This is topic do i have lyme in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by k28 (Member # 15978) on :
hi,im new here someone who has lymetold me to post here. i've been sick since i was 12,im 21.i have alot of symptoms alot more lately and am very worried. i've had depression somach prob headaches and tired a long time but now my muscles and joints hurt hard to walk at times. very tired vison probs.dizzy almost passing out. numbness tingling cold feet.stiff swollen neck and lymph notes and ear infection for 2 years( sharp pain in lower jaw)shortness of breath,fast hard heart beat,kidney urinating problems,bm are painfull and go numb in legs. sometimes low fever,rash on cheecks nose(eight years)comes and goes. sun makes things worse.mouthwash like coldness in mouth sometimes. muscle spasms and shaking.swelling kness and groing area and recenly testicals go up during bm.and the list goes on. i am unable to do anything.i haven't had a tick bite in years,but i have had quit a few when i was younger. does this sound like lyme or something else.i just got a lupus test(still waiting)please help,thank you

[ 21. June 2008, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: k28 ]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

K28: Welcome - and sorry you have had to find this site.

Wow ! your eyesight must be great.

I can't read one word of your post. It's just a swirl of grey. Many here have that sort of problem.

Would you kindly click on the little page icon and edit your post into sentences that are no more than 4 lines as you edit - that will have 2 line paragraphs appear on the post.

Put one or two lines of white space between the short paragraphs, please. After a comma or a period, a space to set it off is helpful. You have all the room you need - no paper to run out of here.

Then, for an added touch, you can add some more white space and put a dash to set off the text from bleeding off of the page.

thanks so much. Many sets of eyes will be glad to help if they can read your questions.

You might want to check out the NEWBIE thread at the top of the medical posts.

This will require some study, but there is good information all around.

Posted by k28 (Member # 15978) on :
i tried but it didn't work i hit edit and it said it worked but it didn't.
Posted by daise (Member # 13622) on :
Hi K28, [Frown]

I hear you! [hi]

You're in pain and have all these painful weird things happening. And you're young! How can someone who is 21 have this many health issues?

Along with that, you've had health problems since you were 12. Oh my God. That was during your formative years.

You must be frightened and exxasperated. [group hug] [kiss]

First, know that you are STRONG. That you've dealt with these health issues since you were 12, proves that.

I am not a doctor, I'm a patient.

I can't say that you have chronic Lyme disease--neuroborreliosis, a brain infection of the Lyme pathogen, that affects the whole body, sooner or later.

But reading your post:

1.) Sounds like it could be--I'm not a doctor--could be lupus, due to arthritis and a rash on your face. A lupus rash resembles a butterfly on either side of the nose.

2.) Sounds like it could be lupus, caused by Lyme. A number of Lyme patients on this board have been diagnosed with lupus.

3.) Is lupus a state the body takes when actually infected with a pathogen? Lyme is the only germ known to cause what doctors diagnose as lupus. Or is lupus "autoimmune disease?" That's a hot topic.

There is no doubt that many cases of lupus are caused by Lyme. You have a laundry list of signs and symptoms--just like those with chronic Lyme.

You mentioned you've been bitten by many ticks, long ago. Some adults get the bulls-eye rash of Lyme--yet many never do. Only a small number of children do.

In the event that you had a bulls-eye rash as a child or an adult, please go to the following site for examples of these rashes. They can vary by a lot! Go to the left menu, scroll towards the bottom and you'll find the photos link.

Whether you've had a bulls-eye rash or not, I recommend strongly and with all my heart that you get yourself to an LLMD (Lyme-literate MD) who follows ILADS Guidelines.

They do Lyme testing, but please know that getting a negative does not at all mean you do not have Lyme disease.

It's important to note that Lyme disease is a clinical diagnosis, You certainly need to be properly assessed by an LLMD. Absolutely.

To find the closest LLMD's to your location, go to near the top of any page and click "forum home." That brings you to a list of forums--click "Seeking A Doctor." Post under that forum, please! Put your location right in your thread topic.

We don't use LLMD's full names, we protect them by using their initials, and only when we have to. That's becasue many have had legal proceedings filed against them by big money interests.

What kind of a doctor would subject themselves to that? Hero doctors, that's who!

Have you been abused and neglected by conventional doctors of all types? I'm sorry for that. But that could not be more typical.

Lyme is complicated to treat. Plus, we're all different, as it affects us all differently. You need to have an LLMD help you!

The treatment is multiple antibiotics and it takes a long time. Most everyone does get a lot better. That's really true!

Many health insurance companies do not pay for an LLMD or for our meds. That's because Big Money profits, Big Pharma sales of meds we don't need and politics are involved.

Most conventional doctors are their marketers. We call them ducks. Quack!

You have signs and symptoms galore of chronic Lyme disease. It is epidemic, in every state and Lyme can be contracted on every continent except Antarctica.

Grass roots efforts to get proper diagnosis and treatment for all has been very slow, due to what we're up against: see the above! [Edited ]

Profits over patients. That needs to be turned around to patients over profits!

Along with Lyme it's common to be infected with other tick illnesses, as well.

It's not at all unusual to have contracted Lyme when you were a kid, whether diagnosed and treated or not. There are many on this blog!

An infectious disease doctor, but for a wee handful, will not properly diagnose/treat you. They're souls are owned. They are members of IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America.)

IDSA pushes the phony IDSA Guidelines.

ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) offers help and hope! Essential:
Click "Treatment Guidelines" and that brings you to two guidelines. Print both!

Most with Lyme get terrible finances, having been ill so long. How will you pay for an LLMD? Do you have insurance? Will they approve your meds? Where will you get money to live on? I hear you!

There are a lot of answers on many things, right here on this blog. Think "strategy," for getting medical paid for! See near the top of any page, where it says "search" Try there.

Make sure you designate the right forum to search. It's usually the General Forum where financial/Social Security issues are discussed.

Where there is a will, there is a way--and you will find it. You will find your way!

BettyG will probably post here, offering you a free email HUGE amount of information of all types. When you put it on your hard drive, it is searchable information.

You're certainly welcome to post questions! When you do, I request that you use paragraphs of from 1-4 lines, please.

A number of people on this board find big paragraphs to be formidable--very hard to read, due to eyesight problems from Lyme and/or head pain/stress of Lyme from reading big blocks of type.

Thank you! Many here will appreciate that. It also means that your posts are more likely to be read.

Hang-in there! [group hug]

daise [Smile]

[ 22. June 2008, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: daise ]
Posted by lymednva (Member # 9098) on :
Breaking up the post so many of us can read it.

hi, i'm new here someone who has lyme told me to post here. i've been sick since i was 12, i'm 21.

i have a lot of symptoms a lot more lately and am very worried. i've had depression stomach prob headaches and tired a long time but now my muscles and joints hurt hard to walk at times.

very tired vision probs., dizzy, almost passing out. numbness tingling, cold feet.

stiff swollen neck and lymph nodes and ear infection for 2 years (sharp pain in lower jaw), shortness of breath, fast hard heart beat,kidney urinating problems, bm are painful and go numb in legs.

sometimes low fever,rash on checks, nose(eight years) comes and goes. sun makes things worse. mouthwash like coldness in mouth sometimes.

muscle spasms and shaking. swelling kness and groin area and recently testicals go up during bm,and the list goes on.

i am unable to do anything.i haven't had a tick bite in years, but i have had quite a few when i was younger. does this sound like lyme or something else.

i just got a lupus test (still waiting) please help, thank you
Posted by lymednva (Member # 9098) on :
Daise has given you great advice. I echo what she said, especially about finding a LLMD and a way to pay for treatment.

Welcome to Lymenet. [hi]
Posted by k28 (Member # 15978) on :
thanks for your replies,felt real bad for last coulple of hours. thanks for the help,will definatly take your advice. most doc i went to did just mess around. a few tried but were sending me to wrong docs. now im losing insurance and had a lot of unessesary test and surgeys. i've been on cipro for 1 month bactrim and something else. nothing seems to help.thanks
Posted by k28 (Member # 15978) on :
sorry about no spaces. i put them in but they bunch up on the post.
Posted by daise (Member # 13622) on :
Hi k28,

Maybe someone will notice and offer a way to help you do spacing. I don't know! It's automatic for me.

It's hard to deal with all we in Lymeland have to deal with--and at a time when we're ill. That's the thing. We're ill!

Good night.

daise [Smile]
Posted by daise (Member # 13622) on :
Hi k28,

Please stay with us, OK? [hi]

We hear about losing your insurance a lot here. I just lost mine because of big money and politics.

However, I just signed on with another.

I have an idea. Since you're so sick--and it's hard to think, we all know--maybe you could answer the following so we can try and point the way.

1.) Are you working?

2.) Have you applied for state Medicaid?

3.) Have you applied for SSI from Social Security?

4.) Have you applied for SSDI? (Disability)

5.) Are your parents in a position to help you, financially?

6.) Are you a veteran? (Housing idea)

Where there is a will, there is a way. Stay with us, please. We all know how bad we can feel. We hear you! [group hug]

daise [Smile]
Posted by abbyjo (Member # 16073) on :
Hello K28,

I have many of the same symptoms as you. I just went through a bjillion tests and was

shocked at the results. I did test positive for lyme ( I now know I was lucky because most people with lyme still test negative)

Something else interesting is that I also tested positive for Lupus and my enzymes in my

liver are slightly elevated. I have since seen a rheumotologist and they have ruled out Lupus

because I do not have any of the main symptoms that must appear along with the blood results in

order to have it. The doctor said some people have indicators in their blood, but never get

the disease. Don't get me wrong, I have a ton of symptoms but thankfully, lupus has been

crossed off the list. I am wondering if lyme can cause this indicator in the blood? It would

make since but I'm not sure? Best of luck to you:)

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