended courses of oral or intravenous antibiotics.

She also suffered from chronic daily symptoms of severe fatigue and gastrointestinal ill health that included bloating, fullness, easy satiety,

post-prandial abdominal distension, frequent belching, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, watery diarrhea with mucus, alternating with dry stools

and constipation. Her symptoms of early satiety and gastroparesis prevented any weight gain. She

had been chronically underweight and malnourished since initiating conventional antibiotic treatment for Lyme.

She had been amenorrheic for 3 years.

The list of medications that had been treated with included Rocephin, Zithromax, mepron,

bicillin, Larium, Malarone, doxycycline, flagyl, and various cephalosporins. She had also received

treatment reglan and zelnorm. Her current medications included armor thyroid, Claritin and tinidazole.

Over the course of her treatment she had developed a panoply of complications including hypothyroidism, candidiasis, cholelithiasis

(leading to cholecystectomy), gastroparesis, intestinal disbiosis, an occular thrombosis with retinal vein occlusion and constipation.

Impression: stage 3 Lyme disease with multi-system involvement and treatment failure using antibiotics.

Treatment: She was treated with the homeopathic medicine Abrotanum artemesia in the Q1 formulation, administered once daily.

First follow up took place one month later in August 2006. At that time, she noted general

improvement in all areas. She did note the development of an initial aggravation of her

gastrointestinal symptoms that was rapidly followed by increase in her appetite and some modest weight gain.

The next series of follow ups occurred between October and May 2007. She noted continued improvement and stability in all areas. Although

this case only has follow up over one year, it is still important since severity and periodicity of

her symptoms (which she had experienced for eight years) was immediately altered following homeopathic intervention.

Abrotanum artemisia is known to be associated with malnutrition, emaciation and marasmus. It

was selected on the basis of all of her her symptoms at the time of presentation. Treatment in this case followed the patient's individual

manifestations of illness without particular emphasis on the suppressive nature of her previous treatments or the actual diagnosis of

Lyme disease. I anticipate that she may need a disease nosode at some point in the future, but the timing of this medicine will be determined by her clinical progress, not by formulae.

These cases illustrate how the specific symptoms of an individual patient may guide the

practitioner in the selection of a homeopathic medicine capable of curing Lyme disease without the need for antibiotic treatment.

All three of the cases demonstrate the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in the

prevention and treatment of Lyme disease and related syndromes. Treatment is based upon

repertorization of symptoms and analysis of the individual case at hand whenever possible.

It is important to recognize both the clinical manifestations of Lyme disease and other tick-

borne illnesses, and to understand the treatment options available for these conditions including

both the conventional allopathic approach and the homeopathic approach.

Using antibiotics in accordance with the standard of conventional care does not guarantee cure of

these illnesses. For this reason, some authorities advise treatment protocols that

extend antibiotic use indefinitely25. The outcome of this approach appears to be an increasing

number of recurrent and chronic cases difficult to manage or even to fit into clear diagnostic categories26.

This situation has created a number of different dilemmas among conventional allopathic

physicians, not only in diagnosis, but also in management and appropriate use of antibiotics.

Since the allopathic system of management is diagnosis-driven, the first stumbling block

preventing appropriate treatment may occur if diagnosis is not clearly defined. Once diagnosis

is determined, there are still more issues regarding appropriate length of antibiotic therapy and management of treatment failures.

By contrast, the classical homeopathic paradigm is not based on diagnosis, but on the particular idiosyncratic symptoms and history pattern of

each individual patient. The homeopath accepts that each case represents a unique blend of symptoms that can be treated safely regardless of

diagnosis. Verifying laboratory confirmation is helpful in determining the name of the illness, but not in selecting treatment.

Homeopathic medicine selection is driven by the subjective symptom pattern, not by the diagnostic disease label. This approach takes aim at the

specific pattern of disturbance in an individual. It appears to do this without provoking disease resistance, and may in fact promote host

resistance. Further study needs to evaluate exactly what systems are involved in this process and to what degree.

The homeopathic methodology is not rigid. The pharmacopea provides an extremely wide range of

treatment options. There are a number of different style, including classical homeopathy,

which make the application of homeopathic principles extremely flexible.

In comparison with conventional antibiotics, homeopathy offers far more advantages than disadvantages.

Antibiotics may have definite curative effects, but on the whole they are not as effective in treating Lyme disease as would be ideally

desired. Their effectiveness also varies at different stages of Lyme disease. Grasping this understanding will help determine when their use will be more or less useful and when homeopathy would be the preferred intervention modality.

Prolonged use of antibiotic therapy is associated with greater risk and likelihood of developing drug resistance27. This phenomenon is a huge global concern, and is mostly the result of a history of indiscriminate overuse of these agents in both medicine and agriculture.

The issue of resistance, with the subsequent development of recurrent infections, chronic infections and the proliferation of progressively stronger strains of micro-organisms has been the focus of extensive investigation and concern.

Antibiotics do play a pivotal role in the treatment of severe infections, but in those infections that are less severe these drugs may

actually work against disease resolution. There is definite evidence (often ignored) that these agents actually delay the development of host

immunity while promoting a state of perpetual illness due multiple factors associated with their use.

Goodman & Gilman state in The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics:

Another interesting twist that may influence the efficacy of antimicrobial therapy is that these

agents have been shown to affect various host immune responses adversely; these include leukocyte chemotaxis, lymphocyte and monocyte

transformation, antibody production, phagocytosis, and the microbicidal action of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. While the clinical

significance of this immunosuppression is not known, these observations should help discourage the indiscriminate use of antibiotics29.

These phenomena are suppressive in nature and will directly contribute to the disease

resistance and chronic illness. Samuel Hahnemann foresaw this dilemma when he wrote, in paragraph 60 of The Organon:

When these ill consequences arise from the antipathic employment of medicines (as may very naturally be expected) the ordinary physician

believes he can aid his cause by giving, with each renewed aggravation, a stronger dose of the medicine. This results, likewise, in only a short-

lasting pacification. Since this necessitates an ever higher intensification of the palliative, there ensures either another greater malady or

frequently even incurability, danger to life or death itself, but never cure of a malady that is old or very old30.

The sad result of this conventional antibiotic approach is that these agents become overused, and over time individuals become more dependent upon their periodic reapplication to palliate

their care. With these practices comes the development of a chronic state of illness and drug dependency.

These outcomes are frequently misinterpreted by conventional physicians and the blame is laid either on the disease or the patient, thereby

providing justification for the means. In this manner, allopathic practices have always proceeded to advocate for their own existence in

the very face of empiric proof that other, perhaps less ``logical'' (homeopathic) therapies, provide curative treatments with far less morbidity and mortality.

Homeopathic treatment has demonstrated worldwide effectiveness in the treatment of a wide variety of infectious illnesses. The mechanism through

which these agents work remains unknown, but they appear to support the function of the immune system rather than suppress it.

The judicious use of the classical homeopathic method has proven itself clinically effective in

preventing and treating illnesses like Lyme disease in all its clinical stages.

Homeopathy is a viable and effective method of treatment of Lyme disease and other infectious

illness. Clinical experience demonstrates that the judicious use of homeopathic medicines applied through the classical homeopathic

approach is an excellent method of treating and curing Lyme disease. It is an approach worthy of further study and application.
Posted by Greatcod (Member # 7002) on :
"Clinical experience demonstrates that the judicious use of homeopathic medicines applied through the classical homeopathic approach is an excellent method of treating and curing Lyme disease."

And we can find evidence of this where?? Can you cite any articles specific to Lyme in the homeopathic journals?
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
Good info. I've been considering Ledum but I forgot which dose to use when I was at the store.

I'm already doing the Cowden protocol so I may just wait & use it after I'm done with it (in about 5 months).

Things are progressing along quite well for me with the Cowden herbs! I had a big herx for a couple of days so I cut the herbs back for a day or so.

You may want to read the thread about using infrared light with homeopathic remedies. Seems that a doctor in Germany is having great success with the Bionic 880 & Bb nosodes.

It seems that the nosodes are placed on the sternum & the light is applied to 6 or 7 points on the body for 395 seconds. I don't believe that you even have to ingest them!

GiGi went to try the treatment with her husband & will probably report back when she is able. Many of us are waiting to hear about the results.

Good luck & thanks for the useful info about Ledum & Transfer Factor!
Posted by richedie (Member # 14689) on :
Can you do the Cowden herbs on your own or do I need a local herbalist????
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
I'm doing quite fine on my own!

You can get the "full" Cowden & they send you everything you need plus a helpful schedule so you know when to take which herb.

It's fairly easy but you do have to take herbal tinctures throughout the day.

You might even be able to get it for 6 months for free if you do it through your doctor.

Nutramedix used to have a free program. I'm not sure if they are still doing it.

- Sorry to hijack the thread...
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
re: And we can find evidence of this where?? Can you cite any articles specific to Lyme in the homeopathic journals?


An Anamnesis of Lyme Disease
Applying the process of determining the
Genus Epidemicus to a Subacute Miasm


Homeopathy and Lyme


Treating Lyme Disease Naturally
-- Dr. Cindee Gardner


Homeopathy and Lyme Disease
by Ronald D. Whitmont, M.D.


The Strange Case of Homeopathy
Homeopathy defies the laws of science, not to mention common sense. But rigorous studies show it just may work.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

While the articles are interesting, it's the certainly of the word "cure" that is of concern.

I also must add that while there may be some good homeopaths, that, with late-stage lyme, I had a failed lyme treatment with a homeopathic doctor who was also an MD who was supposed to be a lyme expert (he had just moved from the east coast).

When treatment failed, he blamed me for not really wanting to get well. At that time, I can't tell you the anguish that caused. I had my hope up over the moon. I had no other options for treatment. I was devastated by his assessment.

He had no clue and a huge ego. He was really weirded out by my symptoms. I got the impression he'd never seen this before.

I'm a huge fan of some aspects of complementary medicine but of all the parts of that, homeopathy relies on so many variables and it takes a truly talented person to be at the top of their art. The room for error and judgement is huge.

It is a risk and I will never put that kind of trust in another again. Will I ever read more about it? Sure. But, a cure?. . . uh . . . I'll have to read much more.

That said, Ledum might be excellent to carry on one's pocket during a walk as the first line of defense on the way back to the house.

Arnica homeopathic clearly keeps my brain from swelling after a seizure. It works everytime and when I don't do it, it's migraine for 3 days after afterward. It that situation, for me, the symptom relief is remarkable.

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Whatayear, you've posted some very good and interesting information. However, it is difficult to tell when you are quoting a source or posting in your own words. Also, it would be most helpful if you could post links so we would all know where the information came from. I think it's a good idea to give proper credit when we post lengthy quotes as a general rule anyway.

Also, I find it just as difficult to read text in `stripes' as I do big blocks of text. Just short, complete paragraphs work best for me. But perhaps this is easier for you to read? I guess we are all different when it comes to visual problems.

Anyone interested in discussions about homeopathic treatment of Lyme can use the Search feature here, and type in ``ledum'' or ``homeopath'' in the subject line, and lots of links to previous discussions will come up.

There are lots of online or mail-order sources for remedies in the USA and abroad. I could put together a list if anyone is really interested. Just bear in mind that any nosodes must be ordered by a homeopath here in the USA (by law), but there are a couple of reputable labs in London where we can get nosodes.

Michael Quinn (Hahnemann Labs) gives some very good advice!

What happens is this: When you take an inappropriate homeopathic remedy - one that does not match well with your overall symptoms at the moment - and/or you take a high potency remedy for an extended period of time, chances are very good that you will acquire the ``symptom picture'' of that remedy!

That is because you are actually introducing a new ``disease state'' into the picture that was not there before. Not only can your existing symptoms get worse, but new ones are often added that were never part of your ``disease'' before. And the worst news is that the very thing you were trying to treat will now be more difficult to ``remove'' since it has been ``reinforced'' with inappropriate homeopathic treatment.

I recently discovered that I now have a similar situation in my own case from the inappropriate use of Ledum. (see below).

Homeopathic remedies are powerful medicines and as such, they can have powerful consequences when used improperly. That is why you should never try to treat yourself with homeopathics (remedies) for a chronic disease.

(The following is from page 3 of the In Defense of Homeopathy thread here at LymeNet, May 2007);f=1;t=053441;p=1

The following is my story of HOW NOT to choose a homeopath...... and what can happen if you get it wrong.......

After having symptoms for over 20 years, an ND in a nearby town helped me figure out that I had Lyme Disease late in 2005. So, I began treatment with him about a year ago, and I told him I was primarily interested in homeopathic treatment although I didn't know very much about it then.

Unfortunately, in this case it appears that the ND thought I knew a lot more about homeopathy than I did, and in turn, I assumed that the ND knew a lot more about homeopathy than he did. This was a prescription for disaster.

To make a long story short, in March and April of 2006, I ended up taking a dropper-full of liquid Ledum 1M, 2 times a day for approximately 6 weeks straight! This is not good and should not have happened.

I honestly never felt any effect from the Ledum 1M at all back then, and that alone should have been an early indication to either change the remedy, adjust the potency, etc. But I was never told to stop or change anything. And I didn't know any better.

Fortunately for me, my NDs office closed so I went in search of a new practitioner. Since there are no homeopaths for 200 miles, I found an excellent online homeopath last September and got started with treatment. Due to my lack of response to the Ledum 1M previously, it seemed that Ledum was just not the right remedy for me so my new homeopath did not look at that remedy too hard when analyzing my case. [She did not realize I had taken it so frequently and for so long.]

Meanwhile, during the past year, I've noticed a slow but steady decline in my mental state; my thinking and organizational skills have really gone downhill; I have more trouble with spatial relationships and increased memory problems; I've become increasingly apathetic and less social.

Despite good work by my new homeopath, I've had some increase in physical symptoms, too, most of which I have had before at some point in the last 20 years - they are just worsening or becoming more pronounced. ........

Please be as careful about choosing a homeopath as you would be about choosing an LLMD for conventional treatment. Homeopathy works, but you have to have the right practitioner to make it all come together.

Update 6-20-08:
It appears that I'm still fighting a `Ledum state'; every time I take a dose of Ledum in lower potencies - 6C, 30C, 200C - I get anxiety attacks during the night (a proving symptom), or a chaotic rush of thoughts into my head. I have not revisited the 1M Ledum potency. I've developed some symptoms of Ledum that I did not have before. I'll get through this, but all of this could have been avoided by consulting with a homeopath who knew how to manage my case, told me what to expect and what to do depending on my reaction, when to stop the remedy if nothing was happening, etc.

Regarding the word `cure', don't be too put off by that. The aim of homeopathy has always been `cure' with no relapse of the former disease. It still is. I think you'll find that old orthodox medical literature and journals from previous centuries used the word `cure', also. They don't anymore. [Frown]
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Keebler, sorry that happened to you.
From my own various experiences I would agree, its the art of the practitioner. I went to two homeopaths early in lyme who prescribed remedies that didn't help. No, actually come to think of it, three (one by email). Then I tried high potency sarcodes (not classical homeopathy but related in concept I suppose) and they practically did me in! They were so strong they convinced me homeopathy *could* work, even *cure*, but it depends on the practitioner. Not only their knoweldge but foremost their ability to take a case. So I'm still interested in it but know I might not find the right would just be luck.

Maybe I will get lucky.

I am sorry that guy blamed you. I have had that experience but it would rock their world view if they found themselves inadequate. I went to a very nice shaman who couldn't help me at all so he ended up telling me the problem was my heart was not open. I don't even think he meant it in a bad way. It was based on his experience, he couldn't figure out what to say.

Re: ledum, I don't think there is a "one fits all" for lyme. Lyme is so complex you need a constitutional remedy that fits you. And maybe one remedy is not enough. It seems like sometimes there are layers that have to be peeled.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
I've been going to an excellent MD/homeopath who asked lots of questions about my response to everything, and then chose the pulsatilla remedy.

Overnight it ended depression and I was euphoric the next day - such a problem - I didn't know how to handle feeling that good!

Three months later, it still keeps me in a good mood...
Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
There is something about balance in the quantum not the newtonian view of disease. I believe homeopathy works at the quantum or energy state not the biochemical state. I don't know if this helps Tracy maybe your homeopath could detail it better. Pose the question how ledum overuse could affect the energy state and see if there is balance to be found. In a sense you may have become allergic to ledum not physically, but energetically.

It curious about the use of infrared LEDs, does it balance us physically or energetically? Or maybe another way of looking at, if we are balanced energetically are we balanced physically? I'm guessing yes, lyme may impact us more energetically then physically. If you took all the lyme from an affected individual and weighed it on a scale, how much would it weigh, 1 gram, 2 grams. So little amount, how could it give us such symptoms?

Thanks Tracy for passing that warning and to be careful with homeopathy. I'm a bit behind you and Sparkle in that regard, as far as what it is and how to use it. It seems energetic medicine maybe more sensitive then I ever realized and much more powerful.

I guess a rule of thumb is to do extensive research about it, prior to even working with a practioner or experimenting on your own.

Another question to ponder, is there really such a thing as non-invasive treatments?
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
Tracy - is it possible to take the opposite of Ledum to counter balance the situation that happened? I'm not sure if this exists. Maybe it will wear off over time?

When I was a kid I became very ill after drinking iced coffee on a very hot day. I got some kind of heat stroke. After, for many years, I couldn't stand coffee. Over time the effect faded & now I really enjoy a good cup of coffee.

I've had some interesting experiences with homeopathics. It never cured any major issue I was having such as menstrual cramps or CFS.

I am interested in trying it again. I seem to have a better response from herbs & tinctures.

I spent alot of time yesterday studying bee venom tincture. It may be helpful for Lyme.

They don't sell it without a doctors prescription but you can get homeopathic preparations of it. There are different types of bee venom & preparations made from it.

It seems like it may be helpful for Lyme even in a homeopathic preparation. It's not that far removed from the regular tincture in homeopathic form - depending on the dosage.

I am also interested in "auto" nosodes.

The Cowden herbs are working well for me now so I don't want to do too many things at once.

I'm very interested in using these homeopathic remedies in conjunction with the infrared light.

In regards to working with the IR LEDs - it seems that what you need for your body to heal itself can be absorbed from the LEDs. The cells absorb the light & it also can be distributed throughout your body via the meridians (sort of like fiber optics - in theory).

It's very interesting about using nosodes. You could probably use any homeopathic remedy for whatever is the health issue that you are addressing plus energizing the remedy with light.

Maybe the remedy "tunes" the light to address the symptoms that are causing discomfort?


Homeopathy and Biophotonics
-- Prof. Dr. Traian D. Stanciulescu

I'm not sure how it works but it's very interesting in theory.

So, it may be a question of balance. If you use a laser, you may force the cells to take too much light. That's why the LEDs may be better.

In the hands of a skilled acupuncturist, lasers may be effective. There are also lasers in different colors to address issues from that standpoint.

The different wavelengths of color may also be directed towards healing in theraputic ways.


New Developments in Color Therapy: Acupuncture Meridians Facilitate the Body's Absorption of Light

Let there be Light
Why Colour therapy is effective


Everyday there are so many toxins, disabling frequencies, pathogens directed towards us in way that may cause us to be ill. Wouldn't it be great if light really does heal our DNA?

I'm very interested in learning more about this. While this area is very open to misguided practitioners, quacks & the like, it may be very useful with guidance from the those who are knowledgeable.

I believe that the "cure" for this disabling disease of Lyme is outside of the box. I do not believe that abx are the answer - for me, anyway...
Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
Sparkle, I started to read some it. I'll have to work on it tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be a busy day at work. [lol]

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