This is topic Top 10 Reasons Why Single Lymies Should Date Each Other in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
I posted this in General but I know that very few of you hunky men visit there.

I got inspired to create this list after I had a call with a guy the other night (my first in 10 mos).

He got all freaked out when I explained what Lyme Disease was (because he had a tick embedded in his arm in 2005 but has no symptoms). It was at that moment, I realized I'd rather date a diagnosed Lymie ANY day.

You figure 90% of the population are carriers anyway, so why not be with someone who is in awareness and actively treating.


Top 10 Reasons Why Single Lymies Should Date Each Other:

1) They will never have to answer the question,
"What is Lyme(S) disease?"

2) When your partner says they have a headache....they reeeeeeeallly have a headache.

3) You can get drunk on Cumanda together.

4) You can get stoned on Cholestyramine together.

5) You can take romantic candlelight Epsom Salt baths together.

6) You can buy bulk shipments of supplements for lower prices.

7) You can cancel a date 20 minutes before and your partner will understand.

8) Your partner will know that the word "Herx" is not a sequel to the Shrek movies.

9) You'll feel happy for your partner when the stink in the bathroom is from a healthy solid BM.

10) You'll have someone to stay up with you all night with your chronic insomnia.


Feel free to add to the top ten list as I think we all need a good laugh (and yet, I DO believe there is some truth to this concept).

Maybe I should start up a
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
this is so funny!

good thread.

my buddy joe needs a girl in PA.

hes in his early 20s and needs a lymie.

IM him at jocus20 (aim)

and joe if you are reading this.... sorry! [Smile]

Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Derek, maybe if you posted a picture you'd get more replies!
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
good idea.
i dont know how to...but... here is his myspace.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :

So, which one is you? I assume you are in the Under Our Skin pictures .....

BTW I'm too old for your friend ... already taken too. [Wink] My daughter is 20, but she's not a Lymie. [Smile]

Duh .... I can get to your myspace from his!
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
Funny, I'm dating a girl with Lyme, and let me tell you -- it's pretty hard. It's easier in a lot of ways, but hard in a lot of ways too.

The stress of care-taking is hard as it is, it's even worse when you're sick too.

Let's not forget that our "good days" rarely cross. When I'm well, I have to go out alone, and vice versa.

So in humor, yeah it's funny -- but....the reality is it's tough, but at least the bond and adversity helps us grow stronger.
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Let's not forget that I'm a VERY youthful 40-year-old single.

Derek: That's great that you have a wife to support you. Does she have Lyme, too?

The problem is, I am SO not electronically inclined so I don't know how we'd get this going.

Apparently Tracy (sixgoofy can explain) has evening chats via her myspace page and you can see everyone's pictures.

I want to SEE all of you!
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
It's official: Joe and Derek are hotties!

Damn if I was just 10 years younger. Does it count that my last bfriend was 13-years younger than me?

Cougars are in now.

Does Joe have a Non-cartoon pic?
Derek: Your wife is adorable! Cute couple!!

See? We all need a little libido lift!

I'm happy to send pics to whomever to get the ball rolling for us to see one another. I feel like I "know" all of you but I'm a very visual person.

It would be cool.

[Big Grin]
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
We have nightly Lyme chat (there's a post on here with a link to it).

The pictures are at Tracy's myspace page, she has it linked in her signature, so I'll go ahead and post it.

You have to have a myspace page to look at the pics.

Clarissa, just PM Tracy and ask how to get your picture to her .... she'll post it [Smile]
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
You need to talk to Creative Guy. He is 40 and single.

We just had a Lymie get together; Summer LymeFest 2008. It was open to anyone who frequents Lyme Chat. My hubby and I, both Lymies, hosted it at our home for the July 4th weekend.

We are in CT, our guests came from Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Maryland. We had an amazing time.

We have a MySpace page just for us lymies. The URL is

On my own Myspace page, I have pictures posted of most of us on Lymechat. I need to move those over to the new Lymie myspace.

We welcome anyone on chat; I am not the sponsor of Chat, you will see it posted here usually on a daily basis. It begins each night at 8 pm Eastern Time, and usually goes until 2 or 3 a.m.

This is the link for it:

Now, this is NOT a dating chat, however we have one successful couple who have just begun dating since meeting on chat.

It is a wonderfully supportive place of us Lymies, where we share info, support each other, and make GREAT friends.

I am still blown away by the fact I had a group of people I'd never met at my house for four days, and it was probably the most wonderful experience I have had in years.

I feel these people are my closest friends. There is nothing like being with a group of people who totally "get" you, with no explanation necessary.

We watched "Under our Skin", went on walks, hung was incredible.

It was so awesome I am planning to do this every season, with the next one being Columbus Day weekend. If anyone is interested in attending, email me at [email protected]. Of course if you join in on Lymechat, you will automatically be kept apprised of the plans!

So this got pretty long, but I hope it is helpful. Clarissa, check out our LymeFest pictures, Rob is your age and single!
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
It sounds awesome!

I cannot believe I'm about to do this BUT since the rest of you have jumped in the water, you can goto my profile and see me. My free trial ends in the next few days so profile will be hidden so it's now or never:)

PLEASE keep in mind that the written profile and the "cheesecake" shots were post Lyme, pre Bart (3 years of normalcy) but some pics are as recent as December!

It will give you a good overview of my personality and looks (LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW MY PERSONALITY ALREADY...since I'm such a shy little wallflower:)

Not TOO much teasing, puuuuleeeease!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Cute pic Clarissa. [Smile] If you can figure that out, you should be able to figure out how to start a myspace so you can see us. [Smile]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

you are as BEAUTIFUL on the outside as you are on the INSIDE! only saw 1 photo...

is that a kitchen mitt in your hands or what?

interesting bio... [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
You are so beautiful! I so admire your spunk and ability to put yourself out there without fear; I am very much the same way!

I think you're really cool!
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
hey guys, glad the mood in this thread is light and happy [Smile]

nice change.

yes, my wife is very supportive and i believe has lyme altho her immune system is handling it for now so fingers crossed...

joe is still looking! he said he likes older women anyway! [Wink]

Posted by jocus20 (Member # 11576) on :
Haha thanks for the heads up derek...way to blow up my spot like this.

Sadly hes right. I do need a lymie girl. Healthy people just dont understand...especially at my age.

...And it probably just wouldnt be fair to them. Girls my age arent too phsyched on staying in on the weekends and getting drunk on cumanda...haha

Lymematch is a good idea tho...where do i sign up?

anyways, anyone can add me as a friend on myspace or im me. Doest have to just be single girls my age..Im always up to talk to new lymies.

Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Thanks for the compliments, guys! Interesting that cheap ole would only let you see 1 out of like 10 photos. (sigh)

I know NOTHING about myspace and don't even have a myspace page. My "fear" is that if I start up a myspace page is that all my old Advertising buddies will start contacting me and wanting "to hang out" and I need time to slowly get back in the world, ya know?

So, Joe, when I checked out your Myspace page, I could only see some animated pic of you because I don't have a username to view all pics. I guess I could sign up just for the purposes of the chats, right?

Bettyg: You are TOO funny. I'm actually laying on the ground next to a poodle. An agency I worked at had a dog that walked around the office. HAHA! Oven mitt! I hate cooking!

I want to make this hellish Lyme thing more "fun" for us all. That's why I posted this thread...get our minds off our aches, pains and meds if not for just a few minutes!!

[group hug]

[ 10. July 2008, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: Clarissa ]
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Clarissa, just don't tell them you have a myspace page. [Smile]

I'm signing off for now ... but my myspace is my screen name that I use here. [Smile] Yes I have six kids, and yes you can see their pics too. [Big Grin]
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
K, Six, thanks for the tip!

Have a good night.
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
Clarissa, you can email me more than one pic, and I can post one and even rotate them. My email is [email protected].

Where are you? We are chatting now....
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
I just joined My space but didn't create a page.

I'm a little confused. Where do I email you my pics?

I'm such a dumbass when it comes to this stuff!!

I'll try to fumble my way through.
Posted by tailz (Member # 10014) on :
I'm in PA. I'm 43 though.
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Okay, I just emailed you 4 pictures, now I'll try and follow your instructions.

I think I've offically fulfilled my dumb blonde quota of the day! [dizzy]
Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
LOL Derek, good one, I needed a laugh.

Joe you probably will see your myspace friends grow in number :-)

like i said on my post in general an office member at my first llmd did meet another lymie on a lyme website and they were going out as of my last appointment there.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

now i know why i couldn't tell the difference...

with my SEVERE eye problems to lights, glare, reflection, i have LIGHT turned down on my contrast to 3-5 MAX!

so since you changed photos, i went up to 75% and could see your puppy; whereas with my current setting; it did not show up; only your hand!!

yes, i'm so glad you added this one here as well! boy, with all the heavy duty, misunderstandings, etc. going on, LIVELY, comical belly laughs are the way to go!! thanks so much my friend! [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :

You ARE the cutest person, ever! [kiss]
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
FYI: I took down my thread because my 3-day trial is up and I'm not paying $$ to subscribe.

I just didn't want you guys (or future readers) to be confused when I edited my posts.

Tracy is going to post my picture on her MySpace Lymenet Album!

Thanks, again, Tracy!
Posted by Erica741 (Member # 15186) on :
Clarissa, Hilarious list! Did you make that all up yourself?

I was scrolling through the thread, and was bummed that I missed seeing your profile. I was enjoying the little soap opera you guys had on this thread!

Is there a place on here we can post our photos? Maybe we could created a dating area on here?

Or we could ask our LLMD's to hold monthly singles mixers? :-)
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
We created a myspace page just for lymies; I am in the process of getting people's pics posted there.

The address is

You do need to register to look, so far I have some of our pics there but need to finish. I'm happy to post yours if you email it to me at [email protected].
Posted by hcconn22 (Member # 5263) on :
I will answer your original question or add to your top 10 list of why Lymies should date;

In fact I am married to one!

11) Sex with brain fog means you can forget if it actually happened or not.

12) "What did you say and I don't know" can be a whole nights conversation.

13) A HOT night means "night sweats".

14) A date means; a visit to the LLMD.

15) Lymechat can be naughty chat!

16) What happens between lymies stays with lymees.

17) Sharing drugs can be fun again, especially abx.

18) Dinner consisting of two courses of different cereal is a gourmet meal.

19) You don't have to worry about splitting the bill because neither of you have any money.

20. People that herx are cute.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
This is totally awesome. I LOVED reading it!
Posted by Erica741 (Member # 15186) on :
Thanks Tracy! Great idea about the website, and it looks really good so far. I don't have a decent photo now, so will send you one as soon as I can.

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

thanks for the additional laughter you brought me/board!!! [lol] [Big Grin]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
So sorry it took me days to find this one! So funny [lol]

Tracy - do you take pictures of old ladies with young hearts?

I'm not in the market for a boyfriend but would love to be part of this and see pictures of all of you.

I'll try to figure out the myspace thing or email you some pictures.

Way to go!
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Erica: PM me your email address and I'll send you my pics...

Taliz: You're a man? This whole time I thought you were a woman!

hcconn: You totally Rock!!We should write a book together! [Big Grin]

See? This is why pictures (optional of course) would be great fun. Tracy's myspace is probably the best idea because we don't want to negate the seriousness of our diseases but there still has to be a balance so we can have HOPE.

During my Lyme years, on one of my sickest days, I went to a Justin Timberlake concert (okay, I'm obsessed with you all know my secret).

I wore a wife beater that had sparkling glittered letters that said I heart JT. I went with my mother. It was during his Justified Tour.

When he came onto the stage, I cried. I felt normal and, oh yeah, I LOVE him. [kiss] We need these pieces of hope and light to keep us going and something about a cutie-pie opposite sex person can really help...IF THEY CAN RELATE.

I was bed-ridden for a week and my ears were ringing like there was no tomorrow but it lifted my spirit and filled my soul!!

Stupid ******* Match guy never called me back. He's probably afraid he'll "catch my disease". Newsflash: If you had an embedded tick from 3 years ago and did nothing about it, then I'M the healthy one in this little story.

Can you IMAGINE the cruelty of him not calling me back when I told him my sad plight? Not even to just say, "I can't move forward or I'm not comfortable." Non-Lymies can be CRUEL CRUEL people.

So yes, yes, I made up the list by myself! I was an English/Drama major in College and worked in Advertising my whole life (except the years I was bed-ridden and in HELL).

I'm into that creative stuff. I'd like to creatively tell that match guy where togo but it's not worth explaining to him that I'm TEN thousand times the human being HE is.

No more REGULAR for me. [rant]
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
And another thing...oh my goodness, you cannot shut me up today!!

A quick response I gave in the General section to why I think it's a good idea:

After pondering this topic at length I see more pros than cons.

Personally, as I mentioned before, I think 90% of the population are carriers anyway and have no clue what Lyme(S)/Lime is and I'd rather be with someone who can talk the talk and is TRYING to walk the walk.

Quick story: Took my bunny to the vet yesterday and I started chatting with the vet techs.

Cut to: I had their mouths agape with info about Bart, Lyme and Co. I was there to get flea control for my INDOOR rabbit because I'm trying to bond her with an adoptable rabbit from a shelter (very clean, all buns treated with revolution but still I wanted her extra-protected).

NO FLEAS IN THIS HOUSE, PEOPLE!! My Bart is in remission and if I have anything to say about it, it's STAYING in remission.

Anyway, I ended up giving them websites, forwarding them clips/articles, etc. In my opinion, they both have BART and one has Lyme, Babs and Bart.

They were SOOOO appreciative.

So my point: Vet techs don't even know about TBD's at great length (except for Merrygirl) and they're in the most "dangerous" field for what our hell has become.

I'd rather have someone in awareness, even if he can't goto the gym with me, has to bail every Friday night because he has a headache, would rather drink Mangosteen than Merlot, not have sex when I'm pms'd anyway (BONUS) and finally just empathize with each other because we're walking in the same shoes (or at least bought them from the same store).

Just my 2 cents.

Breathe, Clarissa. Can you guys tell I lowered my Luvox from 150mg to 100mg? [Razz]
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
LOL Clarisssa, another blonde moment for you! Tailz is a woman, she was responding to the young men posting. [Wink] [lol]

Workaholics are another good fit for Lymies .... they can keep busy on their own when you are sick and they can afford all your medical bills. They also are able to manage juggling work, grocery shopping, caring for the kids, and taking care of you. [Big Grin]

(I didn't let Mr. Six take his computer or cell phone on our last vacation, LOL).
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
OMG! Sorry Tailz. I ALWAYS thought you were a woman.

Workaholics: Excellent and funny, Six!

Just so you know, I get one dumb blonde moment EACH day.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Okay I just played around with the myspace thing. I really suck at that kind of thing. Anyway....there I am! Not much info, no blog but there are some pictures.
Posted by Erica741 (Member # 15186) on :

You must be very popular! I tried to PM you, and your mailbox is full.

Thanks for offering to send your photos! I'm fairly new on the board and to lyme - diagnosed in May after suffering from "CFS" for 2 years - and am looking forward to getting to know you guys.

I did on and off for years when I was healthy and met nothing but duds. Don't waste your time, money and energy there...

Also, you replied to some of my posts awhile back about diet and maybe some other stuff. I was so sick at the time that I could barely read the responses I got or even reply. So I want to make sure to thank you now!

My email address has my full name, otherwise I'd just post it here.

I'll trying to PM again later today.

Posted by WildCondor (Member # 434) on :
I agree! This should be the official single with Lyme meeting and dating thread! Go for it you guys!
Posted by princesslee (Member # 12141) on :
Clarissa and hcconn thank you both for your top ten reason lists...they're awesome. I have to say my fav is:

2) "What did you say and I don't know" can be a whole nights conversation.

My hubby and I ask each other the same questions multiple times because we can't remember if we asked or if the other answered! does get ridiculous at times. [Big Grin]

I totally agree that lymies need lymies. Those who don't suffer with it, just don't get it and it is way too exhausting to try and explain it all!

My daughter needs lymie "friends" (for now...she's only 14 - too young to be dating! [spinning smile] ). It would be cool for her to find people close so they could hang out.

Take care and thanks again for the laughs!! [group hug]
Posted by hcconn22 (Member # 5263) on :

21- Getting naked means; pants down getting Bicillin shot.

22- Happy hour; Feeling good for an hour a day.

23- Getting dressed up; means putting new PJ's on.

24- Happy ending; Means satisfied with new treatment.

25- Love you; includes I understand you have Lyme.
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
I am LAUGHING OUT LOUD. You guys are amazing...I actually SNORTED over a couple (that's what I do when I laugh REALLY HARD....probably why I don't have a boyfriend) [Razz]


you don't have to answer that uncomfortable question: What do you do?



22- Happy hour; Feeling good for an hour a day.

23- Getting dressed up; means putting new PJ's on.

Dying laughing. My Mom just bought me a new pair of summer pj's and I'm like, "uh, Mom, is this how we celebrate REMISSION?"

The "what do you do????" came at me from a nosy neighbor when I was walking my dogs the other night. My Mother started coo-ing over someone's baby and I got stuck talking to the dumbass husband.

He asked me if I liked scuba diving, and I don't so I said, "too scary"...then he asked if I liked to fish...and even on my healthiest day ever, I don't, so I said, "not really."

So he said, annoyed, "You live in South FL, what DO you DO????"

So I told him:

"I have something called Chronic Lyme Disease. I am on disability. I have been bed-ridden for the last year and that was for another disease called Bartonella. 6-years ago I was bed-ridden for 2 years for the Lyme with a picc-line in my arm."

Anymore questions??? That shut him up!!!
Posted by hcconn22 (Member # 5263) on :
26- Lymees must taste good; ticks like to suck you.

27- Bacteria babies.

28- Double Herx; together better than a double O?

29- She says "Yea i'm Positive!"; and she's not talking about a baby and you get it.

30- It's Friday at 8pm; Neither care, but one is surprised that you know the date and time.

31- Having a 'Cook Out" means; taking a sauna.

32- You say "Honey I feel stiff"; and she knows that means soreness ;(
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
OMG! Hcconn, you've missed your calling! You're a natural born comedian.

I have to stop reading for now because snot is coming out of my nose from my hyena laughter.

This is BEYOND funny!!
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
I am happy to post anyone's pictures on the Lymie myspace page, I hope for it to be a place where we can all meet up.

You can see picture of several other lymies from here on there, as well as pics from our first get together, LymeFest Summer 2008.

Just email me your pics, [email protected]. I am still posting all of the ones that were on my regular myspace.
Posted by Nora DeBoard (Member # 15600) on :
This is GREAT!!! I need to repost my photo on my yahoo account. Will do that tomrrow when I get home.

I have been dating someone for 6rys!!! Although after being in my apartment and knowing that something was wrong. I felt like I was NOT getting the support I needed.

After telling me for 3yrs how much he wanted to be with me. He then had commitment issues. I think he couldn't face my health issues. Even though he said it's not an issue. I think he's only kidding himself, and leading me on.

Then after 5yrs he went to a counselor and then decided he is finally ready to marry me. He said he's over his issues. I am not sure I'm ready now. I feel he has no compasion towards me or my health issues.

I was going through a VERY difficult time with my apartment. I only moved into it because I was awaiting a total disc replacent.

At any rate I had asked him to keep his cell phone charging on his night stand because he had no house phone. Didn't see the need for one.

While I had the mold inspector over. I had an Asthma attack. Then got violently ill. I called him at 3am needing a ride to the hospital. Of course he did not answer his cell. It was in the kitchen. Not in the bedroom like I'd asked him 2wks prior.

I had to call 911 for an ambulance. Then after my Demeral and Phenergran shot....and my throwing up. I had to call a taxi back to my apartment. I was NOT happy! [rant] Didn't even say "sorry". Not till 3 days later. He just said " You know I keep my phone in the kitchen".

Not to mention the fact he didn't even ask me to move in with him after I was asualted at my apartment one night! What kind of person does that if they say they love you and want to spend the rest of their life with you? I am begining to say "put a fork in it, I'm DONE"!

Six years is my LIMIT!!! [shake] Good POST!!!!
Posted by cjnelson (Member # 12928) on :

Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Cute pic, CJ!

I'll have to say, ticks DO have good taste in attractive humans. [Smile]

Definitely send a pic to Tracy so all our pics will be in one place and then others can link to your page.

It's so nice seeing pictures of all of you awesome, strong and beautiful people!
[group hug]
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Miracles do happen:

I met a guy in the gym yesterday (married) so this is not a love story.

I wanted to sweat my butt off so I was wrapping a big towel around my neck and thenn stuffing it into the color of a heavy unattractive sweatshirt (Muhammed Ali style) and the guy says,

"need to do some sweating????

I said, "actually, I'm running for the Miss Universe contest. Don't I look hot?"

He said, "I like women without necks" LOL

I said, "yes, actually, I need to sweat out some anger and tension."

He said, "bad weekend?"

I said, "bad year"

He said, "why?"

So I told him. Turns out his EX girlfriend from FL moved up to NJ and got a baaaad case of Lyme. He knew about Daryl Hall wanting to kill all of the deer, etc.

His awareness made my day and I gave him total props for knowing as much as he did.

Good news, eh?

And boy did I sweat! It felt amaaaaaazing!
Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
LOL clarissa! That is a great encounter! That is funny he new about daryl and the deer.

On a side note Clarissa, I had a 'date' with daryl hall the other nite ;-)

Keep on sweating!

PS did you get your myspace up and running?
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
First of all, please tell me you didn't REALLY have a date with him...just a fantasy because I will D-I-E of envy.

Please elaborate...PM if you must.

I'm not making a whole myspace page. I have a blank one so I can see everyone's pics on Tracy's site but I'm already on the computer enough.

Plus, do you know how many wretched ex's could track me down that way? No thank you, ma'am!
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
Over 50 of us now have our pictures, first names, and states posted on the myspace page. Keep em coming! Email them to [email protected] or just add us as a friend.
Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
clarissa, you are hilarious. seriously, though, such a good idea. i wish. i'm a lesbian so i have a MUCH smaller pool of people to choose from than the rest of you. it sucks, and jocus, i hear you, i wish i could find a lymie girl too! [Smile]

my most recent dating attempts have not turned out so well at all.

Posted by hcconn22 (Member # 5263) on :

1- Your eyes are so red they remind me of Saturn.

2- You look like your lost- can I help you?

3- Hey is that your pillcase in your pocket or are you packin?

4- Wanna come over and see my messy house?

5- Your wabbeling- can I give you a hand?

6- Is that handicapped sticker you have because you deserve to park infront?

7- Wow, you take a lot of pills, you must be a really healthy.

8- Your party life must be like Paris Hilton-- up all night, sleep during the day.

9- Wanna come over and take a nap.
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Hewialove: I WISH I was a lesbian because I like women so much more than men. However, I'm not sexually attracted to women!

I think I'd already be in a serious relationship if I was a lesbian because women love me. I'm not petty, I'm honest and I always wear the pants in the relationship. LOL

Alas, I'm totally heterosexual and have to deal with men who aren't NEARLY as funny as hcconn. I need great wit attached to a pretty boy's face and body.

I'm a cougar at heart yet I need someone to "tame" me because I can be controlling and mean sometimes.

I have a good heart (which I hope you all know) but Lyme/Bart has made me a strong mother...almost too strong. Sometimes I feel like the Jolly Green Giant because I'm so loud, forward and honest.

I have to find a man that accepts my personality for what it is; an oxymoron...and he has to be able to sing like Daryl Hall, dance like Justin Timberlake, have cheekbones like Johnny Depp, an attitude like Ryan Gosling and be sweet like Joaquin Phoenix.

That's really all I'm asking for, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Posted by hcconn22 (Member # 5263) on :
I don't know if you though I was a woman, but I am a MAN. Yes with a outie.

Actually there was a time that I was so clean, so healthy and fit, dressed really nice, custom suits and shirts only the best etc. That many people thought I was gay or should have been.

Now I am a Lyme slouch.
Posted by hcconn22 (Member # 5263) on :

10- Can I hold your hand, I think i'm gonna faint.

11- Lets just sleep together, then we can decide tomorrow if we like each other.

12- I like my Corona with Lime, just like my Ladies.

13- If we were stuck on a desert island, I would share my last abx with you.

14- My doctor said that this Viagara would straighten out my Lyme arthritis.

15- That's not my vibrator, it's my pocket rife machine.
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
So hcconn, besides being the next Steve Correll (from "The Office") you were what we call a "metrosexual?"

Do you iron your pajamas?
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Just because:


(And by the way, he's singing to ME!) [Big Grin]
Posted by Nora DeBoard (Member # 15600) on :
I guess I need to have a myspace acct. It seems like that is what everyone seems to have.
Including my boyfriend of 5yrs. Although he claims he had to set up an account in order to look at some photos a friend sent.

Well, why didn't he mark in a relationship under "relation" section then? Considering we were already committed for close to 4yrs. Hmmmm..... Something I'm not buying. As well as his Classmates acct. that had him listed in the relationship section as "I'm not telling". What the heck is that about"?

We were already dating for 3yrs! At any rate I have a profile at yahoo. Although obviously do not hike or play sports any more.

My user name at yahoo is zephyr_queen69. I used to do a lot of live chat stuff but haven't for a LONG time. My sis and I would get in the same room and chat. Now I am just so illerate about that stuff. [bonk] I just assume if you have yahoo you can type in anyone's user name and look them up. Right?

You can also check out my photography at :

Although please don't judge my photos to harshly as, I had my older outdated Sony Mavica with most of those photos. I recently purchased a Cannon Rebel Xti. I had to SAVE for that but it was worth it.

Eventually when I get better I can get out and do more. I love science and medical stuff but Photography has always been my true PASSION [spinning smile]
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
Your pictures are GORGEOUS!!!!
Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
Nora- Your pics are really good :-) I love the cat ones the best, but they are all excellent!!!
Posted by hcconn22 (Member # 5263) on :

Let's have a party-- well all sip ice water and take supplements, and share germs.

I really want a girl who knows how to wrangle a spirochete if you know what I mean.

Did I tell you about what the one spirochete said to the other at the show..... lets cyst together.

She said let's have a wild evening, He said of great; a threesome-- with our friends lyme, bart and babs.

If someone was alone in the forest and herxed, did anyone really herx.

Old fortune cookie says he who get sucked by tick.. gets fcked instead.
Posted by hcconn22 (Member # 5263) on :
Originally posted by hcconn22:

Let's have a party-- well all sip ice water and take supplements, and share germs.

I really want a girl who knows how to wrangle a spirochete if you know what I mean.

Did I tell you about what the one spirochete said to the other at the show..... lets cyst together.

She said let's have a wild evening, He said of great; a threesome-- with our friends lyme, bart and babs.

If someone was alone in the forest and herxed, ....did anyone really herx.

Old fortune cookie says he who get sucked by tick.. gets fcked instead.

Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Alright, guys, we have to get hcconn an Agent and get him on stage or a behind the scenes writer for Saturday Night Live.

He's a funny mother with Bart Simpsonella!
Posted by Nora DeBoard (Member # 15600) on :
Thanks for the comments on my photos Tracy and cantgiveup. My cats are my best buds. They don't EVER complain about ANYTHING! Also they show me more compasion than my so called boyfriend for 6yrs!

I am actually thinking of relocting to stay with my best friend of 23yrs out in Ca. He has ALWAYS been there for me and shows more COMPASION for me than my OWN boyfriend!!! Plus their are more LLMD'S there than in Tx.

Everyone in here is so helpful. It's just great knowing that you have support and that you are NOT alone in your fight against Lyme. [group hug]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
up to share with WEEKEND visitors for them to get their chuckles here too~ [lol]
Posted by Vermont_Lymie (Member # 9780) on :
From the top 10 reasons single lymies should date each other:

10. It's no problem if you forget an anniversary or birthday -- your partner does not remember either!

9. Your partner understands why you smell like garlic frequently.

8. No awkward questions when you take 10-20 pills after breakfast.

to be continued...
Posted by Clarissa (Member # 4715) on :
Bravo, Vermontie! I was wondering when you would chime in. [Big Grin]

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